
Daily Updates

Stay informed and stay compliant with the latest regulatory changes and updates

Ministry of Finance notifies extension the time limit for recovery of tax not paid or short paid or of input tax credit wrongly availed or utilized

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 168A of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, read with section 20 of the Integrated Goods and ServicesTax Act, 2017, and section 21 of the Union territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby notifies extension the time limit for recovery of tax not paid or short paid or of input tax credit wrongly availed or utilized. [F. No. CBIC-20013/7/2021-GST]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1142.pdf

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy notifies Implementation of Quality Control Order(QCO), 2017 for SPV inverters of capacity greater than 100 kW: Extension thereof

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy notifies Implementation of Quality Control Order(QCO), 2017 for SPV inverters of capacity greater than 100 kW: Extension thereof. [F. No. 223/140/2017-R&D (Quality Control)]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1149.pdf

CPCB issues notice regarding Clarification with regard to registration on the E Waste EPR Portal under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 as amended thereof

The Central Pollution Control Board issues notice regarding Clarification with regard to registration on the E Waste EPR Portal under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 as amended thereof.
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Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS8zOThfMTcwMzgyNDIzNV9tZWRpYXBob3RvOTI0LnBkZg==

NCCL issues circular for Mechanism to adjust the margins blocked in the form of cash towards client funds pay-in obligations

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues circular for Mechanism to adjust the margins blocked in the form of cash towards client funds pay-in obligations. The effective date of the Circular shall be January 01, 2024. Members are requested to take note of the same. [NCCL/CLEARING- 069/2023]
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Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Mechanism%20to%20adjust%20the%20margins%20blocked%20in%20the%20form%20of%20cash%20towards%20client%20fund%20payin%20obligations_28122023_1703823569.pdf

NCCL issues circular for Uniform penalty structure for Clearing Members

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues circular for Uniform penalty structure for Clearing Members. Members are advised to take note of the same and put in place systems and procedures so as to ensure adherence to the compliance requirements. [NCCL/Compliance- 013/2023]
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Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Uniform%20penalty%20structure%20for%20Clearing%20Members__1703771025.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Operational Guidelines on Addition of Beneficiary Demat account(s) for executing Off Market Transfer

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Operational Guidelines on Addition of Beneficiary Demat account(s) for executing OffMarket Transfer. Participants are requested to take note of the above and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0185 ]
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Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0185-Policy-Operational_Guidelines_on_Addition_of_Beneficiary_Demat_account(s)_for_executing_Off-Market_Transfer.pdf

BSE issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. [20231229-2]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-2

BSE issue notice for International Holidays � 2024 for custodian confirmation of Institutional trades

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for International Holidays � 2024 for custodian confirmation of Institutional trades. [20231228-66]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231228-66

BSE issue notice for Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024. [20231228-65]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231228-65

BSE issue notice for Modifications to provisions of Chapter XXI of NCS Master Circular dealing with registration and regulatory framework for Online Bond Platform Providers (OBPPs)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Modifications to provisions of Chapter XXI of NCS Master Circular dealing with registration and regulatory framework for Online Bond Platform Providers (OBPPs). Trading Members of the exchange and market participants are hereby requested to take note of the same. [20231228-62]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231228-62

BSE issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market � UPI Mechanism � API PROD � 28.12.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market � UPI Mechanism � API PROD � 28.12.2023. Members are requested to take note of the contents of this Circular & all related circulars issued previously and comply with the same. [20231228-31]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231228-31

BSE issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market � UPI Mechanism � Brokerage � 28.12.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market � UPI Mechanism � Brokerage � 28.12.2023. Members are requested to take note of the contents of this Circular & all related circulars issued previously and comply with the same. [20231228-28]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231228-28

NSE issues Circular for CBRICS � Settlement Calendar for January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CBRICS � Settlement Calendar for January 2024. [0044/2023]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60003.pdf

NSE issues Circular for International Holidays for confirmation of institutional trades

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for International Holidays for confirmation of institutional trades. Please note that these holidays shall be applicable for the custodian confirmation day i.e. T+1 day. [0462/2022]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60005.pdf

NSE issues Circular for New Investor Service Centres at Hisar and Nagpur

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for New Investor Service Centres at Hisar and Nagpur. Investors may please make use of the services of ISC of the Exchange. [54/2023]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC59998.pdf

SEBI issues Master Circular for Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market. This Circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. This circular is issued with the approval of the competent authority. [SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-3/P/CIR/2023/195]
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Master Circular

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/master-circulars/dec-2023/master-circular-for-online-resolution-of-disputes-in-the-indian-securities-market_80236.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Settlement of Running Account of Client�s Funds lying with Trading Member �

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Settlement of Running Account of Client�s Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securitiesand Exchange Board of IndiaAct, 1992,to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities markets. [SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD1/P/CIR/2023/197]
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Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/settlement-of-running-account-of-client-s-funds-lying-with-trading-member-tm-_80239.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Modifications to provisions of Chapter XXI of NCS Master Circular dealing with registration and regulatory framework for Online Bond Platform Providers (OBPPs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Modifications to provisions of Chapter XXI of NCS Master Circular dealing with registration and regulatory framework for Online Bond Platform Providers (OBPPs). The Circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 55 (1) of the SEBI (Issue and Listing of Non-convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021, Regulation 29 of SEBI (Issue and Listing of Municipal Debt Securities) Regulations, 2015 and Regulation 48 of SEBI (Issue and Listing of Securitised Debt Instruments and Security Receipts) Regulations, 2008 to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/POD1/P/CIR/2023/194]
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Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/modifications-to-provisions-of-chapter-xxi-of-ncs-master-circular-dealing-with-registration-and-regulatory-framework-for-online-bond-platform-providers-obpps-_80235.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Framework on Social Stock Exchange

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Framework on Social Stock Exchange. This Circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market and shall come into effect immediately. [SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/196]
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Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/framework-on-social-stock-exchange_80233.html

NESL issues Circular for Additions of Articles for Maharashtra State for Digital e-Stamping

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues circular for Additions of Articles for Maharashtra State for Digital e-Stamping. This is applicable only to Banks and NBFCs which are registered with NeSL 10D platform. [NeSL/DDE/2023/0111]
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Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Communique-no-111-Additions-of-Articles-for-Maharashtra-State-for-Digital-e-Stamping.pdf

RBI updates Master Direction - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector. [RBI/FIDD/2017-2018/56]
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Master Direction

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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/56MD24072017E50D0ED63F9B4414AA756FF0FC72FB66.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021. These directions come into immediate effect replacing the existing instructions on the matter of sale / transfer of loan exposures. All lending institutions are advised to take necessary steps to ensure compliance with these directions. [RBI/DOR/2021-22/86]
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Master Direction

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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/86MDLOANEXPOSURESC6B1DFB428C349D885619396317F04DE.PDF

RBI notifies Classification of MSMEs

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Classification of MSMEs. As classification / re-classification of MSMEs is the statutory responsibility of Ministry of MSME, GoI as per the provisions of the MSMED Act, 2006, regulated entities shall be guided by the notifications issued by the Ministry of MSME in this regard, from time to time. [RBI/2023-24/100]
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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT100MSME6745E107E8E04A6199F63F010BE9DBE1.PDF

RBI notifies MHP Exemption for Transfer of Receivables

The Reserve Bank of India notifies MHP Exemption for Transfer of Receivables. A suitable proviso has been added to clause 39 of MD-TLE, through amendment dated December 28, 2023. All other provisions of the MD-TLE shall continue to be applicable, as hitherto. [RBI/2023-24/99]
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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/CIRCULARMHP340F8B2C9C9D4B8AAAEA1491DD601EB3.PDF

RBI notifies Reserve Bank of India (Financial Benchmark Administrators) Directions, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Reserve Bank of India (Financial Benchmark Administrators) Directions, 2023. These Directions have been issued in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45W of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 read with section 45U of the Act and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf. [RBI/2023-24/98]
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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI98FBA281220235418D645715946F7A2C8905B39411F40.PDF

Union Territory Of Andaman and Nicobar Island notifies The Andaman And Nicobar Minimum Wage Notification (Jan 2024)

The Union Territory Of Andaman and Nicobar Island notifies the minimum rate of wages in the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Island with effect from 1st January 2024.
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Andaman and Nicobar Island

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1148.pdf

ESIC notifies Uttar Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Etah, Lakhimpur Khiri and Balrampur districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh

The Employees State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees� State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/12/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Uttar Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Etah, Lakhimpur Khiri and Balrampur districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./650/2023-24]
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Uttar Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1147.pdf

ESIC notifies Tamil Nadu Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Pudukottai district

The Employees State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46(2) of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees� State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/12/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Tamil Nadu Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Pudukottai district, in addition to the already notified areas in the State of Tamil Nadu. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./647/2023-24]
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Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1146.pdf

ESIC notifies Odisha Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Kandhamal district in the State of Odisha

The Employees State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees� State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/12/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Odisha Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Kandhamal district in the State of Odisha. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./648/2023-24]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1145.pdf

ESIC notifies Uttar Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Mainpuri district

The Employees State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees� State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/12/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Uttar Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Mainpuri district, in addition to the already notified areas of the district and in all the area of Basti district of Uttar Pradesh. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./649/2023-24]
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Uttar Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1144.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies Central Goods and Services Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies Central Goods and Services Tax (Second Amendment) Act, 2023.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1143.pdf

CBDT issues circular regarding ?Guidelines under sub-section (4) of section 194-O of the Income-tax Act 1961

The Central Board of Direct Taxes issues circular regarding ?Guidelines under sub-section (4) of section 194-O of the Income-tax Act 1961.
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Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/news/ciruclar-20-2023.pdf

Government of Rajasthan notifies Holiday on Account of Bye-Election of various Panchayat Raj and Municipal areas/districts in Rajasthan

The Government of Rajasthan notifies holidays on occasion of bye-election on 10th January 2024 in Panchayat Raj and Municipal areas of various districts.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1137.pdf

BIS notifies d.c. Moving Coil Galvanometers ? Specification and Vibration Galvanometers ? Specification

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./645/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1141.pdf

DGFT notifies Clarification on the applicability of ad-hoc norms

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade notifies Clarification on the applicability of ad-hoc norms. However, this clarification will not be applicable in case of items listed under Appendix 4P for5 other applicants.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1140.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Trading Binary Interface - MCX Enhanced Trading Interface (ETI) API v1.3.1

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Trading Binary Interface - MCX Enhanced Trading Interface (ETI) API v1.3.1. Trading Members and Empanelled vendors are requested to take note of the same. [MCX/CTCL/ 934/2023]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/mcxctcl9342023---new-trading-interface-api---mcx-enhanced-trading-interface-v1-3-1.pdf?sfvrsn=870f9891_0

NSDL issues Circular for Amendments to Bye Laws and Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Amendments to Bye Laws and Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0183]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0183-Policy-_Amendments_to_Bye_Laws_and_Business_Rules_of_NSDL_w.r.pdf

BSE issue notice for Revised format for Unique Client Code (UCC)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised format for Unique Client Code (UCC). Trading Members may please note that old format would be discontinued w.e.f. January 22, 2024 and if appropriate changes are not carried out within this deadline, onboarding process at the Trading Member end can get impacted and could have potential business impact. [20231227-66]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231227-66

BSE issue notice for Markets schedule (Live) after switchover from DR to PR on 28TH December 2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Markets schedule (Live) after switchover from DR to PR on 28TH December 2023. [20231228-1]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231228-1

BSE issue notice for Change in the Contract Expiry date of Currency Derivative Contracts

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Change in the Contract Expiry date of Currency Derivative Contracts. The said changes will be part of end of day contract master files on December 27, 2023. [20231227-64]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231227-64

BSE issue notice for Settlement Programme for SLB Reverse Leg Segment for the period January 2024 to March 2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Settlement Programme for SLB Reverse Leg Segment for the period January 2024 to March 2024. [20231227-3]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231227-3

NSE issues Circular for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market ? Revised file format UCC

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market ? Revised file format UCC. Members are hereby urged to carry out necessary UCC structural changes at their end at the earliest, but not later than January 19, 2024. Exchange would also be conducting familiarisation session for this new facility for Trading Members in January. [53/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1139.pdf

NSE issues Circular for MFSS - Settlement Calendar for JAN 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for MFSS - Settlement Calendar for JAN 2024. [0460/2023]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1138.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Jan 2024 - Debt Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Jan 2024 - Debt Segment. [0459]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS59944.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Extension of timelines for providing ?choice of nomination? in eligible demat accounts and mutual fund folios

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Extension of timelines for providing ?choice of nomination? in eligible demat accounts and mutual fund folios. Based on representations received from the market participants, for ease of compliance and investor convenience, it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of ?choice of nomination? for demat accounts and mutual fund folios to June 30, 2024. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred by Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, read with Section 19 of the Depositories Act, 1996 and Regulation 77 of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996,to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2023/193]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/extension-of-timelines-for-providing-choice-of-nomination-in-eligible-demat-accounts-and-mutual-fund-folios_80221.html

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Reversal of Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) and Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) during weekends/ holidays

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Reversal of Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) and Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) during weekends/ holidays. The information regarding SDF and MSF day-wise operations would continue to be published in the Money Market Operations (MMO) press release. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1548 ]
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Press Release

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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1548SDFMSF23C9E3EBA695414280D4B8033A16B119.PDF

RBI notifies Reserve Bank of India (Government Securities Lending) Directions, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Reserve Bank of India (Government Securities Lending) Directions, 2023. These Directions have been issued in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45W of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 read with section 45U of the Act and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf. These Directions shall come into immediate effect. [RBI/2023-24/97]
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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/GSLDIRECTIONS0AF9CACC130344C0A261EAD47F277AF0.PDF

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of services engaged in the Coal industry

The Ministry of Labour and Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, hereby declares the services engaged in the Coal industry to be public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the 28th December, 2023. [F. No. S-11017/ 3 /2018-IR (PL)]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1136.pdf

MCA notifies Stakeholders please note that post registration on the V3 portal, the user shall receive their V2 user ids on their registered email within 5 hours

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs notifies Stakeholders please note that post registration on the V3 portal, the user shall receive their V2 user ids on their registered email within 5 hours.
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Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/content/mca/global/en/home.html

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Gaseous Hydrogen � Fuelling Stations Part 3 Valves

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./637/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1135.pdf

Ministry of Electronics & IT issues press release regarding to all intermediaries to comply with existing IT rules

The Ministry of Electronics & IT issues press release regarding to all intermediaries to comply with existing IT rules. The users must be made aware of the various penal provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) 1860, the IT Act, 2000 and such other laws that may be attracted in case of violation of Rule 3(1)(b). In addition, the terms of service and user agreements must clearly highlight that intermediaries/platforms are under obligation to report legal violations to the law enforcement agencies under the relevant Indian laws applicable to the context,� the advisory further added.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1990542

Ministry of Coal notifies Implementation of Guidelines on "Safety and Health Management System Audit" in Coal and Lignite Mines

The Ministry of Coal notifies Implementation of Guidelines on "Safety and Health Management System Audit" in Coal and Lignite Mines. All coal companies/mine owners are hereby directed to strictly adhere to the guidelines.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://coal.nic.in/sites/default/files/2023-12/22-12-2023b-wn.pdf

IFSCA issues circular for Time Limit for Disposal of Applications

The International Financial Services Centres Authority issues circular for Time Limit for Disposal of Applications.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ifsca.gov.in/Viewer?Path=Document%2FLegal%2Foffice-circular-2811202326122023035641.pdf&Title=Time%20Limit%20for%20Disposal%20of%20Applications&Date=26%2F12%2F2023

Government of Jharkhand notifies regarding the partial amendment to the Jharkhand Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy-2021

The Government of Jharkhand notifies regarding the partial amendment to the Jharkhand Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy-2021. [757]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1134.pdf

DGFT notifies Extension of Date for Mandatory electronic filing of Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) through the Common Digital Platform to 31st December 2024

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade notifies Extension of Date for Mandatory electronic filing of Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) through the Common Digital Platform to 31st December 2024.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1133.pdf

MoP notifies the Energy Conservation (Energy Consumption Norms and Standards for Designated Consumers, Form, Time within which, and Manner of Preparation and Implementation of Scheme, Procedure for Issue of Energy Savings Certificate and Value of Per Metric Ton of Oil Equivalent of Energy Consumed) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (laa) of sub-section (2) of section 56, read with clauses (g) and (o) of section 14, sub-section (1) of section 14A and section 14B of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Energy Conservation (Energy Consumption Norms and Standards for Designated Consumers, Form, Time within which, and Manner of Preparation and Implementation of Scheme, Procedure for Issue of Energy Savings Certificate and Value of Per Metric Ton of Oil Equivalent of Energy Consumed) Rules 2012, namely the Energy Conservation (Energy Consumption Norms and Standards for Designated Consumers, Form, Time within which, and Manner of Preparation and Implementation of Scheme, Procedure for Issue of Energy Savings Certificate and Value of Per Metric Ton of Oil Equivalent of Energy Consumed) Amendment Rules, 2023. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 11-10/3/2020-EC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1132.pdf

CERC notifies the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under clause (s) of subsection (2) of section 178 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Section 61 thereof and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and after previous publication, hereby makes the following regulations, to amend the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 (hereinafter referred to as �the Principal Regulations�), namely the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023. These regulations shall come into force from the date of publication of these Regulations in the official Gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./641/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1131.pdf

NCDEX issues circular for Settlement holidays for the Calendar year 2024

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Settlement holidays for the Calendar year 2024. [ NCCL/CLEARING-067/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Settlement%20holidays%20for%20the%20Calendar%20year%202024__1703593076.pdf

NCDEX issues circular for Addendum to Framework to address the �technical glitches� in Member�s Electronic Trading Systems

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Addendum to Framework to address the �technical glitches� in Member�s Electronic Trading Systems. The provisions of the circular will come into immediate effect. [NCDEX/Member Tech Compliance/008-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Addendum%20to%20Framework%20to%20address%20the%20%E2%80%98technical%20glitches%E2%80%99%20in%20Member%E2%80%99s%20Electronic%20Trading%20Systems_1703588220.pdf

CDSL notifies Submission of Net Worth Certificate & Audited Financial Statements

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Submission of Net Worth Certificate & Audited Financial Statements. DPs having net worth below ?5 crore as on 31st March 2023 are required to increase their net worth and submit the net worth certificate indicating net worth above ?5 crore along with the audited financial statements (AFS) as on any date after 31st March 2023, to CDSL on or before 23rd February 2024. [CDSL/A,I&C/DP/POLCY/2023/749]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1130.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Facility for submission of VAPT compliance Report in electronic form through e-PASS

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Facility for submission of VAPT compliance Report in electronic form through e-PASS. Participants shall submit the initial VAPT report to NSDL latest by December 31, 2023. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0181]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0181-policy-_Facility_for_submission_of_VAPT_compliance_Report_in_electronic_form_through_e-PASS.pdf

BSE issue notice for Settlement Programme for SLB Reverse Leg Segment for the period January 2024 to March 2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Settlement Programme for SLB Reverse Leg Segment for the period January 2024 to March 2024. [20231227-3]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231227-3

BSE issue notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024 for Currency Derivatives Segments

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024 for Currency Derivatives Segments. [20231226-43]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231226-43

NSE issues Circular for Revised ratios for Conversion of USDINR 1 million equivalent

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revised ratios for Conversion of USDINR 1 million equivalent.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/SURV59921.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Madhya Pradesh State List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Madhya Pradesh State List Of Holidays, 2024.
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1128.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Cash Release towards Funds Pay-in Obligations

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Cash Release towards Funds Pay-in Obligations. The effective date of the Circular shall be January 01, 2024. [185/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1129.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Jan 2024 - Debt Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Jan 2024 - Debt Segment. [0459]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS59944.pdf

NSE issues Circular for CDS - Monthly Settlement Schedule For January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CDS - MONTHLY SETTLEMENT SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2024. [081/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CD59948.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Commodity Derivatives - Settlement Schedule For January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for COMMODITY DERIVATIVES - SETTLEMENT SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2024. [452/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COM59947.pdf

NSE issues Circular for F&O Monthly Settlement Schedule for January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for F&O MONTHLY SETTLEMENT SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2024. [0183/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT59945.pdf

NSE issues Circular for New Investor Service Centre at Varanasi

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for New Investor Service Centre at Varanasi. [52/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC59931.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Uniform penalty structure for Clearing Members

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Uniform penalty structure for Clearing Members. The regulatory measures to be taken are prescribed in the enclosed Annexure 1 and shall be applicable in respect of inspections commenced from January 1, 2024 onwards. Members are advised to take note of the same and put in place systems and procedures so as to ensure adherence to the compliance requirements. [51/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPL59930.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Jan 2024- Capital Market Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Jan 2024- Capital Market Segment.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT59920.pdf

NSE issues Circular for SLBS - Settlement Calendar for January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for SLBS - Settlement Calendar for January 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT59919.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Trading holidays for the calendar year 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading holidays for the calendar year 2024. [54/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CD59917.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Addendum to Framework to address the �technical glitches� in Member�s Electronic Trading Systems

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Addendum to Framework to address the �technical glitches� in Member�s Electronic Trading Systems. Trading Members are required to submit Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Report of the technical glitch to the Exchange, within 14 days from the date of the incident. Furthermore, in the case of technical glitch incidents lasting more than 45 minutes, an independent auditor�s report on the RCA shall be submitted within 45 days of the incident. The provisions of the circular will come into immediate effect. [112/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP59914.pdf

EPFO notifies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on freezing/de-freezing the MID/UAN/Establishment

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on freezing/de-freezing the MID/UAN/Establishment.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/SOP_freezing-defreezing_UAN_26122023.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 26, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series XIII)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 26, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series XIII). The next due date of premature redemption of the above tranche shall be December 26, 2023.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1535A926DBFFA6A8430D8A3853EAD1CE9C66.PDF

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1126.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1125.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1124.pdf

Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies Delhi Public Distribution System (Transparency and Accountability) Rules, 2023

The Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (h) and (i) of sub-section (2) of Section 40 read with Section 24, 27 and 28 of the National Food Security Act, 2013 hereby makes the following Rules on conducting social audit on the functioning of fair price shops, namely the Delhi Public Distribution System (Transparency and Accountability) Rules, 2023. [F. 3(85)/F&S/Social Audit/P&C/2017/ 551-581]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1123.pdf

BIS notifies amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Geosynthetics and Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./636/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1122.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Electrotechnical Vocabulary and Textile Dyestuffs

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./632/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1121.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./634/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1120.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./633/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1119.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Gas Cylinders and Transportable Gas Storage Devices

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./631/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1118.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Telecommunications Act, 2023.

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Telecommunications Act, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1117.pdf

IFSCA issues circular for FAQs on IFSC Insurance Office

The International Financial Services Centres Authority issues circular for FAQs on IFSC Insurance Office.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ifsca.gov.in/Viewer?Path=Document%2FLegal%2Ffaqs-on-ifsc-insurance-office21122023020432.pdf&Title=FAQs%20on%20IFSC%20Insurance%20Office&Date=21%2F12%2F2023

CPCB issues notice regarding Producers, Manufacturers, Refurbishers under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022

The Central Pollution Control Board issues notice regarding Producers, Manufacturers, Refurbishers under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022. Any illegal / informal business of e-waste such as its production, import, sales, recycling and refurbishing without registration shall call for punitive actions as per rules.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS8zOTdfMTcwMzI0ODc1Nl9tZWRpYXBob3RvMjk4NDcucGRm

MoEFCC notifies Wild Life (Protection) International Trade of Specimens Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (jiii) and (jiv) of sub-section (1) of Section 63 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 hereby makes the following rules to provide for international trade of specimens, namely the Wild Life (Protection) International Trade of Specimens Rules, 2023. [S.O. 5408(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1116.pdf

NCCL issues circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Government Securities, Treasury Bills and Sovereign Gold Bonds as Collateral

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Government Securities, Treasury Bills and Sovereign Gold Bonds as Collateral. The given list will be applicable from beginning of trading day of January 01, 2024. Members and participants are requested to note the same. [NCCL/RISK-064/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Scheme%20of%20deposit%20for%20acceptance%20of%20Goverment%20Securities,%20Treasury%20Bills%20and%20Sovereign%20Gold%20Bonds%20as%20Collateral_22122023_1703242380.pdf

MCXCCL issues circular for Clearing and Settlement Holidays for the year 2024

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for Clearing and Settlement Holidays for the year 2024 . Members are requested to take note of the same. [MCXCCL/C&S/307/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular---922-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=e4ca9891_0

CDSL notifies Facility to remedy erroneous transfers in Demat Accounts

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Facility to remedy erroneous transfers in Dermat Accounts. DPs may note that in addition to ‘Add Beneficiary’ directives, there is no change in the existing process of executing intra-depository and inter-depository off-market transfers. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/745]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1115.pdf

BSE issue notice for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market - Revised file format UCC

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice forTrading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market - Revised file format UCC. It may be noted that the effective date for the ‘Unified Payments Interface (UPI) block mechanism’ remains unchanged, i.e. January 1, 2024. [20231223-3 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231223-3

BSE issue notice for Change in the Expiry date and Maturity date of Equity Derivative Contracts

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Change in the Expiry date and Maturity date of Equity Derivative Contracts. The aforesaid changes will be part of end of day contract master files mentioned on December 22, 2023. [20231222-58]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231222-58

NSE issues Circular Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market- Revised file format UCC

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market- Revised file format UCC. Trading Members are advised to take note and await further guidance on the same. [NSE/ISC/59911]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC59911.pdf

RBI updates Master Direction - Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) . It may be noted that, whenever necessary, Reserve Bank shall issue directions to Authorised Persons through A.P. (DIR Series) Circulars in regard to any change in the Regulations or the manner in which relative transactions are to be conducted by the Authorised Persons with their customers/ constituents. The Master Direction issued herewith shall be amended suitably simultaneously. [RBI/FED/2017-18/3 ]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/03MD945692290C104C5595AEDAC89AE78788.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - External Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credits and Structured Obligations

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - External Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credits and Structured Obligations. This Master Direction has been issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and are without prejudice to permissions/ approvals, if any, required under any other law. [RBI/FED/2018-19/67 ]
Change Type :

Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/5MD2603201979CA1390E9E546869B2A9A92614DEDBF.PDF

RBI notifies Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 47 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, makes the following regulations, namely Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023 . They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [No. FEMA 14(R)/2023-RB]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/FEMA14R952AB1118F28466C951910A7D957C382.PDF

RBI notifies Trade Credit for imports into India – Submission of return on issuance of bank guarantees for Trade Credits on the Centralised Information Management System (CIMS)

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Trade Credit for imports into India – Submission of return on issuance of bank guarantees for Trade Credits on the Centralised Information ManagementSystem (CIMS). The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and 11(2) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and are without prejudice to permissions/approvals, if any, required under any other law. [RBI/2023-24/96]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/APDIRCIRCULAR10A4BB984A8519486EB869092FFA3A6965.PDF

RBI notifies Rupee Drawing Arrangement - Submission of statement/return on CIMS Portal

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Rupee Drawing Arrangement - Submission of statement/return on CIMS Portal. It has now been decided that with effect from December 26, 2023, submission of the above-mentioned statement through the XBRL site will be discontinued and shifted to the Centralized Information Management System (CIMS), which is Bank’s new data warehouse. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 and are without prejudice to permissions / approvals, if any, required under any other law. [RBI/2023-24/95]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT9544315F5FB02D44C586FD3A40767681AA.PDF

RBI notifies CIMS Project implementation - Discontinuation of submission in legacy XBRL

The Reserve Bank of India notifies CIMS Project implementation - Discontinuation of submission in legacy XBRL . The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10 (4) and 11 (1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and are without prejudice to permissions/approvals, if any, required under any other law. [RBI/2023-24/94]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/APDIRCIMSPROJECTE9DF12A49C0147B6A93A2C88B9584BFE.PDF

RBI notifies Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for Resident Individuals- Reporting of monthly return and daily transactions

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for Resident Individuals- Reporting of monthly return and daily transactions.It has now been decided that, with effect from December 26, 2023, the submission of both the returns through the XBRL site will be discontinued and shifted to the Centralised Information Management System (CIMS), which is the Bank’s new data warehouse. [RBI/2023-24/93 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/APDIR11E221220239ED2BFF6576C4F748AA71425D923E6AA.PDF

RBI notifies Reverse Repo transactions - Reporting in Form ‘A’ Return

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Reverse Repo transactions - Reporting in Form ‘A’ Return. [RBI/2023-24/92]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/REVERSEREPO098503FBFAC04CB6A774F4AD117154D7.PDF

ESIC notifies Advisory to ESIC Hospitals in view of recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases and detection of first JN.1 variant case in India

The Employees State Insurance Corporation notifies Advisory to ESIC Hospitals in view of recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases and detection of first JN.1 variant case in India. [U-16011/126/2023-Med-I (541355)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/68d8999630c0bd959f87b79568f255ee.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Haryana State List Of Holidays, 2024 in all public offices under Haryana Government

The Government of Haryana notifies Haryana State List Of Holidays, 2024 in all public offices under Haryana Government.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1114.pdf

CBDT notifies Income-tax (Thirtieth Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of the powers conferred by section 139 read with section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 hereby makes the following rules further to amend Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely the Income-tax (Thirtieth Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 908(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1113.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 22/2022-Customs,dated the 30th April, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 22/2022-Customs,dated the 30th April, 2022. [F. No. CBIC-190354/104/2023-TO(TRU-I)-CBEC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1112.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by members of the Exchange

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by members of the Exchange. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/TECH/916/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular-916-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=71279f91_0

CDSL notifies Framework For Restricting Trading By Designated Persons (�DPS�) By Freezing Pan At Security Level

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Framework For Restricting Trading By Designated Persons (�DPS�) By Freezing Pan At Security Level. DPs are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/743]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1110.pdf

BSE issue notice for Reminder for Submission of VAPT report and/or Action Taken Report (ATR)/Compliance Report for year 2023-24

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Reminder for Submission of VAPT report and/or Action Taken Report (ATR)/Compliance Report for year 2023-24. All Trading Members are advised to take note of the contents of this Circular and comply. [20231221-49]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231221-49

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Kajal Agrawal�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Kajal Agrawal� associated with entity named �Capital Secure� operating through mobile number �6366523605� is providing securities market tips for trading and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_21122023_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t telegram channel named �Trading with Karol�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Telegram Channel named �Trading with Karol� operating through mobile number �9549822178� is collecting funds from the public and providing assured/guaranteed returns on investment in the stock market and is also offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their log-in ID/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_21122023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Availability of Information on Website for Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Availability of Information on Website for Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF). Member are advised to take note that as intimated in this circular. [78/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD59875.pdf

IBBI Issues circular regarding Clarification regarding submission of particulars and declaration by the insolvency professionals in the application filed by creditor(s) in Part IV of Form C of the IRP PGCD Rules

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Issues circular regarding Clarification regarding submission of particulars and declaration by the insolvency professionals in the application filed by creditor(s) in Part IV of Form C of the IRP PGCD Rules. In certain cases, the creditor may file the application itself recommending the name of the insolvency professional to be appointed as RP. It is hereby clarified that in such cases, the insolvency professional proposed to be appointed as RP shall also provide the particulars of and declaration in Part IV of Form C of the IRP PGCD Rules to the creditor for the consideration of the AA. [IBBI/II/62/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ibbi.gov.in/uploads/whatsnew/241d9180c2501ea510b61f64a122b67f.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2023/162]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1109.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by section 11, sub-section (2) of section 11A and section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with section 31 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2023/161]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1108.pdf

RBI notifies Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 47 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, hereby makes the following regulations, namely the Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023. [FEMA 14(R)/2023-RB]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1107.pdf

Government of Assam notifies the Assam Minimum Wages

The Government of Assam notifies revision of Minimum wages for various scheduled employment w.e.f 01st June 2023. [E-238621/409-A]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1106.pdf

Government of Goa notifies the Goa Motor Vehicles Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023

The Government of Goa in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India, promulgate the following Ordinance, namely the Goa Motor Vehicles Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023. [8/5/2023-LA]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-37-SI-EOG-2.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 read with section 124 of the Finance Act, 2021, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021. [G.S.R. 904(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1105.pdf

NCDEX issues circular for Processing Fee for Advertisement issued by Stock Brokers

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Processing Fee for Advertisement issued by Stock Brokers. Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance in this regard. [NCDEX/ENFORCEMENT-004/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Processing%20Fee%20for%20Advertisement%20issued%20by%20Stock%20Brokers_1703153982.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/TECH/917/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular-917-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=55279f91_0

Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka State Road Safety Authority Rules, 2023

The Government of Karnataka in exercise the powers conferred by the section 39 of the Karnataka State Road Safety Authority Act, 2017, hereby makes the following rules, namely the Karnataka State Road Safety Authority Rules, 2023. [TD 91 TDO 2019 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/6605.pdf

NSE issues Circular for New Investor Service Centre at Mangalore

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for New Investor Service Centre at Mangalore. With a view to enhance access and reach to investors, Exchange has setup a new Investor Service Centre at Mangalore. The centre services query resolution, complaint resolution and necessary assistance in filing the complaints in SEBI Scores Portal and the Smart ODR Portal. [49/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC59845.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Business Continuity for Clearing Corporations through Software as a Service (SaaS) Model

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, hereby issues circular regarding Business Continuity for Clearing Corporations through Software as a Service (SaaS) Model. [SEBI/HO/MRD/TPD/P/CIR/2023/192]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/business-continuity-for-clearing-corporations-through-software-as-a-service-saas-model_80115.html

RBI notifies Card-on-File Tokenisation (CoFT) � Enabling Tokenisation through Card Issuing Banks

The Reserve Bank of India under Section 10 (2) read with Section 18 of Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 hereby notifies Card-on-File Tokenisation (CoFT) � Enabling Tokenisation through Card Issuing Banks. [RBI/2023-24/91]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/TOKENISATIONCARDISSUINGBANKS2F413F22B12E4F85BBCB1DB662362234.PDF

CBIC notifies extension of the due date for furnishing the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of November, 2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (6) of section 39 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby extends the due date for furnishing the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of November, 2023 till the twenty-seventh day of December, 2023, for the registered persons whose principal place of business is in the districts of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu and Kancheepuram in the state of Tamil Nadu and are required to furnish return under sub- section (1) of section 39 read with clause (i) of sub-rule (1) of rule 61 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. [G.S.R. 902(E)]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1103.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023 on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, hereby issues circular regarding Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023 on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market. [SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-3/P/CIR/2023/191]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/amendment-to-circular-dated-july-31-2023-on-online-resolution-of-disputes-in-the-indian-securities-market_80110.html

Government of Gujarat notifies Gujarat Registration (Identity Verification for the Registration of Documents), Rules, 2023

The Government of Gujarat in in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by clause (j) of sub-section (1) of the section 69 of the Registration Act, 1908 hereby notifies the Gujarat Registration (Identity Verification for the Registration of Documents), Rules, 2023. [GM-2023-299-M-RGN-122023-0647-H.1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.gujarat.gov.in/ViewPdf.aspx?docid=202312191802020534.pdf&cdbid=46a5cb379c41ad3647af2cadb3ed08b7

Ministry of Finance issues press release to allows National Pension System (NPS) subscribers to deposit contributions through Unified Payments Interface (UPI) QR code for D-Remit

The Ministry of Finance issues press release to allows National Pension System (NPS) subscribers to deposit contributions through Unified Payments Interface (UPI) QR code for D-Remit. This initiative by PFRDA empowers NPS subscribers to take control of their retirement savings and benefit from the advantages of systematic investment planning.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1988900

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Formats for Multi Year Tariff Filings by the Distribution Licensee) Order, 2023

The Government of Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 9 of the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Wheeling Tariff & Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2023 and Regulations 8 and 10 of the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Guidelines and Formats for Tariff Filing) Regulations, 2005, hereby makes the following Order to revise the formats for the Multi-Year Tariff filings by the Distribution Licensee for the Control period starting from 1st April, 2024 and thereafter, namely the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Formats for Multi Year Tariff Filings by the Distribution Licensee) Order, 2023.
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/OPENFILE1.aspx?ID=194/GAZETTE/2023-19/12/2023&etype=SPECIAL

MSE issues circular for Framework for Empanelment of Auditors for conducting Internal Audit of Trading Members

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues circular for Framework for Empanelment of Auditors for conducting Internal Audit of Trading Members. All Members are advised to take note of the above and bring the provisions of this Circular to the notice of their respective internal auditors and ensure compliance of the given requirement. [ MSE/INSP/14614/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1104.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/TECH/907/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular-907-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=b2729f91_0

MCXCCL issues circular for Reporting of Reasons for Collateral Withdrawal

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for Reporting of Reasons for Collateral Withdrawal. [MCX/MCXCCL/905/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular-905-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=b87d9f91_0

BSE issue notice for trading and settlement programme for institutional trading platform (ITP) - SME segment for period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for trading and settlement programme for institutional trading platform (ITP) - SME segment for period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20231220-56]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-56

BSE issue notice for trading and settlement programme for new debt segment (NDS) for period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for trading and settlement programme for new debt segment (NDS) for period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-55

BSE issue notice for trading and settlement programme for corporate debt segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for trading and settlement programme for corporate debt segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20231220-53]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-53

BSE issue notice for settlement programme for the currency derivatives segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for settlement programme for the currency derivatives segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20231220-52 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-52

BSE issue notice for settlement programme for the F & O segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for settlement programme for the F & O segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20231220-51]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-51

BSE issue notice for trading and settlement programme for SLB segment for period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for trading and settlement programme for SLB segment for period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20231220-50]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-50

BSE issue notice for trading and settlement programme for cash segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024 � T+1 settlement cycle

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for trading and settlement programme for cash segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024 � T+1 settlement cycle. [20231220-49]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231220-49

NSE issues Circular for Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023, on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023, on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market. [NSE/CML/2023/86]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_20122023.pdf

NCCL issues circular for Reporting of Reasons for Collateral withdrawal

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues circular for Reporting of Reasons for Collateral withdrawal. Members may please note that in view of SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD1/P/CIR/2023/187 dated December 12,2023, the requirement of Reporting of Reasons for Collateral withdrawal by clearing members is discontinued with immediate effect. [NCCL/COMPLIANCE-012/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Reporting%20of%20Reasons%20for%20Collateral%20withdrawal_19122023_1702987097.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named ''Vishal Yadav''

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named ''Vishal Yadav'' operating through mobile number ''8976429276'', is providing securities market tips and assured/guaranteed returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.

Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_19122023.pdf

MOHFW issues press release regarding advisory to States in view of a recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases and detection of first case of JN.1 variant in India

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issues press release regarding advisory to States in view of a recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases and detection of first case of JN.1 variant in India. Considering the upcoming festive season, States were advised to put in place requisite public health measures and other arrangements to minimize risk of increase in transmission of the disease by adherence to maintenance of respiratory hygiene.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1987840

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka issues circular for incidence of covid-19 in kerala state & proactive steps to be taken in Karnataka

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka issues circular for incidence of covid-19 in kerala state & proactive steps to be taken in Karnataka. All the district s shall hold drill across all health facilities in the 3rd/4th week of December 2023 as per guidelines provided therein.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/Public%20Information/COVID%20Circular%2018-12-2023%20PDF.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies advisory on precaution for general public in the context of recent surge of Covid-19 cases in Kerala

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies advisory on precaution for general public in the context of recent surge of Covid-19 cases in Kerala. The general public are advised to comply with the precautionary measures.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/Government%20Orders/COVID%20Advisory%2018-12-2023%20PDF.pdf

CERSAI notifies for Entities consuming CERSAI APIs in Production

The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India notifies for Entities consuming CERSAI APIs in Production-The SI Satisfaction API and the updated version of SI Registration API,having the Cipher changes will be deployed in Production by 21st Dec 2023.Entities are requested to invoke API after performing required changes w.e.f 22-12-2023 at their end to avoid failure response.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.cersai.org.in/CERSAI/home.prg

Ministry of External Affairs notifies Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules, 2023

The Ministry of External Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zones and Other Maritime Zones Act, 1976, hereby makes the following rules to regulate the grant of lease of offshore areas, namely the Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 901(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1102.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies amendment to the Himachal Pradesh Industrial Investment Policy, 2019

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies amendment to the Himachal Pradesh Industrial Investment Policy, 2019 and Rules Regarding Grant of Incentives, Concessions and Facilities for Investment Promotion in Himachal Pradesh-2019. [IND-A-F001/3/2022]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/openFile.aspx?id=42445&etype=Notice

DOT notifies Data base of IP addresses being used in India

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Data base of IP addresses being used in India. All licensees are instructed to create and maintain an updated data base as per format so as to expedite tracing of webservers as and when required.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Data%20base%20of%20IP%20address%20being%20used%20in%20india%20Letter%20dated.pdf?download=1

IRDAI issues Circular regarding Insurance claims relating to Cyclone Michaung and subsequent heavy rains/floods

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues circular regarding Insurance claims relating to Cyclone Michaung and subsequent heavy rains/floods. It hereby grants special dispensation to General insurers by increasing the limit of losses for appointment of surveyors and loss assessors.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=4256625

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas notifies Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or Expand Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines) Amendment Regulations, 2023

The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in exercise of the powers conferred by section 61 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006 hereby makes the following regulations, namely the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or Expand Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines) Amendment Regulations, 2023. [PNGRB/Auth/3-PPPL(06)/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1101.pdf

Ministry of Heavy Industries notifies Automobile Wheel Rim Component (Quality Control) Amendment Order-II, 2023

The Ministry of Heavy Industries in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 16, read with section 17 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, hereby makes the following Order further to amend the Automobile Wheel Rim Component (Quality Control) Order, 2020, namely the Automobile Wheel Rim Component (Quality Control) Amendment Order-II, 2023. [S.O. 5379(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1100.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers (Quality Control) Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following Order, namely the Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers (Quality Control) Order, 2023. [S.O. 5371(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1099.pdf

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas notifies Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Determination of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipeline Transportation Tariff) Second Amendment Regulations, 2023

The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 61 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006 hereby makes the following regulations, to further amend the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Determination of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipeline Transportation Tariff) Regulations, 2010, namely the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Determination of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipeline Transportation Tariff) Second Amendment Regulations, 2023. [PNGRB/COM/3-PPPL Tariff (1)/2012 Vol-VI (E-4698)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1098.pdf

MoP notifies amendments to the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme, 2023

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (w) of section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, hereby notifies amendments to the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme, 2023 including Offset Mechanism under the notification.[S.O. 5369(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1097.pdf

CDSL notifies Procedure For Opening Of Aggregate Escrow � AIF Demat Accounts

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Procedure For Opening Of Aggregate Escrow � AIF Demat Accounts. DPs are advised to take note of the same. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/737]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1096.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Limited Purpose Holiday Master

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Limited Purpose Holiday Master. Participants are requested to take note of the same. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0177]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0177-Policy-_Limited_Purpose_Holiday_Master.pdf

BSE issue notice for Introduction of Scan-Mandate on BSE StAR MF platform - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Introduction of Scan-Mandate on BSE StAR MF platform - Update. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure that the mandates are registered within 120 days as mentioned in the NPCI Circular.The mandates wherein the date of registration is beyond 120 days, such mandates may get rejected at NPCI. [20231219-16]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231219-16

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Ankur Shau� �John Jacob� and �Shyam Sharma�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Ankur Shau� �John Jacob� and �Shyam Sharma� associated with entity named �Wise Stock� operating through mobile numbers �7738642030� �9152504148� and �8108658760�, are providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any persons/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_19122023%C2%AD_0.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Reminder for submission of VAPT report and/or action taken report (ATR)/Compliance report for year 2023-24

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues circular regarding Reminder for submission of VAPT report and/or action taken report (ATR)/Compliance report for year 2023-24. All trading members are advised to take note of the contents of the circular and comply. [110/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP59833.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Guidelines for Stockbrokers/Trading Members for Payments including mandates in the name of Clearing Corporation on NSE MF Platforms

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues circular regarding Guidelines for Stockbrokers/Trading Members for Payments including mandates in the name of Clearing Corporation on NSE MF Platforms. The stockbrokers/trading members needs to ensure strict compliance in this regard.[09/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/NMF59813.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Principles of Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) ofthe Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 hereby issues circular regarding Principles of Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs). [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2023/190]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/principles-of-financial-market-infrastructures-pfmis-_80014.html

RBI notifies Investments in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by the Sections 21 and 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949; Chapter IIIB of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and Sections 30A, 32 and 33 of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 hereby notifies Investments in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). [RBI/2023-24/90]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT9051F8256D79234D5FA6D4E4CBD029E16D.PDF

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies Declaration of Paid Holiday for the calendar year 2024 for the employees working in Shops and Establishments in various districts-(Twin Cities Hyderabad, Rangareddy Zone, Warangal) of Andhra Pradesh

The Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies Paid Holiday for the calendar year 2024 for the employees working in Shops and Establishments in areas of (Twin Cities Hyderabad, Rangareddy Zone, Warangal). [Proc: B/5185/2023]
Change Type :


State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1095.pdf

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies Declaration of Public holiday for Districts of Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari and Tenkasi in lieu of Flood and Heavy Rain fall in Tamil Nadu

The Government of Tamil Nadu notifies public holiday on 18th and 19th of December 2023 for following Districts of Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari and Tenkasi in lieu of Flood and Heavy rain fall. [GO.Ms.No.782,GO.Ms.No.767]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1094.pdf

CBDT notifies Income-tax (Twenty-Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 92CB read with section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely the Income-tax (Twenty-Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 900(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1093.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Government of Kerala in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 34 of the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1960, hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishment Rules, 1961, namely the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.O.(P) No.104/2023/LBR]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1084.pdf

CBDT notifies Income-tax Amendment (Twenty-Eighth Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (xii) of sub-section (5) of section 11 read with section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely the Income-tax Amendment (Twenty-Eighth Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 898(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1083.pdf

MORTH notifies amendment in the notification no. G.S.R 886 (E), dated the 8th December, 2023

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways notifies amendment in the notification no. G.S.R 886 (E), dated the 8th December, 2023, in Sr. No. 2, for the words and figures ?on or after the 1st October, 2025?, wherever they occur, the words and figures ?on or after eighteen months from the date of publication of Central Motor Vehicles (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2023" shall be substituted. [G.S.R. 899(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1092.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies amendments in the notification number S.O. 371(E), dated the 8th February, 2017

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution in pursuance of the provisions of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification number S.O. 371(E), dated the 8th February, 2017. [S.O. 5367(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1091.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Repealing and Amending Act, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Repealing and Amending Act, 2023. The enactments specified in the First Schedule and the Second Schedule are hereby repealed.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1090.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike and Certain Other Law (Amendment) Act, 2023

The Government of Karnataka notifies Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike and Certain Other Law (Amendment) Act, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/6569.pdf

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises issues press release regarding International Cooperation scheme being implemented to provide financial assistance for promoting exports by MSMEs

The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises issues press release regarding International Cooperation scheme being implemented to provide financial assistance for promoting exports by MSMEs.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1987719

MNRE notifies National Repowering & Life extension Policy of wind power projects

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy notifies National Repowering & Life extension Policy of wind power projects.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cdnbbsr.s3waas.gov.in/s3716e1b8c6cd17b771da77391355749f3/uploads/2023/12/202312131874296229.pdf

CERC notifies Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (s) of sub-section (2) of section 178 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Section 61 thereof and all other powers enabling it in this behalf hereby makes the following regulations, to amend the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 namely the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [L-1/236/2018/CERC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cercind.gov.in/Regulations/184-TCT-regulations.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (State Grid Code) Regulations, 2023

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 181 read with section 86 (1) (h) of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (State Grid Code) Regulations, 2023?. [JERC-JKL/Reg/2023/19]
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State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1089.pdf

Government of Goa notifies Homestay and Bed & Breakfast Policy

The Government of Goa notifies Homestay and Bed & Breakfast Policy in order to standardize services to the tourists through homestays and B&Bs, also to supplement the availability of accommodation options of the State. [3/9(33)/Homestay/2023-DT]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-37-SI-OG-0.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding administrative actions for terminal(s) not found at the reported location(s)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues circular regarding administrative actions for terminal(s) not found at the reported location(s). Members are advised to take note of the same. [109/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP59809.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [G.S.R. 897(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1082.pdf

SEBI notifies FAQs - Registration as an ESG Rating Provider (ERP)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India notifies FAQs - Registration as an ESG Rating Provider (ERP).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebi_data/faqfiles/dec-2023/1702391838801.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Simplification of requirements for grant of accreditation to investors

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby issues circular regarding simplification of requirements for grant of accreditation to investors. [SEBI/HO/AFD/PoD1/CIR/2023/189]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/simplification-of-requirements-for-grant-of-accreditation-to-investors_79990.html

RBI notifies Formation of new district Mauganj in the State of Madhya Pradesh ? Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Formation of new district Mauganj in the State of Madhya Pradesh ? Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility. There is no change in the Lead Banks of the other districts in the state of Madhya Pradesh. [RBI/2023-24/89]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/ASSIGNMENTLEADBANK59167A8BED5D4CAEB947E61FCC5EF36A.PDF

UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu notifies list of holidays for the year 2024

The Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu in exercise of the powers conferred under section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, hereby notifies list of holidays for the year 2024.
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State :

UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu

Effective Date :


Source : https://cdnbbsr.s3waas.gov.in/s371e09b16e21f7b6919bbfc43f6a5b2f0/uploads/2023/11/202311231332032983.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [G.S.R. 896(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1081.pdf

Government of Rajasthan notifies VDA payable according to the Engineering Wage Board recommendations

The Government of Rajasthan notifies regarding VDA payable according to the Engineering Wage Board recommendations. [St/CPI/Eng. Wage Board/75/Pt./]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1088.pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies declaration of Paid Holiday for the calendar year 2024 for the employees working in Shops and Establishments in various districts(Zone -I) of Andhra Pradesh

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of sec.31 of the Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishment Act, 1988, hereby notifies National & Festival Holidays for the year 2024 under the Act - Holidays with wages (paid holidays) to all the employees employed in Shops and Establlshments. [Rc.No.B / 2569[APSE] / 2023]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1087.pdf

Government of Chandigarh notifies Chandigarh Union Territory List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Chandigarh notifies the list of holidays for the year 2024. [No.6/1/1-IH(I)-2023/17123]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1086.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Punjab State List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Punjab notifies list of holidays for the year 2024. [06/03/2023/2PP3/702]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1085.pdf

Government of Bihar notifies regarding the Aadhaar authentication of land holders

The Government of Bihar in pursuance of rule 5 of the Aadhaar Authentication Rules, the Department of Revenue and Land Reforms, Government of Bihar (Directorate of Land Records and Survey), having been authorised by the Central Government, hereby notifies that Aadhaar authentication of land holders being identified shall be performed through the online portal being developed by the Department of Revenue and Land Reforms, Government of Bihar (Directorate of Land Records and Survey). This is for the purpose of authentication of every land holder during door-to-door Aadhaar authentication drive, while preparing the Record of Rights during Bihar Special Survey and taking mutation and their certification. [03/01/ Central Schme (Aadhar Seading)-26/2022-9210]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1078.pdf

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment notifies Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on PM-DAKSH Scheme

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment notifies Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on PM-DAKSH Scheme.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://socialjustice.gov.in/writereaddata/UploadFile/31871702544579.pdf

Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Act, 2023

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Act, 2023. In the first proviso, for the words "said category", the words "category of socially and educationally backward classes" shall be substituted.
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State :

Jammu & Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1079.pdf

DGFT notifies amendment in Export Policy of Food Supplements containing botanicals

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 notifies amendment in Export Policy of Food Supplements containing botanicals.[53/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1077.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies disposal of Hazardous Waste generated from Industries/Mines

The Government of Odisha notifies disposal of Hazardous Waste generated from Industries/Mines. It is instructed to follow the said provision of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 while handling over the hazardous waste to the Actual users.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ospcboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Disposal-of-HW-generaed-from-Industies-Lt-19228-dtd-4.12.2023.pdf

MOEFCC notifies Environment (Protection) Sixth Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) act, 1986 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, namely the Environment (Protection) Sixth Amendment Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 895(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1076.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Framework for Empanelment of Auditors for conducting Internal Audit of Trading Members

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Framework for Empanelment of Auditors for conducting Internal Audit of Trading Members. All Members are advised to take note of the above and bring the provisions of this Circular to the notice of their respective internal auditors and ensure compliance of the given requirement. [108/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP59789.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Commodity Derivatives Segment - Settlement Calendar for January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Commodity Derivatives Segment - Settlement Calendar for January 2024. [0441]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1075.pdf

CDSL notifies New Status and Sub-Status for Demat Accounts

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies New Status and Sub-Status for Demat Accounts. DPs/AIFs are advised to take note of the same and carry out changes in their Back-office, if any. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2023/729]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1074.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for file formats in respect of Facility to remedy erroneous transfers in demat accounts

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for file formats in respect of Facility to remedy erroneous transfers in demat accounts. All Participants are advised to make necessary changes in their back-office system latest by December 29, 2023. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0175]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0175-Policy-_File_formats_in_respect_of_facility_to_remedy_erroneous_transfers_in_demat_accounts.pdf

BSE issue notice for Framework on Empanelment of Auditors for conducting Internal Audit of Trading/Clearing Members

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Framework on Empanelment of Auditors for conducting Internal Audit of Trading/Clearing Members. All Members are advised to take note of the above and bring the provisions of this Circular to the notice of their respective internal auditors and ensure compliance of the given requirement. [20231215-55]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231215-55

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 18, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series XII)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 18, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series XII). [2023-2024/1496]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1496A346A3021CDE4055986020413DD29859.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction ? Non-Banking Financial Company ? Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India updates in exercise of the powers conferred under sections 45L and 45MA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and Sections 30, 30A, 32 and 33 of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 hereby updates Master Direction ? Non-Banking Financial Company ? Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021. [RBI/2020-21/73]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD10007CE48ADE2FB4BF981444FE1349E3B71.PDF

Government of Rajasthan notifies Declaration of Holiday Account of Election in Karanpur Legislative assembly

The Government of Rajasthan notifies declaration of election holiday on 05th January 2024 in Karanpur Legislative assembly- Rajasthan. [P.16(1)V.M/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1073.pdf

CBIC notifies Requirement of BIS registration for import goods notified under the Electronic and Information Technology Goods (Requirement of Compulsory Registration) Order, 2012 and random sampling of LED products and control Gear for LED

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies Requirement of BIS registration for import goods notified under the Electronic and Information Technology Goods (Requirement of Compulsory Registration) Order, 2012 and random sampling of LED products and control Gear for LED. The difficulties, if any in the implementation of this instruction may be brought to the notice of the board.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000489/ENG/Instructions

Ministry of Mines notifies Scheme for engagement of Notified Private Exploration agencies in Mineral exploration of Critical and Strategic Minerals

The Ministry of Mines notifies Scheme for engagement of Notified Private Exploration agencies in Mineral exploration of Critical and Strategic Minerals.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://mines.gov.in/admin/storage/app/uploads/657aacdbd9b691702538459.pdf

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues press release regarding Several waste management rules notified under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for environmentally sound management of wastes

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues press release regarding Several waste management rules notified under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for environmentally sound management of wastes: (i) Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, (ii) Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, (iii) Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, (iv) Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016, (v) Hazardous and other wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, (vi) E-waste Management Rules, 2022, (vii) Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022. Out of total waste generated i.e. about 1.5 lakh MT/D in urban areas, approximately 76 % is processed.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1986203

Ministry of Textiles issues press release regarding Centre introduced certification of authenticity for Jute Products under Jute Mark India Logo

The Ministry of Textiles issues press release regarding Centre introduced certification of authenticity for Jute Products under Jute Mark India Logo. Jute Mark India provides collective identity and assurance on origin and quality for traditional jute & jute diversified products. So far, 55 vendors have registered for availing Jute Mark India Logo.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1985932

Government of Bihar notifies Bihar Logistics Policy 2023

The Government of Bihar notifies Bihar Logistics Policy 2023. The objective of this policy is to Promote private investments in setting up logistics facilities in the state for further streamlining the forward and backward linkages. [1002]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1070.pdf

Government of Jharkhand notifies Jharkhand MSME Promotion Policy 2023

The Government of Jharkhand notifies Jharkhand MSME Promotion Policy 2023. The objective of this policy is to foster the growth of new and existing MSME units in the state and to boost expansion and diversification of existing MSME. [704]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1069.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Distribution Code) Regulations, 2023

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 181 (1) and 181 (2) read with Section-14 of the Electricity Act 2003, hereby makes the Regulations to enforce standards with respect to Quality, Continuity and Reliability of service by the licensees, namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Distribution Code) Regulations, 2023. These Regulations shall extend to the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh and shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./609/2023-24]
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State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1068.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies the Cycle and Rickshaw Tyres and Tubes (Quality Control) Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, hereby makes the following Order, namely the Cycle and Rickshaw Tyres and Tubes (Quality Control) Order, 2023. It shall come into force on the expiry of six months from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. [F. No. P-39012/6/2023-LR]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1067.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)-Update

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)-Update. [078/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1066.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Colocation - Advisory

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Colocation - Advisory. [76/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD59764.pdf

IFSCA issues circular for Permitting International Branch Campuses (IBCs) and Offshore Educational Centres (OECs) at GIFT-IFSC to avail infrastructure services from Academic Infrastructure Service Providers (AISPs)

The International Financial Services Centres Authority issues circular for Permitting International Branch Campuses (IBCs) and Offshore Educational Centres (OECs) at GIFT-IFSC to avail infrastructure services from Academic Infrastructure Service Providers (AISPs). [eF.No.IFSCA-BDev./FU/1/2023-BD ]

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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/48j5A78

Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory List Of Holiday, 2024 to be observed in the Government Offices and educational institutions of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory List Of Holiday, 2024 to be observed in the Government Offices and educational institutions of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir during the calendar year 2024.
Change Type :


State :

Jammu and Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1065.pdf

Government of Telangana notifies Telangana State List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Telangana notifies Telangana State List Of Holidays, 2024.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1064.pdf

EPFO notifies Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2024

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2024.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/HRD_Holidays_2024_14122023.pdf

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of services engaged in the Banking industry

The Ministry of Labour and Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, hereby declares the services engaged in the Banking industry to be a public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the 15th December, 2023. [F. No. S-11017/5/ 97- IR(PL)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1063.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 2023

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission In exercise of the powers conferred on it by sub-section (1) of Section 181 and Clauses (za) and (zb) of Sub-section (2) of Section 181, read with Sections 30, 57, 58, 59 and Clause (i) of Subsection (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh hereby makes the following Regulations namely Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 2023. These Regulations shall be applicable to all the licensees engaged in the transmission of electricity in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh. These Regulations shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./610/2023-24]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1061.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies the date on which the provisions of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023 shall come into force

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints the 12th December, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act, in so far as they relate to serial number 10 and the entries relating thereto in the Schedule to the said Act, relating to the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 shall come into force. [F. No. 9(8)/2020 - IL]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1060.pdf

CBSE notifies Guidelines and SOPs for Practical Examination-2024

The Central Board of Secondary Education notifies Guidelines and SOPs for Practical Examination-2024.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.cbse.gov.in/cbsenew/documents/Practical_Guidelines_2024_12122023.pdf

Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Final extension for registration of real estate agents

The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Final extension for registration of real estate agents. This order shall come into force with immediate effect.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://maharera.mahaonline.gov.in/Site/Upload/Pdf/OrderNo41Bof2023.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies Revised Kerala Minimum Wages (Coir Industry)

The Government of Kerala notifies Revised Kerala Minimum Wages (Coir Industry). [4034]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1058.pdf

PCBA notifies regarding the conversion of Brick Kilns to Zig-Zag or Vertical Shaft Technology

The Pollution Control Board, Assam notifies regarding the conversion of Brick Kilns to Zig-Zag or Vertical Shaft Technology.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pcbassam.org/Notice/Public%20Notice_reg%20Adoption%20of%20Zig-Zag%20Technology.pdf

CDSL notifies Harmonization of File Formats Across Depository

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Harmonization of File Formats Across Depository. DPs are advised to note that initially the files will be released for parallel live run till March 31, 2024. April 01, 2024, onwards old files will be discontinued and only new files will be available. [CDSL/OPS/DP/REPRT/2023/726]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1059.pdf

BSE issue notice for Download of Penalty Report for modification of Client Codes of non-institutional trades (All Segments)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Download of Penalty Report for modification of Client Codes of non-institutional trades (All Segments). [20231213-8]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231213-8

NSE issues Circular regarding Reporting of Reasons for Collateral withdrawal

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Reporting of Reasons for Collateral withdrawal. [48/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPL59729.pdf

EPFO notifies Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Implementation of Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 04.11.2022

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) for Implementation of Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 04.11.2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/Circular_Pnesion_13122023.pdf

RBI issues circular regarding Processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions

The Reserve Bank of India issues circular regarding Processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions. This circular is issued under Section 10 (2) read with Section 18 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007), and shall come into effect immediately. [RBI/2023-2024/88]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/EMANDATESRECURRINGTRANSACTIONSE1AAFB7024C84E519565DE2163AF18B1.PDF

Government of Goa notifies Goa State Incentives to Encourage Investments (Second Amendment) Scheme, 2023

The Government of Goa notifies Goa State Incentives to Encourage Investments (Second Amendment) Scheme, 2023. This shall come into force with immediate effect.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.goa.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Notification-Industries-01-12-2023.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Methods for Determination of Wool Fibre Content of Raw Wool and Metallic Materials � Zinc Alloys � Manufacture of Pressure Die Castings � Code of Practice

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./605/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1057.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Medical Devices Part 1 Application of Usability Engineering and Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings � Pretreatment of Iron or Steel to Reduce the Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./608/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1056.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Guide for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Air Compressor Plants with Operating Pressures up to 10 Bars

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./606/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1055.pdf

DOT issues order regarding Spectrum Charges for Assignment of Frequencies to Captive Users

The Department of Telecommunications In pursuance of the powers conferred under section 4 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, has decided that assignment of radio frequency spectrum to all users to whom radio frequency assignment is made through administrative process and spectrum charges are calculated based on a formulae, shall be made as per the methodology defined in this order. This Order shall come into force with effect from 01st April 2024. However, the revised spectrum charges on existing frequency assignments shall be applicable from the date of next renewal cycle.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Spectrum%20usage%20charges.pdf?download=1

Government of Odisha notifies Amendment to Odisha Food Processing Policy, 2022

The Government of Odisha notifies Amendment to Odisha Food Processing Policy, 2022. The aforesaid amendments shall come into force retrospectively from the date of notification of Odisha Food Processing Policy-2022 i.e. 30.11.2022. [MSME-IP-MISC-0007-2022-8800]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://msme.odisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/2023-12/8800_0.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies Amendment to Odisha MSME Development Policy' 2022

The Government of Odisha notifies Amendment to Odisha MSME Development Policy' 2022. The aforesaid amendments shall come into force from the date of implementation of Odisha MSME Development Policy-2022 i.e. 30.11.2022. [MSME-MS&I-MSME2-0015-2022-8795]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://msme.odisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/2023-12/8795.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Safes, Safe Deposit Locker Cabinets and key locks (Quality Control) Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, hereby makes the following Order, namely Safes, Safe Deposit Locker Cabinets and key locks (Quality Control) Order, 2023. It shall come into force on the expiry of six months from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. [F. No. P-29026/23/2023-LEI]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1054.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Hinges (Quality Control) Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, hereby makes the following order, namely Hinges (Quality Control) Order, 2023. It shall come into force on the expiry of six months from the date of publication of this notification in Official Gazette. [F. No. P-29026/11/2023-LEI]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1053.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Operational guidelines in respect of Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Operational guidelines in respect of Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market. The said changes will be implemented in NSDL depository system at EOD of December 29, 2023. Participants are requested to inform their Clients, Trading Members and Clearing Members suitably and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0172]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0172-Policy-_Operational_guidelines_in_respect_of_Trading_supported_by_Blocked_Amount_in_Secondary_Market.pdf

BSE issue notice for Change in submission timelines for reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Change in submission timelines for reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries. Trading Members are advised to take note and comply with the above guidelines. [20231212-50]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231212-50

BSE issue notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024 for Equity, Equity Derivatives and SLB Segments

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2024 for Equity, Equity Derivatives and SLB Segments. [20231212-40]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231212-40

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Rahul Singh�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Rahul Singh� associated with entity named �Stockpro Online� operating through mobile numbers �7891208042� �9079546692� and telegram channel named �https://t.me/stockpro_online_market1� is collecting funds from the public and providing assured/guaranteed returns on investment in the stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_11122023_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Prachi Gupta�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Prachi Gupta� operating through mobile numbers �9179745044� and �9406503834�, is providing securities market tips for trading and assured returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_11122023.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Trading holidays for the calendar year 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Trading holidays for the calendar year 2024. [154/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMTR59722.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Change in submission timeline for reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Change in submission timeline for reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries. All Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [106/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP59700.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Upstreaming of clients� funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Upstreaming of clients� funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs). This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 30 of SEBI (Stock Brokers) Regulations, 1992 and Regulation 51 of Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities markets. [SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/187]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/upstreaming-of-clients-funds-by-stock-brokers-sbs-clearing-members-cms-to-clearing-corporations-ccs-_79788.html

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies regarding inclusion of the employment in Platform Based Gig Works under the Tamil Nadu Manual Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Work) Act, 1982

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by section 29 of the Tamil Nadu Manual Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Work) Act, 1982, hereby notifies regarding inclusion of the employment in Platform Based Gig Works under the Tamil Nadu Manual Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Work) Act, 1982. [No. II(2)/ LWSD/1025(a)/2023]
Change Type :


State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in/extraordinary/2023/393_Ex_II_2_2023.pdf

Ministry of Steel issues circular regarding Capability to supply various Steel grades/products to the Domestic User Industries

The Ministry of Steel issues circular regarding Capability to supply various Steel grades/products to the Domestic User Industries. This will facilitate this division in better coordination and information dissemination among steel users & producers. These shall be considered when requests for exemption are made by importers. [F. No. 1(9)/2019-TD-Part (2)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://steel.gov.in/sites/default/files/Circular%20Number%202.pdf

MoP notifies Amendment to notification number S.O. 185(E), dated the 12th January, 2009

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, amends the notification number S.O. 185(E), dated the 12th January, 2009. [F. No. 10/8/2022-EC]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1052.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Penalties Disciplinary Action(s) charges for Non-submission of VAPT Report and/or Compliance Report and/or non-closure of open vulnerabilities

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Penalties Disciplinary Action(s) charges for Non-submission of VAPT Report and/or Compliance Report and/or non-closure of open vulnerabilities. All members are advised to take note of the same and put in place adequate systems and procedures to ensure strict adherence to the compliance requirements. [MCX/TECH/857/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/mcxtech8572023-penalties-disciplinary-action(s)-charges-for-non-submission-of-vapt-report-andor-compliance-report-andor-non-closure-of-open-vulnerabilities.pdf?sfvrsn=3fbb9d91_2

MCX issues Circular for Revised Penalties/disciplinary action(s)/charges for System Audit Report and Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience Audit Report related submissions

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Revised Penalties/disciplinary action(s)/charges for System Audit Report and Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience Audit Report related submissions. The provisions of this circular shall be applicable from the System Audit and Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience Audit Report submissions for half year ended September 2023 and onwards. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/TECH/856/2023]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/mcxtech8562023-revised-penaltiesdisciplinary-action(s)charges-for-system-audit-report-and-cyber-security-cyber-resilience-audit-report-related-submissions.pdf?sfvrsn=e9bb9d91_0

CDSL notifies Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market. The �UPI block facility� is scheduled for release on December 29, 2023, EOD, and will be made effective from December 30, 2023. DPs are requested to note the content of the communique, disseminate the same to their TM / CM clients and initiate back-office related changes, if any. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/717]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1051.pdf

BSE issue notice for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF). Members are requested to note that existing non-standardized files shall continue to be available in parallel along with the new UDiiFF format files and their discontinuation dates shall be published later. [20231211-52]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231211-52

BSE issue notice for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market- Revised file format - UCC

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market- Revised file format - UCC. All Trading Members are advised to take note of above and perform the UAT prior to uploading the UCC in the revised file format in live environment. [20231211-51]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231211-51

BSE issue notice for Charges for not uploading the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS Location information for the month of November 2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Charges for not uploading the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS Location information for the month of November 2023. The Trading members are advised to ensure strict compliance and upload the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS terminal location details to the Exchange before punching the orders from the said location. [20231211-49]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231211-49

NESL issues Circular for Article updation for National Capital Territory of Delhi

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues circular for Article updation for National Capital Territory of Delhi. [NeSL/DDE/2023/0108]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Communique-108-Article-Updation-for-National-Capital-of-Delhi-for-Indemnity-Bond.pdf

BSE issue notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF). Members are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [20231211-36]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231211-36

NSE issues Circular regarding Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market - Revised file format - UCC

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market - Revised file format - UCC. All Trading Members are advised to take note of the same and perform the UAT prior to uploading the UCC in the revised file format in live environment. [48/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1050.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF). Members are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [75/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1049.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Contract Master (CN01) provided by Clearing Corporation

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Contract Master (CN01) provided by Clearing Corporation. The above changes shall be done effective from January 15, 2024. [175/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT59681.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Caution against unauthorised campaigns on Loan waiver

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Caution against unauthorised campaigns on Loan waiver. Members of the public are cautioned not to fall prey to false and misleading campaigns and report such incidents to law enforcement agencies. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1459]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR14596BE13419641B48C790CE23FBC03B6F91.PDF

SEBI issues circular regarding Credit of units of AIFs in dematerialised form

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Credit of units of AIFs in dematerialised form. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 10(aa) of SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012, to protect the interests of investors insecurities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. The circular shall come into force with immediate effect. [SEBI/HO/AFD/PoD1/CIR/2023/186]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/credit-of-units-of-aifs-in-dematerialised-form_79774.html

Government of Chhattisgarh notifies list of public holidays for 2024

The Government of Chhattisgarh notifies list of public holidays for 2024. [554]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1048.pdf

Government of Manipur notifies list of holidays for the year 2024

The Government of Manipur notifies list of holidays for the year 2024. [203]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1047.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies the Municipal Council Parwanoo, Distt. Solan HP (Property Taxation) Bye-law- 2023

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies the Municipal Council Parwanoo, Distt. Solan HP (Property Taxation) Bye-law- 2023. These bye-laws shall come into force from the date of publication of its notification in the Rajpatra of Himachal Pradesh. [No./MC/PWN/2023-4813-14]
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Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/openFile.aspx?id=42307&etype=Notice

PFRDA issues circular regarding Convenience of NPS Contribution through Personalized QR Code of D-Remit

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development authority issues circular regarding Convenience of NPS Contribution through Personalized QR Code of D-Remit. NPS subscribers can now contribute to their NPS accounts using the D-remitbased Quick Response (QR) code. The subscribers can scan the QR code and make contributions using any UPI-enabled application. The QR code is unique to each subscriber which can be saved offline for making payments and the QR codes are different for Tier I and Tier II. This circular is issued under Section 14 (1) of PFRDA Act, 2013 read with Regulation 18 and 19 of the PFRDA (CRA) Regulations, 2015. [PFRDA/2023/35/Sup-CRA/11]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pfrda.org.in/writereaddata/links/circular%20qr%20codeb48501a5-c91a-4fd6-b7ac-053d4b75035b.pdf

IBBI Issues circular regarding The Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2023 issued on December 08, 2023

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Issues circular regarding The Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2023 issued on December 08, 2023. The panel of IPs prepared as per these guidelines will be effective from 1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ibbi.gov.in/uploads/legalframwork/4476761ae1159a9301dea662ee6ca8b9.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Indian standards w.r.t and Steels � Determination of the Depth of Decarburization

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./596/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1045.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular regarding Insurance claims relating to Cyclone Michaung and subsequent heavy rains/floods

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues circular regarding Insurance claims relating to Cyclone Michaung and subsequent heavy rains/floods. All Insurers (including Life and Standalone Health Insurers) are advised to submit information related to the Cyclone/flood claims to the IRDAI in the format attached on a weekly basis at nl-catastrophe@irdai.gov.in by General and Health Insurers and at life@irdai.gov.in by Life Insurers, for a month. [IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/215/12/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=4238645

Government of Bihar notifies Bihar Electric Vehicle Policy, 2023

The Government of Bihar notifies Bihar Electric Vehicle Policy, 2023. Based on the recent techno-economic developments in the EV sector and the ecotechnological enthusiastic adoption of electric vehicles by the citizens of Bihar, the State Government formulates �Bihar Electric Vehicle Policy, 2023� for the promotion of electric vehicles and EV charging stations.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1044.pdf

Government of Maharashtra issues order regarding Maharashtra Stamp Duty Amnesty Scheme-2023

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 9 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act, hereby remits or reduces the stamp duty and penalty to the extent as specified in the Schedules appended hereto, payable as per the provisions of the said Act, in respect of instruments specified, which are executed between the 1st January 1980 and 31st December 2020, irrespective of whether they are presented for the registration thereof or not.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1043.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Compliance Audit), Regulations, 2023

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003, hereby makes the following Regulations namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Compliance Audit), Regulations, 2023. These Regulations shall be applicable in the whole of the Union Territory (UT) of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh. These Regulations shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./603/2023-24]
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State :

Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and the Union Territory of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1042.pdf

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 110 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely Central Motor Vehicles (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2023. They shall come into force on the expiry of eighteen months from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. RT-11028/02/2016-MVL]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1041.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24

The Ministry of Finance In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (iii) of Section 3 of the Government Securities Act, 2006 (38 of 2006), hereby makes the following Scheme, namely Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24. There will be a distinct Series (starting from Series III) which will be indicated on the Bond issued to the investor. It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 4(6)-B(W&M)/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1040.pdf

CDSL notifies Amendment to CDSL Bye Laws

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendment to CDSL Bye Laws. DPs are advised to note that the amendments will come into effect immediately. [CDSL/L&CS/DP/POLCY/2023/710]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1038.pdf

BSE issue notice for Extension for penal action in case of failure to honor a RFQ transactions

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Extension for penal action in case of failure to honor a RFQ transactions. Market participants are hereby informed that the relaxation for penal action in the case of �Individual� Investors has been further extended till December 31, 2023. [20231208-35]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231208-35

BSE issue notice for Filing of Announcements pertaining to Loss of Share Certificate/Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate/Closure of Trading Window and Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (�CIRP�) in XBRL format on BSE listing centre

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Filing of Announcements pertaining to Loss of Share Certificate/Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate/Closure of Trading Window and Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (�CIRP�) in XBRL format on BSE listing centre. All listed entities would be required to submit the filings in XBRL mode within 24 hours of submission of the PDF filing. [20231208-34]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231208-34

BSE issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Mutual Fund Segment for the Month of January 2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Mutual Fund Segment for the Month of January 2024. [20231208-2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231208-2

NSE issues Circular regarding Filing of Announcements pertaining to Loss of Share Certificate/Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate/Closure of Trading Window and Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (�CIRP�) in XBRL format on NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS) platform

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Filing of Announcements pertaining to Loss of Share Certificate/Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate/Closure of Trading Window and Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (�CIRP�) in XBRL format on NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS) platform. The said events, will be made available in iXBRL format to the listed entities and it will be made available to the listed entities at the path Report >> Announcement XBRL Report . [NSE/CML/2023/85]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE%20Circular-%20Filing%20of%20Announcements%20pertaining%20to%20Loss%20and%20Duplicate%20Share%20Certificate%2C%20Trading%20Window%2C%20CIRP%20in%20XBRL%20format%20on%20NEAPS%201.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �S. Muthu Kumar�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �S. Muthu Kumar� associated with entity named �Trade Winners Academy� operating through mobile number �9361573616� �9994330989�, and Instagram channel �@tradewinnersacademy� is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by sharing log-in ID/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_08122023.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Anil Sharma�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Anil Sharma� operating through mobile number �9752485841�, is providing assured returns on investment in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_08122023_0.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Actions in case of failure to settle a deal on Request for Quote (RFQ) platform-Individual Investors

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Actions in case of failure to settle a deal on Request for Quote (RFQ) platform-Individual Investors. Participants are requested to note that, there shall be no penal action effected for individual investors till December 31, 2023, in case of failure to settle a deal post execution of trade on the RFQ platform. The identification of individual investors will be done as per Income Tax PAN classification. The circular shall be applicable with immediate effect.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS59677.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Monetary Policy Statement, 2023-24 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) December 6 to 8, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Monetary Policy Statement, 2023-24 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) December 6 to 8, 2023. On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting today (December 8, 2023) decided to Keep the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 6.50 per cent. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1438]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1438ABAF9AA87F6345369F5B387E1749E0F7.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Governor�s Statement: December 8, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Governor�s Statement: December 8, 2023. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1437 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1437GOVERNORSTATEMENTB9277BCB45E241F7817C49F8D17C9F2F.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 11, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series XI)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 11, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series XI). The next due date of premature redemption of the above tranche shall be December 11, 2023. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1454 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1454SGB07936EBAA52B469AAE5820F45EEB494C.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies. This Statement sets out various developmental and regulatory policy measures relating to (i) Financial Markets; (ii) Regulations; and (iii) Payment Systems and Fintech. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1439 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR14394EFBF875D503441E86C3286954A446F7.PDF

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers notifies Quality Control Orders for 5 different types of Woven Sacks

The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 read with section 17 and sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby notifies Quality Control Orders for 5 different types of Woven Sacks.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1032.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to the notification no. CMD-2/G18 dated 05th August, 2021,

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of sub-paragraph 2 of paragraph-5 of Scheme-I of Schedule-II of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 hereby notifies amendment to the notification no. CMD-2/G18 dated 05th August, 2021. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./584/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1035.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Medical Suction Equipment

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./595/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1034.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to the notification no. HQ-PUB012/4/2020-PUB-BIS (480) dated 26 December 2022

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby makes the amendments to the notification no. HQ-PUB012/4/2020-PUB-BIS (480) dated 26 December 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./593/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1033.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Switches for Domestic and Similar Purposes

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./597/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1030.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to the notification no. HQ-PUB014/1/2020-PUB-BIS (399) dated 9 September 2022

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby makes the amendments to the notification no. HQ-PUB014/1/2020-PUB-BIS (399) dated 9 September 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./598/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1036.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Road Safety Fund (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by section 138 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Haryana Road Safety Fund Rules, 2018, namely the Haryana Road Safety Fund (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [21/2/2014-1T(II)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/211-2023-Ext/17885.pdf

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas issues press release for Safety Standards of LPG Cylinders

The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas issues press release for Safety Standards of LPG Cylinders. Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) take comprehensive Insurance Policy under �Public Liability Policy for Oil Industries� which covers all LPG consumers registered with OMCs.
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Press release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1983560

CERSAI notifies regarding security interest rectification

The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India notifies All the secured creditors that the power to invoke rectification module should be available to officers at fairly high level at their end (AGM and above or equivalent position). Non-observance of the guideline may result in summarily rejection of the requests so entered.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.cersai.org.in/CERSAI/sc/themes/default/files/Announcement_SIRectification.pdf

HPERC notifies Fixation of Multiyear Control Period

The Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (13) of Regulation 3 of the HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2011; and Clause (16) of Regulation 3 of the HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2011, hereby fixes the period of five years starting from 01.04.2024 as Multiyear Control Period for the purposes of the said Regulations. [HPERC-F(1)-2/2018]
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Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/openFile.aspx?id=42388&etype=Notice

FSSAI notifies Extension of time-period for compliance of provision of warning statement for �Pan Masala� specified in the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Second Amendment Regulations, 2022 - Direction under Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies Extension of time-period for compliance of provision of warning statement for �Pan Masala� specified in the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Second Amendment Regulations, 2022 - Direction under Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/12/65719bd9d3389Direction_Extension%20of%20time-period_Enforcement%20of%20FSS_L&D_Second%20Amendment%20Reg,%202022_07122023.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Special Economic Zones (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 55 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006, namely the Special Economic Zones (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 881(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1028.pdf

MOEFCC issues Press Release for Measures for curbing environmental pollution

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Measures for curbing environmental pollution. The main objective of the Control of Pollution scheme is to monitor air quality across the country and take appropriate air pollution mitigation measures, besides monitoring water quality and noise levels in the country.
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Press release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1983683

CDSL notifies Facility for Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Facility for Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA). [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/706]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1027.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Operational guidelines for upload of date(s) in respect of demat and remat requests processed by Participants

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Operational guidelines for upload of date(s) in respect of demat and remat requests processed by Participants. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0171]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0171-Policy-Operational_guidelines_for_upload_of_date(s)_in_respect_of_demat_and_remat_requests_processed_by_Participants.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_07122023_REITs.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_07122023_InvITs.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies exemption the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table below, falling under the tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 read with section 124 of the Finance Act, 2021, hereby exempts the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table below, falling under the tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. [G.S.R. 884(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1031.pdf

BIS notifies amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Multipurpose Dry Batteries

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./594/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1029.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies amendment to the notification No. Mudrank-2015/1049/CR-(334)M-1, dated the 3rd June 2016

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 10D of the Maharashtra Stamp Act hereby amends the notification No. Mudrank-2015/1049/CR-(334)M-1, dated the 3rd June 2016. [Mudrank-2021/68/C.R.69/M-1(Policy)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1024.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry issues press release for Startup India initiative to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation, startups and encouraging investments in the country

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry issues press release for Startup India initiative to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation, startups and encouraging investments in the country. Realising the action items of the Startup India Action Plan, the Government is implementing ?agship Schemes under Startup India initiative namely, Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS), Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS) to support startups at various stages of their business cycle to enable startups to graduate to a level where they are able to raise investments or seek loans.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1983077

Government of Haryana notifies a Revised Communication & Connectivity Infrastructure Policy- 2023

The Government of Haryana notifies a Revised Communication & Connectivity Infrastructure Policy- 2023. This policy will be applicable with effect from 27.11.2023. [ Admn/368/1SIT/19344]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/208-2023-Ext/17848.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Dinesh Swami�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Dinesh Swami� associated with entity named �FX Oxford Ltd� operating through mobile number �9090027823� and website �https://www.fxoxford.com/� is providing securities market tips for trading in forex market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_06122023_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Ramesh Thakur�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Ramesh Thakur� operating through mobile number �9104894821�, is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by sharing log-in id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_061122023.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and Regulation 33 of the InvIT Regulations hereby issues circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs). [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-PoD/P/CIR/2023/184]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/revised-framework-for-computation-of-net-distributable-cash-flow-ndcf-by-infrastructure-investment-trusts-invits-_79657.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and Regulation 33 of the REIT Regulations hereby issues circular regarding Revised frameworkfor computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-PoD/P/CIR/2023/185]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/revised-framework-for-computation-of-net-distributable-cash-flow-ndcf-by-real-estate-investment-trusts-reits-_79656.html

MOLE issues press release regarding Implementation of Supreme Court verdict in EPF

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues press release regarding Implementation of Supreme Court verdict in EPF. In case of pensioners/members found eligible for pension on higher wages, in compliance of Hon�ble Supreme Court judgement dated 04.11.2022, demand notices are being issued to the pensioners/members. The amount of pension payable on higher salary will vary from case to case.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1982412

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Device

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./591/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1025.pdf

ESIC notifies Changes in ESIC Aadhar Seeding Application due to e- KYC changes by UIDAI

The Employees State Insurance Corporation Changes in ESIC Aadhar Seeding Application due to eKYC changes by UIDAI
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/e4db3a5701f72382e75e16a5d36c5e52.pdf

DOT notifies Discontinuation of Paper-based KYC process for adequate verification of customers before enrolling them as subscribers

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Discontinuation of Paper-based KYC process for adequate verification of customers before enrolling them as subscribers. Considering various amendment/changes made in the existing KYC framework from time to time, it has been decided by the competent authority that the use of Paper based KYC process, as envisaged in instructions dated 09.08.2012, shall be discontinued with effect from 01.01.2024.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/letter%20dated%2005122023.pdf?download=1

Government of Tripura notifies regarding the revision of the VDA for the various workers

The Government of Tripura notifies regarding the revision of the variable dearness allowance (VDA) for the various workers engaged in various employment.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1022.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies list of holidays for the year 2024

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies list of holidays for the year 2024.
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://himachal.nic.in/WriteReadData/l892s/21_l892s/holiday-2024-25761169.pdf

CDSL notifies Penalty For Not Scanning And Uploading Of DIS

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Penalty For Not Scanning And Uploading Of DIS. DPs are advised to scan and upload the images of DIS executed during the day in the CDSL system by the next day without fail to avoid penal action. [CDSL/A,I&C/DP/POLCY/2023/703]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1019.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies holiday on the occasion of Beemapally Uroos to all educational institutions

The Government of Kerala notifies holiday on the occasion of Beemapally Uroos to all educational institutions.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://kerala.gov.in/assets/ckupload/beemapalli-local%20holiday_1701673171.pdf

EPFO notifies Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) on SOP for Inspection of Establishments and related Circulars

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) on SOP for Inspection of Establishments and related Circulars. [CAIU/056/V-III/2023/2291]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/CAIU-056-V-III-2023-2291.pdf

Government of Uttar Pradesh notifies List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Uttar Pradesh notifies list of holidays for the year 2024.
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State :

Uttar Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1018.pdf

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of services engaged in the Industrial establishments manufacturing or producing Nuclear Fuel and components, Heavy Water and Allied Chemicals and Atomic Energy

The Ministry of Labour and Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 hereby declares the services engaged in the Industrial establishments manufacturing or producing Nuclear Fuel and components, Heavy Water and Allied Chemicals and Atomic Energy to be a public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the 28th December, 2023. [S.O. 5157(E)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1017.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Plastics and Human Resource Management

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [HQ-PUB013/1/2020-PUB-BIS (718 A)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1021.pdf

DGFT issues Notice for Amnesty Scheme - Closure of cases of default in Export Obligation under Advance Authorisation and EPCG Schemes where applications have been filed with PRC/EPCG Committee for relaxation in policy/procedure on grounds of genuine hardship/adverse impact on trade

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade issues Notice for Amnesty Scheme - Closure of cases of default in Export Obligation under Advance Authorisation and EPCG Schemes where applications have been filed with PRC/EPCG Committee for relaxation in policy/procedure on grounds of genuine hardship/adverse impact on trade. All AA/EPCG authorization holders covered under the amnesty scheme are requested to avail of the scheme as the last date for filing applications will not be extended beyond 31.12.2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1020.pdf

FSSAI issues order for Ease of doing business: Streamlining the procedure for reactivation of Auto-Rejected Licensing/Registration Applications due to non-response to the queries of license/registration authority within the specified timeline

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issues order for Ease of doing business: Streamlining the procedure for reactivation of Auto-Rejected Licensing/Registration Applications due to non-response to the queries of license/registration authority within the specified timeline. This will reduce the waiting time for the approval of the authorities in handling request for reactivation of auto-generated applications.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/12/656ebc7a6980c20231204125427557.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Yogesh Kumar Yadav�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Yogesh Kumar Yadav� associated with entity named �Stock Market Options Trading Services� operating through mobile number �8824377061�, is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by sharing log-in ID/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_04122023.pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Andhra Pradesh under the explanation to section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 hereby notifies list of holidays for the year 2024. [G.O Rt. No. 2319]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1013.pdf

Government of Meghalaya notifies list of holidays for the year 2024

The Government of Meghalaya notifies list of holidays for the year 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1014.pdf

UT of Ladakh notifies List of holidays for the Calendar Year 2024

The Union Territory of Ladakh notifies List of holidays for the Calendar Year 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cdnbbsr.s3waas.gov.in/s395192c98732387165bf8e396c0f2dad2/uploads/2023/12/202312011681074529.pdf

Government of Mizoram notifies holiday list for the calendar year 2024

The Government of Mizoram notifies holiday list for the calendar year 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1012.pdf

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Lalitpur, Kushinagar, Kaushambi, Budaun, Sultanpur, Deoria, Ballia, Jaunpur, Azamgarh, Baghpat, Chitrakoot, Sambhal and Ayodhya districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh

The Employees State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees� State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/11/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Uttar Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Lalitpur, Kushinagar, Kaushambi, Budaun, Sultanpur, Deoria, Ballia, Jaunpur, Azamgarh, Baghpat, Chitrakoot, Sambhal and Ayodhya districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh. [N-17011/1/Uttar Pradesh/2023-P&D]
Change Type :


State :

Uttar Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1011.pdf

Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority issues Circular for Final Extension of Time for Submission of Annual Audit report as per Section 4(2)(l)(D) of the RERA Act, 2016 for the financial year ending 31st March 2023

The Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority issues Circular for Final Extension of Time for Submission of Annual Audit report as per Section 4(2)(l)(D) of the RERA Act, 2016 for the financial year ending 31st March 2023. The extended time for submission of annual audit report is upto 31st December 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rera.karnataka.gov.in/reraDocument?DOC=3765093

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Nilgiris district in the State of Tamil Nadu

The Employees State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46(2) of the Employees� State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948), read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees� State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/11/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Tamil Nadu Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in all the areas of Nilgiris district, in addition to the already notified areas in the State of Tamil Nadu. [N-17011/1/TamilNadu/2023-P&D]
Change Type :


State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1010.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Sterilization of Health Care Products and Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./581/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1016.pdf

Ministry of Women and Child Development notifies Scheme for Care and Support to Victims under Section 4 & 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012

The Ministry of Women and Child Development notifies Scheme for Care and Support to Victims under Section 4 & 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The main objective of this Scheme is to provide integrated support and assistance to minor pregnant girl child victims under one roof and to facilitate their immediate, emergency and nonemergency access to a range of services for long term rehabilitation in terms of access to education, police assistance, medical (also comprising maternity, neo-natal and infant care), psychological, mental health counseling, legal support, Non-Institutional Care support, place of stay in CCl/Aftercare facilities and health insurance cover for the girl child victim and her new-born under one roof to enable access to justice and empowerment of such girl child victims. [D.O.No. CW-II-11/1/2023-CW-II (e-109297)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://wcd.nic.in/sites/default/files/Scheme%20for%20Care%20and%20Support%20to%20Victims%20under%20Section%204%20%26%206%20of%20the%20Protection%20of%20Children%20from%20Sexual%20Offences%20%28POCSO%29%20Act%2C%202012%20%281%29%20%281%29_0.pdf

Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies JSERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System and Net/Gross Metering) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission in in exercise of powers conferred upon it under Section 181(1), read with Sections 61 (h), and 86(1)(a), (b) and (e) of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the JSERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System and Net/Gross Metering) Regulation, 2015 namely the JSERC(Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System and Net/Gross Metering) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1015.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies Himachal Pradesh Taxation (on Certain Goods Carried by Road) Amendment Act, 2023

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies Himachal Pradesh Taxation (on Certain Goods Carried by Road) Amendment Act, 2023. In Section 3 in sub-section (1), for the words �except railways and airways�, the words �at the rates as specified in column (3) of Schedule-I� shall be substituted.
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/openFile.aspx?id=42374&etype=Notice

GSTN notifiesmandatory 6 digit HSN in e-Invoices, for taxpayers whose AATO is 5Cr and above, from 15th of December 2023

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies atleast 6 digit HSN will be mandatory in e-Invoices, for taxpayers whose AATO is 5Cr and above, from 15th of December 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://einvoice1.gst.gov.in/

FSSAI notifies direction to all notified laboratories to test banned pesticides in Tea

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 hereby notifies direction to all notified laboratories to test banned pesticides in Tea.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/12/656dbd1d58845Order%20for%20testing%20banned%20pesticides.pdf

MSE issues circular for Revised Penalty Structure w.r.t. Unauthorised trades executed in the clients' account

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues circular for Revised Penalty Structure w.r.t. Unauthorised trades executed in the clients' account. Trading Members are advised to take note of the same. [MSE/ISC/14538/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2023/December/Circular-14538.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t telegram channel named "Option King BankNifty�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Telegram Channel named �"Option King BankNifty� operating through mobile number �9216594509� is providing assured returns on investment in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their log-in ID/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_04122023_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Divyanshi Thakur� and �Shivam Nagar�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Divyanshi Thakur� and �Shivam Nagar� operating through mobile number �8103280097� and �7389829601� are providing assured returns on investment in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any persons offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_01122023.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Liquid Chilling Package Units

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./568/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1006.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Financial Services and Construction of Coffee Seed Storage Structures

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./567/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1005.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies about the Revised Assistance for Technology Acquisition Scheme

The Government of Haryana notifies about the Revised Assistance for Technology Acquisition Scheme under Haryana Enterprises and Employment Policy-2020. In addition to the requisite documents mentioned at Annexure-I of the aforesaid scheme, the applicant units shall obtain and upload the following documents to examine and process their applications. [02/03/2023-1IB-II]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/207-2023-Ext/17842.pdf

PFRDA issues circular regarding option for subscribers under NPS All Citizen Model (Tier-I), NPS Corporate Model (Tier-I) and NPS Tier-II (all subscribers) of selection of multiple Pension Funds in accordance with the asset classes (except Alternate Asset Class or Scheme A)

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development authority issues circular regarding Option for subscribers under NPS All Citizen Model (Tier-I), NPS Corporate Model (Tier-I) and NPS Tier-II (all subscribers) of selection of multiple Pension Funds in accordance with the asset classes (except Alternate Asset Class or Scheme A).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pfrda.org.in/myauth/admin/showimg.cshtml?ID=2771

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies amendment to the state fuel policy

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies amendment to the state fuel policy for Industries in the State of Himachal Pradesh. All the operational and upcoming indusial/commercial units utilizing "Pet Coke" as Fuel shall forthwith have to achieve 90% recovery of sulphur emissions as per the notified State Fuel Policy.
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : http://dest.hp.gov.in/sites/default/files/BRNB422001D3803_019107.pdf

NCCL issues circular for Format of Report downloads - Risk Management

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues circular for Format of Report downloads - Risk Management. Members and participants are requested to take note of the same. [NCCL/RISK-060/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Format%20of%20Report%20downloads%20-%20Risk%20Management_1701429768.pdf

MCX issues Circular for FATF Public Statements - October 2023 Plenary

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for FATF Public Statements - October 2023 Plenary. All members are advised to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/823/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular-823---2023.pdf?sfvrsn=4fd29391_0

NSDL issues Circular for Release of DPM-SHR System Version 8.5.5 - Download of Beneficial Positions (Benpos) details

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Release of DPM-SHR System Version 8.5.5 - Download of Beneficial Positions (Benpos) details. All Issuers/R&T Agents are hereby informed that DPM-SHR System Version 8.5.5 is scheduled to be released at EOD of November 29, 2023. [NSDL/CIR/II/49/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/49_Circular_for_Release_of_DPM-SHR_System_Version_8.5.5_-_Download_of_Beneficial_Positions_(Benpos).pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Suspension of demat accounts of existing clients whose KYC records are not found to be valid by KRAs after the validation process

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Suspension of demat accounts of existing clients whose KYC records are not found to be valid by KRAs after the validation process. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure Compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0168]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0168-Policy-Suspension_of_demat_accounts_of_existing_clients_whose_KYC_records_are_not_found_to_be_valid_by_KRAs_after_the_validation_process.pdf

BSE issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. Members are requested to note that SEBI turnover fees including applicable GST will continue to be debited separately from the Member�s settlement account with appropriate narration against the entry. [20231130-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231130-1

BSE issue notice for Availability of Trades Drop Copy Facility

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Availability of Trades Drop Copy Facility. It is a facility for members to avail a copy of trades of the entire member firm on a real time basis using the same ETI API framework which is used for trading. [20231201-39]
Change Type :


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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231201-39

NSE issues Circular regarding Extension of timeline for implementation of provisions of circular SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/156 dated September 20, 2023 on Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal (SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Extension of timeline for implementation of provisions of circular SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/156 dated September 20, 2023 on Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal (SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_01122023.pdf

Government of Tripura notifies list of holidays 2024

The Government of Tripura notifies list of holidays 2024 to the industrial establishment of the government of Tripura

Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1004.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies list of holidays 2024

The Government of Odisha notifies list of holidays 2024 for banks and other banking institutions etc.

Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1002.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t telegram channel named �Shine Stock Research�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t telegram channel named �Shine Stock Research� operating through mobile number �9079644882�, is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by sharing log-in ID/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_01122023_0.pdf

NSE issues Circular regarding Actions in case of failure to settle a deal on Request for Quote (RFQ) platform-Individual Investors

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Actions in case of failure to settle a deal on Request for Quote (RFQ) platform-Individual Investors. Participants are requested to note that, there should be no penal action effected for individual investor till 8th December 2023, in case of failure to settle a deal post execution of trade on the RFQ platform.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS59601.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Extension of timeline for implementation of provisions of circular SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/156 dated September 20, 2023 on Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal(SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby issues circular regarding Extension of timeline for implementation of provisions of circular SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/156 dated September 20, 2023 on Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal(SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform. [SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/183]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2023/extension-of-timeline-for-implementation-of-provisions-of-circular-sebi-ho-oiae-igrd-cir-p-2023-156-dated-september-20-2023-on-redressal-of-investor-grievances-through-the-sebi-complaint-redressal-s-_79499.html

RBI notifies FAQ on Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey � India

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ on Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey � India.
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Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=159

RBI issues a Press Release for Withdrawal of ?2000 Denomination Banknotes � Status

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Withdrawal of ?2000 Denomination Banknotes � Status. The facility for exchange of the ?2000 banknotes was also available at the 19 Issue Offices of the Reserve Bank (RBI Issue Offices)1 from May 19, 2023. Further, members of the public from within the country can send ?2000 banknotes through India Post from any post office in the country, to any of the RBI Issue Offices for credit to their bank accounts in India. [2023-2024/1386]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1386A449B3AC7A6C49D58793EB5E3F8DDFFF.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release for Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 04, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series X)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on December 04, 2023 (SGB 2017-18 Series X). [2023-2024/1399]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1399AEB0399B8A844145900C4447262005D8.PDF

Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 62 and 40 read with sub-section (1) of section 22 of the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act, 1996 hereby makes the following rules to amend the Maharashtra Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Rules, 2007, namely the Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [EBAKA0523/CR 76/Lab-7]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1003.pdf

Government of Tripura notifies the revision of the minimum wages for safai karmachari

The Government of Tripura notifies revision of the variable dearness allowance (VDA) on the basis of 6- monthly average Consumer Price Index numbers for the period commencing 01-01-2023 and ending on 30-06-2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.tripura.gov.in/eGazette/shogazette?notificno=1&gaztslno=220231978&token=86ca1160c347e6976b9c259c3bff9e71b4477b59168e4f3e6cbafdf0bc9b8fc3

GSTN notifies Advisory for Two-factor Authentication for Taxpayers

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory for Two-factor Authentication for Taxpayers. Tax-payers are requested to keep their email and mobile number of authorized signatory updated on the GST Portal for receiving the OTP communication.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/618

GSTN notifies Advisory for Pilot Project of Biometric-Based Aadhaar Authentication and Document Verification for GST Registration Applicants of Andhra Pradesh

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory for Pilot Project of Biometric-Based Aadhaar Authentication and Document Verification for GST Registration Applicants of Andhra Pradesh.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/616

Government of Goa notifies the Goa Minimum Wages

The Government of Goa notifies revision of VDA and Minimum wages w.e.f 01st October 2023. [CLE/PA/MWA-VDA/(10)/2016/3173]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1001.pdf

Central Consumer Protection Authority notifies Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023

The Central Consumer Protection Authority in exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 hereby issues the following guidelines to provide for the prevention and regulation of dark patterns, namely the Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023. [F. No. CCPA-1/1/2023-CCPA -(Reg)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/999.pdf

National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine notifies National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Medical Research in Indian System of Medicine) Regulation, 2023

The National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 55 of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020 hereby makes the following regulations, namely the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Medical Research in Indian System of Medicine) Regulation, 2023. [F. No. Sec/NCISM/Regulation/2023-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/998.pdf

National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine notifies National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Recognition of Qualifications) Regulations, 2023

The National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section 1 and clauses (zl), (zm), (zn), (zo), (zp) and (zq) of sub-section (2) of section 55 of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020 hereby makes the following regulations, namely the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Recognition of Qualifications) Regulations, 2023. [F. No. Sec/NCISM/Reg(1)/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/997.pdf

DOT notifies issuing Advisory on KYC updation to prevent KYC frauds

The Department of Telecommunications notifies issuing Advisory on KYC updation to prevent KYC frauds. It has been brought to the notice of DoT that there is an increase in KYC frauds, putting not only consumer�s finances at risk, but also their personal data. In view of this, it is requested to issue undermentioned advisory on KYC updation to telecom customers through various channels i.e. SMS &/or email. [5-2/2019/UDS/PG]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Advisory%20to%20Users%20reg%20KYC%20frauds.pdf?download=1

Ministry of Mines notifies Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023

The Ministry of Mines in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 16 read with section 17 and sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following Order to amend the Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys (Quality Control) Order, 2023, namely the Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023. [F. No. 02/18/2023-ES]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/996.pdf

Ministry of Mines notifies Nickel (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023

The Ministry of Mines in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 16 read with section 17 and sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following Order to amend the Nickel (Quality Control) Order, 2023, namely the Nickel (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023. [F. No. 02/20/2023-ES]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/995.pdf

MOEFCC notifies guidelines specifying the terms and conditions to be abided by the State Government or Union territory, while considering exemptions under Van (Sankashan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam, 1980

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1A read with section 3 (C) of the Van (Sankashan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam, 1980 hereby notifies the guidelines specifying the terms and conditions to be abided by the State Government or Union territory, while considering exemptions provided under sub-section (2) of section 1A of the said Adhiniyam. [S.O. 5074(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/994.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the notification No.18/2023-Customs (N.T.)

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 51A of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby makes the following amendments to the notification No.18/2023-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2023. [F. No. 442/02/2017-Cus IV(Pt)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/986.pdf

MOEFCC notifies order specifying the terms and conditions, to be abided by the State Government or Union territory Administration while considering the proposals pertaining to assignment of forest land on lease to Government as well as the private entities

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (iii) of sub-section (1) of section 2 read with section 3C of the Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan), Adhiniyam, 1980 hereby issues an order specifying the terms and conditions, to be abided by the State Government or Union territory Administration while considering the proposals pertaining to assignment of forest land on lease to Government as well as the private entities under the aforementioned provisions of the said Adhiniyam. [S.O. 5076(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/993.pdf

MOEFCC notifies Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam, 1980 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 869(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/992.pdf

CDSL notifies submission of VAPT report

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies submission of VAPT report. DPs are requested to take note of the above and ensure compliance. [CDSL/AUDIT/DP/POLICY/2023/696]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/991.pdf

BSE issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amt � UPI Mechanism �UAT Environment� 30.11.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amt � UPI Mechanism �UAT Environment� 30.11.2023. Members are requested to take note of the same. [20231130-61]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231130-61

BSE issue notice for Corporate Grouping of Listed Companies

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Corporate Grouping of Listed Companies. The listed entities / or propose to list are requested to take note of the aforementioned disclosure requirements and exercise abundant precaution while identifying and intimating its Corporate Group. [20231130-27]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231130-27

NSE issues Circular regarding Corporate Grouping of Listed Companies

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular regarding Corporate Grouping of Listed Companies. The listed entities / or propose to list are requested to take note of the aforementioned disclosure requirements and exercise abundant precaution while identifying and intimating its Corporate Group. [ NSE/CML/2023/81]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/990.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - November 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - November 2023. [2023-2024/1379]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1379LENDINGRATES24148C259C964035856F8775745146F9.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release for Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � October 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � October 2023. [2023-2024/1371]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR13713DE02281B68342BC862090943A3BF62B.PDF

Government of Haryana notifies amendment in the notification No. S.O. 86/H.A.24/1973/S. 69/2013, dated the 11th October, 2013

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (a) of section 69 read with sub-section (1) of section 84 of the Haryana Municipal Act, 1973 hereby makes the following amendment in the notification No. S.O. 86/H.A.24/1973/S. 69/2013, dated the 11th October, 2013
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/207-2023-Ext/17846.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/989.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 22/2022-Customs, dated the 30th April, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act,1962 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 22/2022-Customs, dated the 30th April, 2022. [F. No. CBIC-190354/199/2023-TO(TRU-I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/988.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the Notification No.19/2022-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 51A of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby makes the following further amendments to the Notification No.19/2022-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2022. [F. No. 442/02/2017-Cus IV(Pt)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/987.pdf

Government of Chandigarh notifies 3rd Amendments to the Chandigarh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy, 2022

The Government of Chandigarh notifies 3rd Amendments to the Chandigarh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy, 2022 .
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Source : https://www.chandigarh.gov.in/sites/default/files/up2023/snd23-3rdamnd-2411.pdf

EPFO notifies Instruction in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (ix) read with Para 44 (v) & (vi) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment dated 04.011.2022 in the matter of Special Leave Petition

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies Instruction in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (ix) read with Para 44 (v) & (vi) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment dated 04.011.2022 in the matter of Special Leave Petition © Nos. 8658-8659 of 2019.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/Pension-2022-54877-15149.pdf

ESIC notifies Preparedness of ESI institutions for anticipated COVID upsurge and efficient delivery of medical services

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Preparedness of ESI institutions for anticipated COVID upsurge and efficient delivery of medical services. [U-16/30/746/2020/PC/Procurement guidelines COVID-19 (810)/E14266]
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Source : http://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/4ada6fe9814d548123b23233af59c6c0.pdf

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of services engaged in the Coal industry

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 hereby declares the services engaged in the Coal industry to be public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the date of publication of this notification. [No. S-11017/ 3 /2018-IR (PL)]
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Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241482.pdf

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of nuclear fuel

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 hereby declares the services engaged in the industrial establishments manufacturing or producing Nuclear Fuel and Components, Heavy Water and Allied Chemicals and Atomic Energy, to be a public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the date of publication of notification. [F.No. S-11017/3 /97- IR(PL)]
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Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241487.pdf

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of Copper Mining industry

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 hereby declares the services engaged in the Copper Mining industry to be a public utility service for a period of six months with effect from the date of the publication of this notification. [F.No. S-11017/11/97 –IR (PL)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241488.pdf

ESIC notifies Preparedness of ESI Medical Institutions amid recent upsurge in Covid-19 cases globally

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Preparedness of ESI Medical Institutions amid recent upsurge in Covid-19 cases globally. [U-25/12/COVID-19/Management/2022-Med.V]
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Effective Date :


Source : http://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/d5c811ec2a4fe1a99693995541311c03.pdf

Government of Uttarakhand notifies Uttarakhand State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Uttarakhand notifies public holidays for the calendar year 2023. [1401/xxxi(15)G/22-74/2016]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/15.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments

The Government of Maharashtra notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments. [MAHBIL /2009/31747]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/16.pdf

RBI updates Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45IA, 45JA, 45L, and 45M of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby updates Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017. [RBI/DNBR/2017-18/57]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MDP2PB9A1F7F3BDAC463EAF1EEE48A43F2F6C.PDF

RBI updates Master Directions - Mortgage Guarantee Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45JA of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby updates Master Directions - Mortgage Guarantee Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016. [RBI/DNBR/2016-17/50]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/50MD10112016537AC3FCB829448F9CD0D985CE864A48.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction- Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45JA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby updates Master Direction- Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016. [RBI/DNBR/2016-17/46]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD46859213614C3046C1BF9B7CF563FF1346.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company – Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred under sections 45JA, 45L and 45M of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and section 3 read with section 31A and section 6 of the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 hereby updates Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company – Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016. [RBI/DNBR/2016-17/44]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD44NSIND2E910DD1FBBB471D8CB2E6F4F424F8FF.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred under sections 45JA, 45K, 45L and 45M of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and section 3 read with section 31A and section 6 of the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 hereby updates Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016. [RBI/DNBR/2016-17/45]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/45MD01092016B52D6E12D49F411DB63F67F2344A4E09.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 45JA, 45L and 45M of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby updates Master Direction - Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016. [RBI/DoR(NBFC)/2016-17/39]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/39MD440D125D51C2451295A5CA7D45EF09B9.PDF

NSE issues Circular for Introduction of new functionality for submission of data with respect to Onsite/Offsite inspection and Enforcement through ENIT

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Introduction of new functionality for submission of data with respect to Onsite/Offsite inspection and Enforcement through ENIT. Members may kindly note that all queries/ data requirements related to onsite/offsite inspections commenced with effect from February 15, 2023 shall be communicated through “Inspection Data Communication” and members are advised to submit relevant data/clarifications through said ENIT module only. [94/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/17.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Request for Quote (RFQ) platform for trade execution

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Request for Quote (RFQ) platform for trade execution. Market participants are requested to take note of the same. [17/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS55051.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Change in timings for Collateral release

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Change in timings for Collateral release. [167/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55057.pdf

NSE issues Circular for CBRICS – Settlement Calendar for January 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CBRICS – Settlement Calendar for January 2023. Participants/Custodians are requested to transfer securities for CBRICS settlement based on the below details using Settlement mode as ‘On-market’. [0057/2022 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Tri Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform – Settlement Calendar for January 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Tri Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform – Settlement Calendar for January 2023. [0058/2022 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55030.pdf

BSE issues notice for Launch of Gold Options in Goods Contract

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Launch of Gold Options in Goods Contract. Trading members are requested to note that with effect from January 06, 2023, new contracts would be launched for Gold Options in Goods Contract. [20221229-33]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221229-33

BSE issues notice for Request for Quote (RFQ) platform for trade execution and settlement of trades in listed Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper for Brokered Trades

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Request for Quote (RFQ) platform for trade execution and settlement of trades in listed Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper for Brokered Trades. [20221229-40]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221229-40

MCX issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). Members are requested to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/749/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-749-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=16bc791_0

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t entities / website / apps

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t entities / website / apps. Investors and all market participants are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such Data Feed product offered by any entity/ persons connected/related with these websites / apps in any form, in Commodity Derivatives Market, as the same would be illegal.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2022/december/caution-for-investors_29-dec-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=a376c791_0

MSE issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [MSE/INSP/12817/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2022/December/Circular-12817.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Reporting of Running Account Settlement details

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Reporting of Running Account Settlement details. All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-076/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Running%20Account%20Settlement_29122022_1672317813.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. Members are advised to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-075/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Display_of_charges_29122022_1672317772.pdf

Government of Rajasthan issues circular for Implementation of NEFT/RTGS -RBI facilitation with IFMS

The Government of Rajasthan issues circular for Implementation of NEFT/RTGS -RBI facilitation with IFMS. [F.5 (TH-75)DTA/IFMS/e-GRAS/11765-11964]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/18.pdf

FSSAI issues an Order for Ease of Doing Business: Instant Modification of License - in case of addition / deletion of non-high risk standardized food products in the existing license by Manufactures

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issues an Order for Ease of Doing Business: Instant Modification of License - in case of addition / deletion of non-high risk standardized food products in the existing license by Manufactures.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2022/12/63ad6fef02453Order_High_Risk_Food_29_12_2022_compressed.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendments in Annexure-IV under Appendix-2A (Imports of Items under TRQ under India- UAE CEPA)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020 hereby Issue notice for Amendments in Annexure-IV under Appendix-2A (Imports of Items under TRQ under India- UAE CEPA). [47/2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/aee8f0ce-1078-494a-87dd-eaee46bdce64/PN%2047%20Eng.pdf

MOHFW issues press release for International passengers travelling from China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand to India

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issues press release for International passengers travelling from China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand to India International passengers travelling from China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand to India to undergo mandatory RTPCR tests before departure and upload report on Air Suvidha portal from 1st January 2023.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1887288

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies amendment under Madhya Pradesh Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994

The Government of Madhya Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by section 96 and section 111 of the Motor vehicles Act, 1988 hereby notifies amendment under Madhya Pradesh Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994.
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/19.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965

The Government of Maharashtra notifies under Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965. [MUN-2022/C.R.349/UD-18]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/20.pdf

NHB issues Press Release for Concessional funding under Green Housing and Other Focus Segments

The National Housing Bank issues Press Release for Concessional funding under Green Housing and Other Focus Segments.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nhb.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Press-Release-on-Concession-29-12-2022.pdf

NHB notifies Submission of Supervisory Returns through Centralised Reporting and Management Information Systems (CRaMIS) Portal

The National Housing Bank notifies Submission of Supervisory Returns through Centralised Reporting and Management Information Systems (CRaMIS) Portal. All HFCs are advised to submit the returns which are due w.r.t. position as on December 31, 2022 through the XBRL based CRaMIS Portal. [HO/DOS/DAK/2022/00287 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nhb.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Supervisory-Circular-No.-8-CRaMIS-Dt.-29-12-2022.pdf

CBIC notifies Manner of processing and sanction of IGST refunds, withheld in terms of clause (c) of sub-rule (4) of rule 96, transmitted to the jurisdictional GST authorities under sub-rule (5A) of rule 96 of the CGST Rules, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies Manner of processing and sanction of IGST refunds, withheld in terms of clause (c) of sub-rule (4) of rule 96, transmitted to the jurisdictional GST authorities under sub-rule (5A) of rule 96 of the CGST Rules, 2017. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of these instructions may please be brought to the notice of the board. [04/2022-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000453/ENG/Instructions

Government of Goa notifies One Time Settlement Scheme 2022

The Government of Goa notifies the One Time Settlement Scheme 2022 under Electricity Department. [RNP/GOA/32/2021-2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/14.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in import policy condition of items under HS Code 1511 90 of Chapter 15 of ITC (HS), 2022, Schedule – I (Import Policy)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, and read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020 hereby revises the import policy condition of the following items under HS Code 1511 90 of Chapter 15 of ITC (HS), 2022, Schedule – I (Import Policy). [51 /2015-2020 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241468.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in Import policy of Urad [Beans of the SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper] (ITC(HS) 0713 31 10) and Tur/Pigeon Peas (Cajanus Cajan) (ITC(HS) 0713 60 00) under ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule – I (Import Policy)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development &Regulation) Act, 1992, and read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020 hereby notifies Amendment in Import policy of Urad [Beans of the SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper] (ITC(HS) 0713 31 10) and Tur/Pigeon Peas (Cajanus Cajan) (ITC(HS) 0713 60 00) under ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule – I (Import Policy). [52/2015-20]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/e364ae79-c8e4-42a1-9487-2b1c60a29a60/Noti%2052%20Eng.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendments under Para 2.107 and Appendix-2A of Handbook of Procedure2015-20 for inclusion of TRQs under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020 hereby Issue notice for Amendments under Para 2.107 and Appendix-2A of Handbook of Procedure2015-20 for inclusion of TRQs under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA). [46/2015-20]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/bf264017-34af-40a4-8fac-3d3d80e7f891/PN%2046%20Eng.pdf

FSSAI notifies Clarification with respect to Rectifiable labelling information for imported food consignments

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies Clarification with respect to Rectifiable labelling information for imported food consignments.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2022/12/63abd96184030Clarification_order_on_Label_Rectification.pdf

FSSAI notifies Requirement of Health Certificate accompanied with imported food consignments

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies Requirement of Health Certificate accompanied with imported food consignments.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2022/12/63abe405e5f4bletter_reg_list_of_HS_Codes.pdf

DOT notifies Launching of Licence/Renewal Modules pertaining to WPC Wing and Regional Licensing Offices on Saralsanchar portal of DoT

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Launching of Licence/Renewal Modules pertaining to WPC Wing and Regional Licensing Offices on Saralsanchar portal of DoT. [P-11014/02/2020-PP]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Office%20memorandum.pdf?download=1

FSSAI issues notice for recognition/approval of accreditation bodies by FSSAI to accredit food testing laboratories

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India in pursuance to section 16 (2e) in conjunction with section 43 (1&2) of Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 issues notice for recognition/approval of accreditation bodies by FSSAI to accredit food testing laboratories.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2022/12/63ac162748495Notice_for_recognition_and_approval.pdf

CDSCO issues notice for Inspection/Audits of Pharmacovigilane (PV) system of importers and manufactures of human vaccine

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation issues notice for issues notice for Inspection/Audits of Pharmacovigilane (PV) system of importers and manufactures of human vaccine.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://cdsco.gov.in/opencms/opencms/system/modules/CDSCO.WEB/elements/download_file_division.jsp?num_id=OTczNQ==

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) to take stringent action against use of heavy polluting fuels

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) to take stringent action against use of heavy polluting fuels.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1887103

UT of Ladakh notifies Waste Management Policies

The Union Territory of Ladakh in accordance with the following waste management policies are being notified in compliance with Rule 11 (a) and Rule 13 of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016; Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, and Rule 9 (1) of Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 notifies Waste Management Policies. [S.O.121]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/13.pdf

CDSL notifies Template for supervisory risk assessment

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Template for supervisory risk assessment. DPs are directed to fill in the complete details and recheck the same before submission, since modifications will not be allowed once submitted. [CDSL/OPS/DP/GENRL/2022/731]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/12.pdf

BSE issues notice for International Holidays – 2023 for custodian confirmation of Institutional trades.

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for International Holidays – 2023 for custodian confirmation of Institutional trades. [20221228-57]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221228-57

NHB notifies Concessions under the Regular Refinance Scheme

The National Housing Bank notifies Concessions under the Regular Refinance Scheme.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nhb.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Circular-on-Concessions.pdf

DOT notifies Clarification on Spectrum Usage Charges-SUC order dated 21st June 2022

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Clarification on Spectrum Usage Charges-SUC order dated 21st June 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/SUC%20Clarification%20dated%2026-12-2022.pdf?download=1

BSE issues notice for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20221228-56]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221228-56

BSE issues notice for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20221228-55]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221228-55

BSE issues notice for Operational Guidelines for participation on BSEBOND (EBP Platform of BSE)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Operational Guidelines for participation on BSEBOND (EBP Platform of BSE). These revised guidelines shall come into effect from January 1, 2023. [20221228-1]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221228-1

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Pruthvi Consultancy Services

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Pruthvi Consultancy Services. Investors are advised to take note of the same.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_28122022_1.pdf

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t KBK Advisory

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t KBK Advisory. Investors are advised to take note of the same.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_28122022_2.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances. All Members are advised to take note of the above and participate in mock testing. [93/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55039.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [92/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55031.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM) . All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [91/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55024.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Revised operating guidelines for NSE Electronic Bidding Platform (EBP)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revised operating guidelines for NSE Electronic Bidding Platform (EBP). All participants are requested to take note of the same. [16/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/11.pdf

Government of West Bengal notifies Registration And Licensing Services Through Single Window Silpasathi Portal In West Bengal

The Government of West Bengal mandated all applications for registrations and licenses, under various labour legislations, to be made through the State Single Window Silpasathi Portal (www.silpasathi.wb.gov.in), with effect from 1st January 2023. [Labr./17-3/2(4)/IT & EoDB]
Change Type :


State :

West Bengal

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/10.pdf

Government of Rajasthan notifies amendment of an older notification related to Input Tax Credit (ITC)

The Government of Rajasthan in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 18 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax, 2003 read with sub-section (2) of section 174 of the Rajasthan Goods and Services Act, 2017 hereby amendment of an older notification related to Input Tax Credit (ITC). [F.16 (100) Tax/CCT/14-15 / 1213]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/372dec.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2022

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 of the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Maharashtra Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2022. [PSA-0721/C.R.174/Spl.4]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/388dec.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act, 2022. [38-HLA of 2022/100/23971]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/387dec.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Mumbai Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Maharashtra notifies Mumbai Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act, 2022. It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 24th November 2022. [MAHBIL/2009/40123]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/386dec.pdf

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by section 39 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. RT-11036/16/2022-MVL (Part.I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241447.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services notifies Covid-19 Guidelines

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services notifies Covid-19 Guidelines for international arrivals, New year celebrations and other events, Booster dose vaccination coverage etc.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/cir-hws/Covid-19%20%20Guidelines%20Dec%2026th%202022.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services issues Circular for Protocols to be followed in view of the emerging Covid-19 situation

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services issues Circular for Protocols to be followed in view of the emerging Covid-19 situation.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/cir-hws/Covid%20Circular-1.pdf

NESL issues Circular for Article updation for State of Odisha

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues Circular for Article updation for State of Odisha. [NeSL/FC/2022/0071]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Communique_71_Articles_updation_for-_Odisha_State_for_Digital_E-stamping.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for NAV declaration when quarter end is a holiday

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for NAV declaration when quarter end is a holiday.[IRDAI/F&I/INV/CIR/248/12/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/381dec.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendment in Appendix 2T (List of Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards/ Export Development Authorities) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy(FTP) 2015-2020, hereby makes the following amendments at Sl. No. 10 in Appendix 2T (List of Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards/Export Development Authorities) of the FTP 2015-2020 . [45 /2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241448.pdf

MOP notifies enforcement of The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022 hereby appoints the 1st day of January, 2023 , as the date on which all the provisions of the said Act shall come into force. [F. No. 10/07/2018-EC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241432.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Limited Purpose Holiday Master

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Limited Purpose Holiday Master. Participants are requested to take note of the same.[NSDL/POLICY/2022/175]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-175-Policy-Limited_Purpose_Holiday_Master.pdf

BSE issues notice for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the SEBI Settlement Scheme for 150 Stock Brokers 2022.

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the SEBI Settlement Scheme for 150 Stock Brokers 2022. Trading members are advised to take note of the same and inform their respective clients. [20221227-7]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221227-7

NSE issues Circular for International Holidays for confirmation of institutional trades

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for International Holidays for confirmation of institutional trades. [0436/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55005.pdf

RBI updates Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India updates in exercise of the powers conferred under sections 45L and 45MA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and Sections 30, 30A, 32 and 33 of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 hereby updates Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021. [RBI/2020-21/73]
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Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD10007CE48ADE2FB4BF981444FE1349E3B71.PDF

MOLE notifies regarding exclusive website for redressal of any type of grievance related to EPFO

The Ministry of Labour & Employment notifies regarding exclusive website for redressal of any type of grievance related to EPFO.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/374dec.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 2022. [MAHBIL/2009/40123]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/373dec.pdf

CBIC issues Circular for Prescribing manner of filing an application for refund by unregistered persons

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues circular for Prescribing manner of filing an application for refund by unregistered persons. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of this Circular may be brought to the notice of the Board. [188/20/2022-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003140/ENG/Circulars

CBIC issues Circular for Clarification regarding the treatment of statutory dues under GST law in respect of the taxpayers for whom the proceedings have been finalised under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues circular for Clarification regarding the treatment of statutory dues under GST law in respect of the taxpayers for whom the proceedings have been finalised under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of the above instructions may please be brought to the notice of the Board. [187/19/2022-GST]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003139/ENG/Circulars

CBIC issues Circular for Clarification on various issue pertaining to GST

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues circular for Clarification on various issue pertaining to GST. Difficulty, if any, in implementation of this Circular may please be brought to the notice of the Board. [186/18/2022-GST]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003138/ENG/Circulars

CBIC issues Circular for Clarification with regard to applicability of provisions of section 75(2) of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 and its effect on limitation

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Circular for Clarification with regard to applicability of provisions of section 75(2) of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 and its effect on limitation. Difficulty, if any, in implementation of this Circular may please be brought to the notice of the Board. [185/17/2022-GST]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003137/ENG/Circulars

CBIC issues Circular for Clarification on the entitlement of input tax credit where the place of supply is determined in terms of the proviso to sub-section (8) of section 12 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Circular for Clarification on the entitlement of input tax credit where the place of supply is determined in terms of the proviso to sub-section (8) of section 12 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017. Difficulty, if any, in implementation of the above instructions may please be brought to the notice of the Board. [184/16/2022-GST]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003136/ENG/Circulars

CBIC issues Circular for Clarification to deal with difference in Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed in FORM GSTR-3B as compared to that detailed in FORM GSTR-2A for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Circular for Clarification to deal with difference in Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed in FORM GSTR-3B as compared to that detailed in FORM GSTR-2A for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of the above instructions may please be brought to the notice of the Board. [183/15/2022-GST]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003135/ENG/Circulars

CBIC notifies under sub-rule (4B) of rule 8 of CGST Rules, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in pursuance of the powers conferred by sub-rule (4B) of rule 8 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, hereby specifies that the provisions of sub-rule (4A) of rule 8 of the said rules shall not apply in all the States and Union territories except the State of Gujarat. [F. No. CBIC-20001/2/2022-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009585/ENG/Notifications

CBIC notifies Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, namely the Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. CBIC-20001/2/2022-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009584/ENG/Notifications

Ministry of Finance notifies effect to first tranche of India Australia ECTA

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby notifies effect to first tranche of India Australia ECTA. [F. No. CBIC-190354/236/2021-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241423.pdf

MEITY issues press release for Facial Recognition Technology

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Facial Recognition Technology.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1885963

Government of Jharkhand notifies extension of the effective date of Jharkhand Textile, Apparel & Footwear Policy-2016

The Government of Jharkhand notifies the extension of the effective date of Jharkhand Textile, Apparel & Footwear Policy-2016 i.e., September 18, 2021. It is held that the date has been extended from September 19, 2022, till the notified date of the new Textile Apparel Policy or September 18, 2023, whichever is earlier. [603/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/362dec.pdf

Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Assam issues Order regarding the promoters, agents, applicants for registration, and stakeholders who have uploaded their Aadhar number to their respective website

The Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Assam issues Order regarding the promoters, agents, applicants for registration, and stakeholders who have uploaded their Aadhar number to their respective website. All promoters, agents, applicants for registration, and stakeholders who have uploaded their Aadhar number to their respective website are directed to immediately delete their Aadhar number from their websites within three days of this order. [RERA/Assam/Website/2020/01/510]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/360dec.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Risk Management Fee –Steel Long (STEEL)

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Risk Management Fee –Steel Long (STEEL). [NCCL/FINANCE-005/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Risk_Management_Fee_Steel__26122022_1672060395.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Mutual Fund Units as collateral

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Mutual Fund Units as collateral. Members and participants are requested to note the same. [NCCL/RISK-049/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Scheme_of_deposit_for_acceptance_of_Mutual_Fund_Units_as_Collateral_26122022_1672056201.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Physical Delivery Charges –Steel Long (STEEL)

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Physical Delivery Charges –Steel Long (STEEL). [NCCL/FINANCE-006/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Physical_Delivery_Charges_%20Steel_26122022_1672060431.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Government Securities, Treasury Bills and Sovereign Gold Bonds as Collateral

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Government Securities, Treasury Bills and Sovereign Gold Bonds as Collateral. Members and participants are requested to note the above. NCCL/RISK-050/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3C3zbUw

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011 Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/127803/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/355dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011.

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221226-46]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221226-46

BSE issues notice for List of scrips for T+1 settlement cycle in Equity Segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for List of scrips for T+1 settlement cycle in Equity Segment. Members are requested to note that all remaining securities as on January 25, 2023 which are in ‘T+2’ settlement cycle including those securities as mentioned in point no. 9 of the Exchange press release dated November 08, 2021 and all securities on which derivatives contracts are available, shall be transitioned to T+1 rolling settlement effective from January 27, 2023. [20221226-37]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221226-37

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t person name Anju Saraf

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t person name Anju Saraf. Investors are advised to take note of the same.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_26122022_3.pdf

Government of Bihar notifies public holiday on the birthday of Guru Govind Singh

The Government of Bihar notifies public holiday on the birthday of Guru Govind Singh under the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881. [3/Hol.2022-SP-232628]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/344dec.pdf

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Nisha stocks

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Nisha stocks. Investors are advised to take note of the same.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_26122022_1.pdf

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t mobile number

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t mobile number. Investors are advised to take note of the same.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_26122022_1_1.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [854/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/349dec.pdf

NSE issues Circular for List of securities for T+1 settlement cycle in Equity Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for List of securities for T+1 settlement cycle in Equity Segment. Members are requested to note that all remaining securities as on January 25, 2023 settlement cycle including those securities as mentioned in point no. 9 of the Exchange press release dated November 08, 2021 and all securities on which derivatives contracts are available, shall be transitioned to T+1 rolling settlement effective from January 27, 2023. [161/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMTR54992.pdf

Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority issues Circular for extension of the time to submit the Annual Audit Report

The Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority issued a circular regarding the extension of time for the submission of the Annual Audit Report. [RERA/Accounts/129/2021-22]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/361dec.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Early Redemption Facility for SGB's held in Physical Mode - Jan 2023 to Mar 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Early Redemption Facility for SGB's held in Physical Mode - Jan 2023 to Mar 2023. Trading members shall ensure that investors desirous of participating in the SGB early redemption facility have provided their consent to participate in the platform and adhere to the applicable legal framework. [35/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/347dec.pdf

RBI notifies Central Payments Fraud Information Registry – Migration of Reporting to DAKSH

The Reserve Bank of India under Section 10 (2) read with Section 18 of Payment and settlement Systems Act, 2007 hereby notifies Central Payments Fraud Information Registry – Migration of Reporting to DAKSH. [RBI/2022-23/158]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT158E6817A5F7C4B47F3AE93090730E257AB.PDF

Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Purchase Obligation and its compliance) Regulations, 2022

The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 61, 66, 86 (1)(e) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby notifies Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Purchase Obligation and its compliance) Regulations, 2022. [PSERC/Secy./Reg./169]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/340dec.pdf

Government of Goa notifies amendment in Preferential purchase Incentives for Micro and Small Enterprises Scheme, 2022

The Government of Goa notifies amendment in Preferential purchase Incentives for Micro and Small Enterprises Scheme, 2022. [3/40/2003-IND(Pt.II)(Vol.III)/308]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/343dec.pdf

MEITY issues press release for residents to keep their documents updated in Aadhaar issued 10 years back

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for residents to keep their documents updated in Aadhaar issued 10 years back.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1886310

MEITY issues press release for Objective of Amendment in Information Technology Rules

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Objective of Amendment in Information Technology Rules.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1885966

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles Auxiliaries and Technical Documentation for the Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Products

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./513/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241364.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Identification Cards and Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./506/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241345.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Fibres Ropes

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of sub-rule (1) of Rule 15 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./514/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241394.pd

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of sub-rule (1) of Rule 15 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./512/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241393.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Methods of Test for Natural Rubber

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of sub-rule (1) of Rule 15 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby makes the following amendment to the various notification w.r.t Methods of Test for Natural Rubber. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./507/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241322.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution notifies Consumer Protection (Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions) Amendment Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) and clauses (q) and (zj) of sub-section (2) of section 101 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 hereby makes the following rules to amend the Consumer Protection (Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions) Rules, 2020, namely the Consumer Protection (Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions) Amendment Rules, 2022. [F. No. J-10/6/2018-CPU(Pt.1)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241325.pdf

CDSCO issues notice for Registration of Medical Device Testing Laboratory in Form MD-40 as per Medical Devices Rules (MDR) 2017 for Testing of Medical Devices on behalf of the manufacturer

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation issues notice for Registration of Medical Device Testing Laboratory in Form MD-40 as per Medical Devices Rules (MDR) 2017 for Testing of Medical Devices on behalf of the manufacturer.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cdsco.gov.in/opencms/opencms/system/modules/CDSCO.WEB/elements/download_file_division.jsp?num_id=OTY4NA==

MOP notifies Energy Conservation (Manner of Holding Inquiry) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the power conferred by section 56 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 hereby makes the following rules, to further amend the Energy Conservation (Manner of holding inquiry) Rules, 2009, namely the Energy Conservation (Manner of Holding Inquiry) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. 10/03/2022-EC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241350.pdf

CERC notifies Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under sub-section (1) and clause (y) of sub-section (2) of section 178 read with Section 66 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates) Regulations, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "the Principal Regulations"), namely the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./509/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241349.pdf

CPCB notifies General Framework For Imposing Environmental Damage Compensation

The Central Pollution Control Board notifies General Framework For Imposing Environmental Damage Compensation.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS8zNjBfMTY3MTc5MjY0NF9tZWRpYXBob3RvMjk1MjYucGRm

CPCB notifies Directions regarding the provision of GST invoices of transactions related to plastic packaging by Producers/ Importers/ Brand owners (PIBOS) and Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs)

The Central Pollution Control Board under Section 5 of the Environment Protection Act, 1986 hereby notifies Directions regarding the provision of GST invoices of transactions related to plastic packaging by Producers/ Importers/ Brand owners (PIBOS) and Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs). [CP-20/33/2021-UPC-II-HO-CPCB-HO]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=UHVibGljYXRpb25GaWxlLzQzMTFfMTY3MTc3NTk2Ml9tZWRpYXBob3RvODg5NS5wZGY=

MoEFCC notifies Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in exercise of powers conferred by sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, namely the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2022. [F. No. 23/104/2022-HSM]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241373.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Format of Report downloads – Exchange

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Format of Report downloads – Exchange. Market participants are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [NCDEX/TRADING-060/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Format_of_Report_downloads%E2%80%93Exchange_23122022_1671806597.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12796/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/326dec.pdf

CDSL notifies inter-depository transfers and penalty for non movement of payout securities on trading holidays

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies inter-depository transfers and penalty for non movement of payout securities on trading holidays. DPs are advised to take note of the same. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SETTL/2022/726]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/325dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for Revised timings for OTR allocation (Give-up) for T+1 settlement in equity cash segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Revised timings for OTR allocation (Give-up) for T+1 settlement in equity cash segment. [20221223-17
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221223-17

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221223-51]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221223-51

NSE issues Circular for Revision in OTR allocation timelines for Securities settling on T+1 basis

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revision in OTR allocation timelines for Securities settling on T+1 basis. Members/Custodians are requested to note that the revised timelines shall be effective from trade date December 26, 2022. [0430/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT54972.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Commission on Sovereign Gold Bonds – 2022-23

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Commission on Sovereign Gold Bonds – 2022-23. [34/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/FA54985.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [850/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/320dec.pdf

SEBI issues press release for Study of fees and expenses charged by Mutual Funds

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues press release for Study of fees and expenses charged by Mutual Funds. [40/2022]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/media/press-releases/dec-2022/sebi-initiates-study-of-fees-and-expenses-charged-by-mutual-funds_66575.html

MCA notifies launching Second set of Company Forms covering 56 forms in two different lots on MCA21 V3 portal. 10 out of 56 forms

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs notifies launching Second set of Company Forms covering 56 forms in two different lots on MCA21 V3 portal. 10 out of 56 forms will be launched on 09th January 2023 at 12:00 AM and the remaining 46 forms on 23rd January 202. Following forms will be rolled-out on 09th January 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/content/dam/mca/configurations/new-forms-20221221.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Seizure, Storage, Sampling and Disposal) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 76; read with section 52A; of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Seizure, Storage, Sampling and Disposal) Rules, 2022. [F. No-N-16011/07/2018-NC-II]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241357.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Labour Laws (Amendment) Act, 2022
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Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/316dec.pdf

EPFO notifies Corrections Of Member Profile Under Employees Provident Fund

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies guidelines for the employers and employees submitting joint applications for the correction in the member's profile. [AP/RO/GNT/Profile/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/315dec.pdf

MOLE notifies Implementation of the ESI Act in all the areas of Thiruvallur district, in addition to the already notified areas of the said district, in the State of Tamil Nadu

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of January, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act, shall come force in all the areas of Thiruvallur district, in addition to the already notified areas of the said district, in the State of Tamil Nadu. [No. S-38013/16/2022-SS-I]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241387.pdf

MOLE notifies Implementation of the ESI Act in all the areas of Chamba, Kullu, Hamirpur, Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti districts in the State of Himachal Pradesh

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of January, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Chamba, Kullu, Hamirpur, Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti districts in the State of Himachal Pradesh. [No. S-38013/15/2022-SS-I]
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Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241385.pdf

ESIC notifies Regarding measures to be taken in view of recent spurt in Covid cases

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Regarding measures to be taken in view of recent spurt in Covid cases. [V/14/11/6/2018/Med I/Misc
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/312dec.pdf

CBIC notifies Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement) Rules, 2022

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement) Rules, 2022. [F. No. 20000/2/2015-OSD (ICD)
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241312.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Cards and Security Devices, Nanotechnologies and Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./495/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241290.pdf

MOP issues Press Release for revised policy on biomass utilisation for power generation through co-firing in coal based power plants

The Ministry of Power issues Press Release for revised policy on biomass utilisation for power generation through co-firing in coal based power plants
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1885751

Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Order for Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressors and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2022

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 read with sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following order further to amend the Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressors and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Order, 2019, namely the Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressors and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2022. [F. No. 29014/63/2017-LEI]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241300.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendment of Appendix 2B [List of Agencies Authorised to issue Certificate of Origin (Preferential)] of Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020 Issue notice for Amendment of Appendix 2B [List of Agencies Authorised to issue Certificate of Origin (Preferential)] of Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020. [44/2015-20]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/a655ac1c-12e9-4271-bf49-1034c1ea4d83/PN%2044%20dt%2022-12-22%20Eng.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Electronic filing and Issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade Issue notice for Electronic filing and Issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) under India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA) w.e.f. 29th December 2022. [23/2022-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3PPoCKz

MPCB notifies Hon'ble NGT (PB) order dated 29.08.2022, in Original Application No. 272/2022, In re: News item published in The Times of India dated 12th April, 2022, titled “Six killed in chemical factory blast in Gujarat

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board notifies Hon'ble NGT (PB) order dated 29.08.2022, in Original Application No. 272/2022, In re: News item published in The Times of India dated 12th April, 2022, titled “Six killed in chemical factory blast in Gujarat.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/300dec.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12790/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/299dec.pdf

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors. Investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any scheme / product offered by the aforementioned entity or any other entity / person, offering assured / guaranteed return, in any form, in Commodity Derivatives Market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2022/december/caution-for-investors.pdf?sfvrsn=529ec591_0

CDSL notifies Availability of CDSL system

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Availability of CDSL system. DPs are advised to note that due to maintenance activity on Friday, December 23, 2022, the Browser Based CDSL system and easi/easiest system will not be available to users from 9:30 PM to 11:00 PM.[CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2022/724]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/297dec.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Stamp (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Stamp (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2022.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2022/5057.pdf

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221222-44]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221222-44

NSE issues Press Release to set up Social Stock Exchange (SSE) as a separate segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release to set up Social Stock Exchange (SSE) as a separate segment.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_22122022.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [846/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/294dec.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Dummy Contracts in Master Files

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Dummy Contracts in Master Files. The above change shall be effective in live from trade date January 09, 2023 and shall be effective until further notice.[47/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CD54968.pdf

IMA issues press release on impending Covid outbreak

The Indian Medical Association issues press release on impending Covid outbreak.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241290.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee Meeting, December 5-7, 2022

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee Meeting, December 5-7, 2022. [2022-2023/1420]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :

No state

Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1420MPCF099880C30FD4CC38BAC999DF8C8B0FF.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction – Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts of Non-resident Exchange Houses

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction – Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts of Non-resident Exchange Houses. [RBI/FED/ 2015-16/16]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :

No state

Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/16MCDF82CC17C279247FCB66E2A39BDAD38F6.PDF

MOLE issues Press Release for Insurance for Unemployment Contingencies

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues Press Release for Insurance for Unemployment Contingencies.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :

No state

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1885771

CBIC notifies Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement) Rules, 2022

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement) Rules, 2022. [F. No. 20000/2/2015-OSD (ICD)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241312.pd

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Methods of Test Petroleum and its Products and Plastics

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./495/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241291.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Specification for Textile Motors and Specification for Appliance-Connectors and Appliance-Inlets

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that the Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been cancelled and stands withdrawn from the date indicated against it in the third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./500/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241293.pdf

IRDAI notifies Annual Report 2021-22

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India notifies Annual Report 2021-22.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/305dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023. [20221221-1]
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State :

Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221221-1

ESIC notifies Cyber Security Guidelines

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Cyber Security Guidelines. [17012/1/2022-ICT]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/276dec.pdf

UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu notifies the list of holidays for the year 2023

The Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu notifies the list of holidays for the year 2023. [11/01/96-06/GA/Holiday/III/2022-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/277dec.pdf

MEITY issues press release for Digital Security of Citizens

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Digital Security of Citizens.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1885363

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies Amendment to the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 122 read with Section 113 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 hereby notifies Amendment to the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971. [II(2)/HOU/981(b)/2022.]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in/extraordinary/2022/557_Ex_II_2.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Digital Television Receiver for Satellite Broadcast Transmission

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./508/2022-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241271.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./499/2022-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241256.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Methods of Testing Steel Sheets for Magnetic Circuits of Power Electrical Apparatus

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./496/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241255.pd

IBBI issues Circular for Proforma for reporting liquidator’s decision(s) different from the advice of Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee (SCC) under proviso to sub-regulation (10) of regulation 31A of IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India issues Circular for Proforma for reporting liquidator’s decision(s) different from the advice of Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee (SCC) under proviso to sub-regulation (10) of regulation 31A of IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016.[IBBI/LIQ/57/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ibbi.gov.in/uploads/legalframwork/2d5613091cded4721f7f0297f4416a8e.pdf

DPIIT issues notice for Submission of Forms & Documents (digitally signed) in respect of application for registration of Design and issuance of e-certificate of Design

The Department of Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade issues notice for Submission of Forms & Documents (digitally signed) in respect of application for registration of Design and issuance of e-certificate of Design. The applicants are now encouraged to utilise the option of filing of Forms and documents through online portal https://online.ipindia.gov.in/eDesign/goForLogin/doLogin and henceforth, there is no requirement to submit physical Forms and documents, except assignment, attested/notarised copy of the original Power of Attorney and original affidavit (if any) for e-filed applications.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ipindia.gov.in/writereaddata/Portal/News/853_1_Public_Notice.pdf

Pollution Control Board, Assam issues Order for Low Ash Metallurgical Coke (LAMC) manufacturing unit

The Pollution Control Board, Assam issues Order for Low Ash Metallurgical Coke (LAMC) manufacturing unit.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/281dec.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Reporting of Bank and Demat accounts

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Reporting of Bank and Demat accounts. Any non-compliance/non-reporting of above details by the member shall attract penal action as per the provisions of the Exchange.[NCDEX/MEMBERSHIP-036/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Reporting%20bank%20and%20demat_21122022_1671619891.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Facility for providing exemption/removal of Designated Persons (DPs) during trading window closure period on NSDL issuer portal

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Facility for providing exemption/removal of Designated Persons (DPs) during trading window closure period on NSDL issuer portal. All Issuers/ R&T Agents are advised to comply with the above and inform their client companies suitably. [NSDL/CIR/II/45/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3GbjUDq

MCXCCL issues Circular for Invocation of Arbitration by Warehouse Service Provider against constituent(s)

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues Circular for Invocation of Arbitration by Warehouse Service Provider against constituent(s). Warehouse Service Providers and Market Participants are requested to take note of the same. [MCXCCL/ISD/267/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-733-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=bc99c591_0

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022. [18 OF 2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241252.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022. [19 OF 2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241246.pdf

Department of Environment and Climate Change, Rajasthan notifies Rajasthan Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Department of Environment and Climate Change, Rajasthan in exercise of the powers conferred by section 64 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975, namely the Rajasthan Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [G.S.R.101]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/271dec.pdf

MCXCCL issues Circular for Clearing and Settlement Holidays for the year 2023

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues Circular for Clearing and Settlement Holidays for the year 2023. Members are requested to take note of the same. [MCXCCL/C&S/268/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular---734-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=7498c591_0

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Land Revenue (Second Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Land Revenue (Second Amendment) Act, 2022.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2022/5046.pdf

BSE issues notice for Revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on application filed under Regulation 37 and 59A of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 w.r.t. Scheme of Arrangements

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on application filed under Regulation 37 and 59A of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 w.r.t. Scheme of Arrangements. [20221220-62]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221220-6

SEBI issues press release for directions to stock exchanges in Commodities Derivative Segment

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues press release for directions to stock exchanges in Commodities Derivative Segment. [38/2022]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/media/press-releases/dec-2022/sebi-issues-directions-to-stock-exchanges-in-commodities-derivative-segment_66412.html

SEBI issues press release for SEBI Board Meeting

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues press release for SEBI Board Meeting. This includes Amendment to SEBI (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, Amendment to SEBI (Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021 and others. [37/2022]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/media/press-releases/dec-2022/sebi-board-meeting_66407.html

RBI notifies Formation of new district in the State of Assam – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Formation of new district in the State of Assam – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI157E20122240F8DBD2694C43D9951A1736CB995E22.PDF

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 58/2021- Customs (N.T.), dated the 1st July, 2021

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 151B of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby makes the following amendments in the notification No. 58/2021- Customs (N.T.), dated the 1st July, 2021. [F. No.15021/02/2019-ICD(CBEC)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241251.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies the list of general holidays for the calendar year 2023. [F.3-3-2022-1-one-4]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/263dec.pdf

Finance Department, Delhi notifies amendments in the notification No. 73/2017-State Tax, dated the 31st January 2018,

The Finance Department, Delhi in exercise of the powers conferred by section 128 of the Delhi Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 73/2017-State Tax, dated the 31st January 2018. [F. 3 (31)/Fin.(Exp-I)/2022-23/DS-I/898]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/262dec.pdf

MOHFW notifies Operational guidelines for revised surveillance strategy in context of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare notifies Operational guidelines for revised surveillance strategy in context of COVID-19.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/275dec.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident. Members are requested to take note and ensure compliance.[MCX/TECH/731/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-731--2022.pdf?sfvrsn=4803c491_0

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241225.pdf

MCXCCL issues Circular for Monitoring and Penalty mechanism for EOD Short Allocation

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues Circular for Monitoring and Penalty mechanism for EOD Short Allocation. Members and their clients/ constituents are requested to take note and ensure compliance. [MCXCCL/C&S/265/2022]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular---728-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=e603c491_0

MCX issues Circular for Reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by members of the Exchange

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues Circular for Monitoring and Penalty mechanism for EOD Short Allocation. Members and their clients/ constituents are requested to take note and ensure compliance. [MCXCCL/C&S/265/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3HN7YsQ

BSE issues notice for Submission of the Aadhar numbers in the Announcements / Offer Documents submitted to the Exchange

BSE issues notice for Submission of the Aadhar numbers in the Announcements / Offer Documents submitted to the Exchange
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221219-69

BSE issues notice for Clarifications with respect to Scheme(s) of Arrangement by entities who have listed their Non-convertible Debt securities (NCDs)/ Non-convertible Redeemable Preference shares (NCRPS)’

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Clarifications with respect to SEBI Circular no. SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD1/P/CIR/2022/156 dated November 17, 2022 (“SEBI Circular”), on Scheme(s) of Arrangement by entities who have listed their Non-convertible Debt securities (NCDs)/ Non-convertible Redeemable Preference shares (NCRPS)’. [20221219-49]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221219-49

The Securities and Exchange Board of India under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 issues Master Circular for Foreign Portfolio Investors, Designated Depository Participants and Eligible Foreign Investors. [SEBI/HO/AFD-2/CIR/P/2022/175]

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred upon SEBI under Section 11 (1) of the SEBI Act, 1992 read with the provisions of Regulation 2A of the SEBI(Debenture Trustees) Regulations, 1993 and Regulation 55 of the SEBI(Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021 and Regulation 101(1) of the SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 issues circular for Clarification to SEBI circular dated August 04, 2022 on enhanced guidelines for debenture trustees and listed issuer companies on security creation and initial due diligence. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD1/P/CIR/2022/176]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3FJX30e

SEBI issues Master Circular for Foreign Portfolio Investors, Designated Depository Participants and Eligible Foreign Investors

The Securities and Exchange Board of India under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 issues Master Circular for Foreign Portfolio Investors, Designated Depository Participants and Eligible Foreign Investors. [SEBI/HO/AFD-2/CIR/P/2022/175]
Change Type :

Master Circular

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3FzA6Ne

Administrator of Chandigarh notifies Chandigarh Union Territory List Of Holidays, 2023

The Administrator of Chandigarh notifies the list of public holidays for the calendar year 2023. [6/1/1-1H(I)-2022/19921]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/246dec.pdf

Department of Environment and Climate Change, Rajasthan notifies Rajasthan Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Department of Environment and Climate Change, Rajasthan in exercise of the powers conferred by section 54 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983, namely the Rajasthan Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [G.S.R.102]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/257dec.pdf

MOP notifies Amendments to Guidelines under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for procurement of power on FOO basis under para B(v) of the SHAKTI Policy

The Ministry of Power notifies under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 notifies Amendments to Guidelines for procurement of power on FOO basis under para B(v) of the SHAKTI Policy. [23/03/2022-R&R]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241219.pdf

UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu Pollution Control Committee issues Order to extends the time limit to implement the guidelines regarding the use of Pet coke and Furnace oil as fuel

The Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu Pollution Control Committee issues Order to extends the time limit to implement the guidelines regarding the use of Pet coke and Furnace oil as fuel. [PCC/DDD/PET COKE-FO(WPXC) 13029/1985/CPCB(DMN)/19-20/24]
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State :

Dadra & Nager Haveli and Daman & Diu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/256dec.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Settlement holidays for the Calendar year 2023

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Settlement holidays for the Calendar year 2023.[NCCL/CLEARING-059/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Settlement_holidays_for_the_Calendar_year_2023_19122022_1671451935.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Land Partnership Policy-2022

The Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Land Partnership Policy-2022. Through the policy, landowners shall partner with the Development Agency for mutual benefit besides ensuring overall economic development of the area. [2-TCP/2022/8/18]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/261dec.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems. Members are required to take note of the same. [MSE/IT/12759/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2022/December/Circular-12759.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for Reinsurance Treaty Agreements covering Fire and Engineering Lines of Business – prohibition of provisions that make for broad market price tariffs

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Reinsurance Treaty Agreements covering Fire and Engineering Lines of Business – prohibition of provisions that make for broad market price tariffs. The Authority hereby advises all Non-life insurers and reinsurers to ensure that IIB published broad-occupancy market average burning costs rates for Fire and Engineering risks are not embedded as minimum rates within Reinsurance Treaty Agreements applying to the Indian Market for the risks commencing on and after 1st April 2023. [IRDAI/REIN/CIR/MISC/ 247 /12/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/259dec.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Change in Investor Services Centre location at Indore

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Change in Investor Services Centre location at Indore. It may be noted that our Investor Services Centre located at Indore will shift to the following address with effect from December 19, 2022. [30/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC54866.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Submission of Key Management Personnel (KMP) details

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Submission of Key Management Personnel (KMP) details. All Members are hereby advised to take note that w.e.f. December 19, 2022, submission of Key Management Personnel details shall be done through ENIT portal only. [92/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP54861.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Debt Segment - Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Debt Segment - Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023. [054/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS54857.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Holidays for Calendar Year 2023

NSE issues Circular for Holidays for Calendar Year 2023
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/NMF54856.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Commodity Derivatives Segment – Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023

NSE issues Circular for Commodity Derivatives Segment – Settlement Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COM54837.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Applicability of SEBI circular on Principles of Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs) to AMC Repo Clearing Limited

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Applicability of SEBI circular on Principles of Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs) to AMC Repo Clearing Limited. This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD1/P/CIR/2022/174]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3Wpa0U6

SEBI issues Circular for Framework for Orderly Winding Down of Critical Operations and Services of a Clearing Corporation

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Framework for Orderly Winding Down of Critical Operations and Services of a Clearing Corporation. This circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2022/173]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3V3mwa

SEBI issues Circular for Performance Benchmarking and Reporting of Performance by Portfolio Managers

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Performance Benchmarking and Reporting of Performance by Portfolio Managers. This circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market. [SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-PoD-2/P/CIR/2022/172]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2022/performance-benchmarking-and-reporting-of-performance-by-portfolio-managers_66256.html

RBI issues a Press Release for Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2022-23 Series III - Issue Price

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2022-23 Series III - Issue Price. [2022-2023/1383]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR13831A5149A962644E2FBEA1BBD12AEA8CEF.PDF

RBI notifies Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme 2022-23

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme 2022-23. [RBI/2022-23/156]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/SGBC20222345D9E62FE8EC4B488243FBC96AB6B2F5.PDF

ESIC notifies Domain Name of ESIC Websites i.e., www.esic.nic.in and www.esic.in has been changed to www.esic.gov.in

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Domain Name of ESIC Websites i.e., www.esic.nic.in and www.esic.in has been changed to www.esic.gov.in. All the information pertaining to ESIC and its Scheme can be accessed on this new Unified Website, i.e., www.esic.gov.in.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/220dec.pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies list of public holidays for the year 2023. [G.O.Rt.No. 2692]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/218dec.pdf

MOLE notifies ESIC coverage in the State of Madhya Pradesh

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of January, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Sehore, Shajapur and Guna districts, in addition to the already notified areas of the said districts, in the State of Madhya Pradesh. [F. No. S-38013/12/2022-SS-I]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241143.pdf

MOLE notifies public utility service in respect of banking industry

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 hereby declares the services engaged in the Banking industry to be a public utility service for the purposes of the said Act for a period of six months with effect from the date of the publication of this notification. [F. No. S-11017/5/ 97- IR(PL)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241142.pdf

CBIC issues Press Release for the 48th Meeting of the GST Council

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Press Release for the 48th Meeting of the GST Council.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.cbic.gov.in/resources//htdocs-cbec/press-release/Press%20Release%2048th%20GSTC%2017.12.2022.pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies list of Public holidays FY 2023 under Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

The Government of Andhra Pradesh under the explanation to section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 hereby notifies list of Public holidays FY 2023. [G.O.Rt.No.2693]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/219dec.pdf

MEITY issues press release for Promotion of ‘Make in India’ in Electronics and Information Technology Sector

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Promotion of ‘Make in India’ in Electronics and Information Technology Sector.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1884069

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Carbon Fibre

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT. III/4/Exty./492/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241173.pdf

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-fourth Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by section 109 and section 110 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-fourth Amendment) Rules, 2022. [No. RT-11028/01/2022-MVL]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241161.pdf

BIS notifies Guidelines for Implementation of Parallel Testing

The Bureau of Indian Standards Guidelines for Implementation of Parallel Testing. These guideline supersedes the Registration Guidelines of even no. dated 16 Dec 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.crsbis.in/BIS/app_srv/tdc/gl/docs/Guidelines-Parallel-FINAL.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Information Technology, Security and Resilience and Guidelines for Management Consultancy Services

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./493/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241159.pdf

UIDAI issues Circular for Policy for enforcing of Aadhaar (E&U) Regulations 2016, process, standards, guidelines, data quality and containing corrupt/fraudulent practices

The Unique Identification Authority of India issues Circular for Policy for enforcing of Aadhaar (Enrolment &Update) Regulations 2016, process, standards, guidelines, data quality and containing corrupt/fraudulent practices.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3HMBlM0

DOT notifies List of new Commercial VSAT licencee

The Department of Telecommunications notifies List of new Commercial VSAT licencee.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/239dec.pdf

CERC notifies determination of fees and charges payable under the REC Regulations, 2022

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies determination of fees and charges payable under the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Recognition and Issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2022. [15/SM/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/238dec.pdf

Government of Chhattisgarh notifies amendment in the directions regarding plastic carry bags, short-life PVC, and chlorinated plastics

Government of Chhattisgarh notifies amendment in the directions regarding plastic carry bags, short-life PVC, and chlorinated plastics
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/237dec.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries. Members are advised to ensure compliance with the requirements.[NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-074/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/AI_ML_Dec_16122022_1671191050.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems. Members are required to take note of the same. [NCDEX/RISK-010/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3YCcH6S

MSE issues Circular for Trading Holidays in the Currency Derivatives Segment for the calendar year 2023

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Trading Holidays in the Currency Derivatives Segment for the calendar year 2023. [MSE/TRD/12753/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2022/December/Circular-12753.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems. Members are required to take note of the same. [MCX/TECH/726/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-726-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=f95ec491_0

BSE issues notice for Framework to address the ‘Technical Glitches’ in Stockbrokers Electronic Trading Systems

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Framework to address the ‘Technical Glitches’ in Stockbrokers Electronic Trading Systems. Members are required to take note of the same. [20221216-52]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221216-52

NSE issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Framework to address the ‘technical glitches’ in Member’s Electronic Trading Systems. Members are required to take note of the same. [93/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/231dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for FAQ’s - Disclosure of holding of specified securities and holding of specified securities in dematerialized form

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for FAQ’s - Disclosure of holding of specified securities and holding of specified securities in dematerialized form. Companies are requested to comply with the requirement of listing regulations and other applicable regulations as amended from time to time. [20221215-42]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/205dec.pdf

Government of Uttar Pradesh issues Order regarding imposing Section 144 in Lucknow city in lieu of Covid-19 during festival season

The Government of Uttar Pradesh issues Order regarding imposing Section 144 in Lucknow city in lieu of Covid-19 during festival season.
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State :

Uttar Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/214dec.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Motor Vehicles (4th Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Government of Kerala in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 65 and 96 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Kerala Motor Vehicles (4th Amendment) Rules, 2022. [G.O.(P) No.39/2022/Trans]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/213dec.pdf

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-third Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a), (d) and (p) of section 64 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-third Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. RT-11036/48/2019-MVL]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241119.pdf

CERSAI notifies for Entities consuming CERSAI API(s) in Production

The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India notifies for Entities consuming CERSAI API(s) in Production: The upgraded version of SI Registration API has been deployed successfully in Production. Entities are requested to invoke API after performing required changes at their end to avoid failure response.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.cersai.org.in/CERSAI/notifications.prg

MOP notifies Supply of Fly ash to the end users by the Power Plants to increase fly ash utilization

The Ministry of Power notifies Supply of Fly ash to the end users by the Power Plants to increase fly ash utilization. Power Plants may take appropriate steps at their level to ensure maximum utilization of ash to comply with applicable Notification of MoEF&CC. [15/2/2022-EC&ET-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221215-37

CDSL notifies training programme for compliance officers / principal officers / DP officials and internal / concurrent auditors

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies training programme for compliance officers / principal officers / DP officials and internal / concurrent auditors. DPs (including branch DPs) are advised to register their Compliance/ Principal Officers, other DP Officials and Internal Auditors / Concurrent Auditors for the training program. [CDSL/OPS/DP/TRANG/2022/715]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221215-48

CDSL notifies Availability of CDSL system

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Availability of CDSL system. DPs are advised to note that due to maintenance activity, post EOD on Saturday, December 17, 2022, the Browser Based CDSL system and easi/easiest system will be available to users on Sunday, December 18, 2022, after 08:00 P.M. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2022/714]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221215-42

BSE issues notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 for Currency Derivatives Segments

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 for Currency Derivatives Segments. [20221215-37]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CD54832.pdf

BSE issues notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 for NDS-RST and Tri Party Repo

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 for NDS-RST and Tri Party Repo. [20221215-48]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/206dec.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Trading holidays for the calendar year 2023 for currency derivatives

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading holidays for the calendar year 2023 for currency derivatives. [44/2022
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/204dec.pdf

RBI notifies FAQ on Annual Survey on Computer Software & Information Technology Enabled Services Exports (ITES)

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ on Annual Survey on Computer Software & Information Technology Enabled Services Exports (ITES).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=142

RBI notifies FAQ on Survey on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) of Mutual Fund (MF) Companies and their Asset Management Companies (AMCs) in India

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ on Survey on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) of Mutual Fund (MF) Companies and their Asset Management Companies (AMCs) in India.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=143

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by y section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of Finance Act, 2002 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241121.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241121.pdf

Government of Jharkhand notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Jharkhand declared the list of public holidays in the state of Jharkhand for the calendar year 2023. [15/03-01/2022-7624]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/199dec.pdf

Pollution Control Board, Assam notifies exemption of Standalone DG set up to MVA capacity

The Pollution Control Board, Assam notifies the exemption of Standalone DG set up to MVA capacity. This shall come into force with immediate effect. [WB/T-333/2022-2023/44]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/194dec.pdf

CDSL notifies facility for Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies facility for Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA). [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2022/710]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/193dec.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Supplemental Guidelines for detecting suspicious transactions under rule 7(3) of Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Supplemental Guidelines for detecting suspicious transactions under rule 7(3) of Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005. Participants are requested to take note and ensure compliance.[NSDL/POLICY/2022/173
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-173-Policy-Supplemental_Guidelines_for_detecting_suspicious_transac....pdf

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221214-38]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221214-38

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors. Investors are advised to take note of the same.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_cc_14122022.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [824/2022]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/189dec.pdf

NESL issues Circular for Data Submission by Creditors for Standard Loans (i.e., Loans without default) – Change in validation of contact details of Debtors under Corporate, Other Commercial Entities (OCE) & Individual Borrower Segments

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues Circular for Data Submission by Creditors for Standard Loans (i.e., Loans without default) – Change in validation of contact details of Debtors under Corporate, Other Commercial Entities (OCE) & Individual Borrower Segments. All Creditors are requested to note the given validation check for all Standard Loans and take steps to ensure that data in these field are incorporated, before submitting data on standard loans to NeSL-IU electronically. [NeSL/FC/2022/0070]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Communique-70-Data-Submission-by-Creditors-for-Standard-Loans.pdf

Government of Jammu and Kashmir issues Circular for Regulation of payment of wages to Daily Rated Workers and Casual Labourers

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir issues Circular for Regulation of payment of wages to Daily Rated Workers and Casual Labourers. The engagement of Daily Rated Workers/Casual Labourers shall be restricted to the budget available and no liability shall be created. [FD-Code/226/2021-02-1844]
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State :

Jammu and Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/188dec.pdf

BIS notifies Refrigerating Appliances (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2022

The Bureau of Indian Standards in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 read with sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following order further to amend the Refrigerating Appliances (Quality Control) Order, 2020, namely the Refrigerating Appliances (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2022. [F. No. 29026/3/2019-LEI]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241093.pdf

Government of Telangana notifies CPI numbers under Minimum Wages Act, 1948

The Government of Telangana in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (d) of section 2 and sub-section (2) of the section 4 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 hereby notifies Consumer Price Index number for state industrial workers as well as state agricultural workers for the half year ending June, 2022.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/187dec.pdf

BEE notifies Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Stationary Storage Type Electric Water Heater), (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 58 read with clause (n) of sub-section (2) of section 13 and clause (d) of section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Stationary Storage type Electric Water Heater) Regulations, 2016, namely the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Stationary Storage Type Electric Water Heater), (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./461/2022-23
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241054.pdf

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 3 and sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 hereby notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments.
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/186dec.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Punjab notifies the holiday list for the year 2023. [06/05/2022/2PP3/985]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/185dec.pdf

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of “Gajapati” district

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/12/2022 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Odisha Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1958 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of “Gajapati” district (in addition to the already notified areas in the district) and the entire area of Nuapada, Debagarh & Malkangiri districts in the State of Odisha. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./472/2022-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241073.pdf

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Dindigul district

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/12/2022 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Tamil Nadu Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Dindigul district (in addition to the already notified areas in the districts) in the State of Tamil Nadu. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./471/2022-23]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241071.pdf

MORTH issues press release for Postponement of 6 Airbags Mandate for M-1 Passenger Vehicles

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways issues Press Release for Postponement of 6 Airbags Mandate for M-1 Passenger Vehicles.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1883427

Government of Karnataka issues Press Note for Payment of contribution for the calendar year 2022

The Government of Karnataka issues Press Note for Payment of contribution for the calendar year 2022. The last date for payment of contribution is 15-01-2023.
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Press Note

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://klwb.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/contribution%20calander%20year%202022.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Punjab Land Reforms (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Government of Punjab in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 26 of the Punjab Land Reforms Act, 1972 hereby make the following rules, further to amend the Punjab Land Reforms Rules, 1973, namely the Punjab Land Reforms (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [87/P.A.10/1973/S.26/Amd.(11)/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/182dec.pdf

FSSAI notifies Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Second Amendment Regulations, 2022

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (k) and (v) of sub-section (2) of section 92 and clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 16 read with the sections 23 and section 24 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018, namely the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Second Amendment Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./462/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241043.pdf

CDSL notifies Amendments to CDSL’s DP operating instructions

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendments to CDSL’S DP operating instructions. DPs are advised to note that amendments have been affected in CDSL DP Operating Instructions. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2022/708]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/180dec.pdf

CDSL notifies Amendments to CDSL’S DP operating instructions

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendments to CDSL’S DP operating instructions. DPs are requested to take note and ensure compliance. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2022/705]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/179dec.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Annual System Audit Report

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Annual System Audit Report. Participants are requested to take note and guide their system auditors accordingly. [NSDL/POLICY/2022/172]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-172-Policy-Annual_System_Audit_Report.pdf

BSE issues notice for Guidance note on inclusion of “Object of the issue” in case of Preferential issues and in Qualified Institutions Placement (“QIP”) under Chapter V and VI of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, respectively

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Guidance note on inclusion of “Object of the issue” in case of Preferential issues (in the Explanatory statement to the notice to the shareholders) and in Qualified Institutions Placement (“QIP”) (in the preliminary and final placement document) under Chapter V and VI of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, respectively. These guidance note will be applicable to all QIP and preferential issues which are approved by the Board of Directors of the issue on or after the date of issuance of this guidance note. [20221213-47]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221213-47

RBI updates Master Direction on Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures

The Reserve Bank of India in the exercise of its powers conferred under section 35A and section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 hereby Master Direction on Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures. [RBI/DOR/2021-22/83
Change Type :

Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/83MDPRESENTATIONDISCLOSUREDADE5C12667549B5B123EC94C73FE5D1.PDF

RBI notifies Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021 - Disclosure of material items

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021 - Disclosure of material items. Payments Banks shall disclose particulars of all such items in the notes to accounts, wherever any item under the Schedule 14(I)-Other Income-“Commission, Exchange and Brokerage” exceeds one per cent of the total income. [RBI/2022-23/154]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/CIRCULARBANK1372F81AD72A445D97C913CFA16F69D9.PDF

RBI notifies Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies and other Regulatory Measures

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies and other Regulatory Measures. Credit Institutions (CIs) shall ensure implementation of this circular latest by February 28, 2023. [RBI/2022-23/153]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOT153B786B27A8FCA4C65B41367FD642D8C13.PDF

RBI notifies Master Direction – Foreign Exchange Management (Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets) Directions, 2022

The Reserve Bank of India under Sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 hereby notifies Master Direction – Foreign Exchange Management (Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets) Directions, 2022. [RBI/2022-23/152]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/152MDHEDGINGPRICERISKEE64135C95BA4C9F9069497CB8D8A9C4.PDF

CBDT notifies ?payment of advance tax FY 2022-23

The Central Board of Direct Taxes notifies taxpayers on payment of advance tax FY2022-23 before 15th December, 2022.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/171dec.pdf

CBDT notifies ?Partial relaxation with respect to electronic submission of Form 10F by select category of taxpayers in accordance with the DGIT (Systems)

The Central Board of Direct Taxes notifies Partial relaxation with respect to electronic submission of Form 10F by select category of taxpayers in accordance with the DGIT (Systems). [F. No. DGIT(S)-ADG(S)-3/e-Filing Notification/Forms/2022/9227]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/notification/notification-e-filing.pdf

CBIC notifies amendment in the notification No. 83/2020 – Central Tax, dated the 10th November, 2020

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 37 read with section 168 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification No. 83/2020 – Central Tax, dated the 10th November, 2020. [F. No. CBIC- 20006/16/2022-GST]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241046.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution notifies Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clauses (j) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, namely the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. WM-10/22/2021]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240964.pdf

IBBI notifies Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2022

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India notifies Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) (Second) Guidelines, 2022. These Guidelines shall come into effect for appointments as IRP, Liquidator, RP and BT from January 1, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ibbi.gov.in/uploads/legalframwork/15fd41484696472007c3bf90e8f76e45.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies exemption of 10% of tax or tax equal to 50% of the scrap value as mentioned in the certificate of deposit for new vehicles

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-section (2) of Section 16 of the Haryana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 2016 hereby, in the case of production of ‘certificate of deposit’, exempts ten percent of tax or tax equal to fifty percent of the scrap value as mentioned in the certificate of deposit, whichever is less to be levied on the new vehicles purchased from registered dealers of the State and registered in the State. [22/70/2022-3T(1)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/166dec.pdf

MOP notifies amendments in the notification number S.O. 2902 (E), dated the 7th September, 2016

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification number S.O. 2902 (E), dated the 7th September, 2016. [F. No. 10/7/2022-EC]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240986.pdf

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Ban on Single Use Plastics

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Ban on Single Use Plastics.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1882855

Ministry of Finance issues Press Release for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) pilot launched by RBI in retail segment has components based on blockchain technology

The Ministry of Finance issues Press Release for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) pilot launched by RBI in retail segment has components based on blockchain technology.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1882883

Government of Telangana notifies State List Of Holidays 2023 (Labour Department)

The Government of Telangana in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-sec (1) of Section 31 of Telangana Shops and Establishments Act, 1988 hereby notifies holiday list for shops and establishments and factories for the year 2023. [Proc.E/2152/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/156dec.pdf

RBI notifies Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets (Reserve Bank) Directions

The Reserve Bank of India under Sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 hereby notifies Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets (Reserve Bank) Directions. [RBI/2022-23/151]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/162dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms – Update. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [20221212-41]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221212-41

BSE issues notice for Download of Penalty Report for modification of Client Codes of non-institutional trades (All Segments)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Download of Penalty Report for modification of Client Codes of non-institutional trades (All Segments). The members are requested to save the above mentioned files for their future reference. [20221212-14]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221212-14

MOLE issues Press Release for E-Commerce Platform

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues Press Release for E-Commerce Platform.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1882843

MOLE issues Press Release for New Labour Code

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues Press Release for New Labour Code.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1882845

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various industries

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 3 and sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 hereby revises minimum rate of wages for various industries like Sea food, Silk twisting industry, Sericulture, Cinema industry, Construction or maintenance of roads or in building operations, Domestic work, Leather Manufactory.
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/157dec.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Clarification - Scheme(s) of Arrangement by entities who have listed their Non-convertible Debt securities (NCDs)/ Non-convertible Redeemable Preference shares (NCRPS) (‘debt listed entities’)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Clarification - Scheme(s) of Arrangement by entities who have listed their Non-convertible Debt securities (NCDs)/ Non-convertible Redeemable Preference shares (NCRPS) (‘debt listed entities’). The Circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD1/P/CIR/2022/170]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3BrB6BY

MEITY issues press release for Mandatory Verification of Social Media Accounts

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Mandatory Verification of Social Media Accounts.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1882060

CERSAI notifies for Entities consuming CERSAI API(s) in Production

The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India notifies or Entities consuming CERSAI API(s) in Production. The upgraded version of API will not be deployed in Production on 09th Dec 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.cersai.org.in/CERSAI/notifications.prg

Government of Haryana notifies Vehicle Scrappage Policy, Haryana

The Government of Haryana notifies the Vehicle Scrappage Policy, Haryana which will be effective for a period of five years from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. [22/70/2022-3T(1)]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/153dec.pdf

MOP notifies amendments in the notification number S.O. 2902 (E), dated the 7th September, 2016

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification number S.O. 2902 (E), dated the 7th September, 2016. [F. No.10/7/2022-EC]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240955.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (zd) of sub-section (2) of section 114A of the Insurance Act, 1938, sections 14 and 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act,1999 hereby makes the following Regulations, namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./446/2022-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240973.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. All members are advised to take note of the above and implement the provisions of the circular by December 31, 2022. [MSE/INSP/12715/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2022/December/Circular-12715.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) on FINnet 2.0 system - Reminder

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) on FINnet 2.0 system – Reminder. Members are advised to take note of the contents of the circular and ensure compliance in this regard. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-73/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3Yi18B

NCDEX issues Circular for Trading holidays for the Calendar Year 2023

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Trading holidays for the Calendar Year 2023. [NCDEX/TRADING-059/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Trading_holidays_for_the_calendar_year_2023_1670586976.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies - Reminder

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies – Reminder. Members are advised to take note and implement the provisions of the circular by December 31, 2022. [MCX/CTCL/714/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-714--2022.pdf?sfvrsn=5be0fb91_0

MCXCCL issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) in FINnet 2.0 System and compliance to the Supplementary Guidelines issued by FIU in 2022

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) in FINnet 2.0 System and compliance to the Supplementary Guidelines issued by FIU in 2022. Clearing Members are requested to take note and ensure compliance.[MCXCCL/MEM/264/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-713--2022.pdf?sfvrsn=79edfb91_0

MCX issues Circular for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023. Members are requested to take note. [MCX/TRD/710/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular---710-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=a2eefb91_0

CDSL notifies file format for new alerts

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies file format for new alerts. DPs are advised to ensure that necessary changes in the back-office software are implemented before the release date. i.e. December 31, 2022. [CDSL/PMLA/DP/POLCY/2022/701]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/144dec.pdf

CDSL notifies Amendment to CDSL bye laws

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendment to CDSL bye laws. DPs are advised to note that the attached amendments will come into effect immediately. [CDSL/L&CS/DP/POLCY/2022/703]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/143dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 for Commodity Derivatives and Electronic Gold Receipts (EGR) Segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Trading Holidays for the Calendar Year 2023 for Commodity Derivatives and Electronic Gold Receipts (EGR) Segment. [20221208-32]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221208-32

NSE issues Circular for Transaction Holidays for Calendar Year 2023 – SLBS

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Transaction Holidays for Calendar Year 2023 – SLBS. [114/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT54782.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Foreign investment in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Foreign investment in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). This circular is issued to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/AFD-1/PoD/P/CIR/2022/171]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/dec-2022/foreign-investment-in-alternative-investment-funds-aifs-_66045.html

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies amendment under Andhra Pradesh Maternity Benefit Rules, 1966

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28 of the Maternity benefit Act, 1961 hereby make the amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Maternity benefit Rules, 1966. [G.O.Ms.No.34]
Change Type :


State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/138dec.pdf

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies the Date of Coming into Force of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 2021

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 2021. hereby appoints the 02-12-2022, as the date on which the said Act shall come into force. [II(2)/LWSD/926(b)/2022]
Change Type :


State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in/extraordinary/2022/537_Ex_II_2.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Haryana notifies the list of public holidays for the year 2023. [28/67/2008-1HR-I]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/136dec.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Exemption From Section 52(1) Of The Factories Act, 1948 On Account Of General Election In Haryana

Government of Haryana notifies Exemption From Section 52(1) Of The Factories Act, 1948 On Account Of General Election In Haryana
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Effective Date :


Source : https://storage.hrylabour.gov.in/uploads/labour_laws/Y2022/Dec/W2/D09/1670566264.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Grant Of Paid Holiday On Account Of General Election In Haryana

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28 of the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 hereby declared paid holiday for the eligible employees, working in the Shops & Establishments, on December 13, 2022, on account of the General Elections for Panch of Ward No. 5, Gram Panchayat Rukhi Khas, Block Gohana, District Sonipat. [Elec-2022/IR-II/PSCE/Hol/39193]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://storage.hrylabour.gov.in/uploads/labour_laws/Y2022/Dec/W2/D09/1670565096.PDF

Government of Rajasthan notifies list of Public Holidays for 2023

The Government of Rajasthan under the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 issued a list of Public Holidays for the year 2023. [16(1)V.M/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/133dec.pdf

MOLE issues Press Release for Policy for Labour Welfare and Social Security

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues Press Release for Policy for Labour Welfare and Social Security.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881763

CBIC notifies Postal Export (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2022

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 157 read with section 84 of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby makes the following regulations, namely the Postal Export (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2022. [F. No. 476/3/2018-LC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240982.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies Operational Guidelines for one-time settlement of arrear electricity duty and interest in respect of consumers who generate energy for their own use or consumption (Captive Consumers)

The Government of Odisha notifies Operational Guidelines for one-time settlement of arrear electricity duty and interest in respect of consumers who generate energy for their own use or consumption (Captive Consumers). This shall come into force on December 07, 2022. [5357]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/130dec.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for Insurance cover for new-borns/infants under Health insurance policies

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Insurance cover for new-borns/infants under Health insurance Policies.[IRDAI/HLT/CIR/REG/244/12/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/129dec.pdf

Ministry of Commerce and Industry notifies Special Economic Zones (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry in exercise of powers conferred by section 55 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006, namely the Special Economic Zones (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. K-43013(12)/1/2021-SEZ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240897.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Enlistment of an Agency under Appendix 2E of FTP, 2015-2020 - authorized to issue Certificate of Origin (Non-preferential)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020 hereby authorizes an Agency under Appendix 2E of FTP, 2015-2020 to issue Certificate of Origin (Non-preferential). [42 /2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240899.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 114A of the Insurance Act, 1938, section 3, section 3A and section 6A of the Insurance Act,1938 and section 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 hereby makes the following Regulations, namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./450/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240877.pdf

Ministry of Communications notifies Indian Telegraph (4th Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Communications in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951, namely the Indian Telegraph (4th Amendment) Rules, 2022.[F. No. 30-304/2017-USF(Pt.)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240900.pdf

CERC notifies Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under sub-section (1) and clause (y) of sub-section (2) of section 178 read with Section 66 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates) Regulations, 2016 namely the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Dealing in Energy Savings Certificates) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2022.[L-1/97/2016
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/124dec.pdf

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Ban on single use plastic

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Ban on single use plastic.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881756

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Re-cycling of e-waste

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Re-cycling of e-waste.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881761

NCDEX issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. Members are reminded to implement the provisions of the circular by December 31, 2022. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-072/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Display_of_charges_08122022_1670487634.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Trading Holidays in Capital Market Segment for the calendar year 2023

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Trading Holidays in Capital Market Segment for the calendar year 2023. [MSE/TRD/12713/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2022/December/Circular-12713.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12712/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/119dec.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) in FINnet 2.0 System and compliance to the Supplementary Guidelines issued by FIU in 2022

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Registration of the Reporting Entities (REs) in FINnet 2.0 System and compliance to the Supplementary Guidelines issued by FIU in 2022. Members are requested to take note and ensure compliance. [MCX/MEM/707/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-707-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=2342fa91_0

EPFO issue Circular for Updation of manual on procurement of goods, services, works and consultancy etc

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation issue Circular for Updation of manual on procurement of goods, services, works and consultancy etc. [PDU/1(6)2019/27]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/PDU-1-6-201927-08122022.pdf

BSE issues notice for Member Broker Submission of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Report, through BEFS (BSE Electronic Filing System) for Financial Year 2022-2023.

BSE issues notice for Member Broker Submission of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Report, through BEFS (BSE Electronic Filing System) for Financial Year 2022-2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221208-43

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221208-41]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221208-41

BSE issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files – Equity Derivatives Segment - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files – Equity Derivatives Segment – Update. Exchange shall start downloading Contract Master, Spread Contract Master, Bhav Copy and End-of-day Trade files with ISO tags from end-of-day of 02nd January 2023. [20221208-15]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221208-15

BSE issues notice for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. Members are advised to take note and implement the provisions of the notice by December 31, 2022. [20221208-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221208-1

NSE issues Circular for Modification in market timings on RFQ Platform

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Modification in market timings on RFQ Platform. Market participants are requested to take note of the same. [15/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS54760.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter "Encumbrance" as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter "Encumbrance" as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [806/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/112dec.pdf

CBDT Issues Circular for Income-tax deduction from salaries during the Financial Year 2022-23 under section 192 of the Income-tax Act, 1961

The Central Board of Direct Taxes as per section 192(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 hereby issues Circular for Income-tax deduction from salaries during the Financial Year 2022-23. [24/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/circular/circular-24-2022.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Intimation of Change in Compliance Officer

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Intimation of Change in Compliance Officer. All Members are hereby informed and advised to take note that, w.e.f. December 12, 2022, intimation of Compliance Officer shall be done through ENIT portal only. [89/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP54756.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Trading holidays for the calendar year 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading holidays for the calendar year 2023. [150/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMTR54757.pdf

RBI updates Master Direction - Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio of Commercial Banks (Directions), 2021

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of its powers conferred under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 hereby updates Master Direction - Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio of Commercial Banks (Directions), 2021. [RBI/DOR/2021-22/81]
Change Type :

Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/81MDBANKS25082021BC0CC10147494B67ADAA6285904566BB.PDF

RBI notifies Review of SLR holdings in HTM category

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Review of SLR holdings in HTM category. These instructions shall come into force with immediate effect. [RBI/2022-23/150]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI1506E9E4AEBFB0E46F1B65C980024AC7492.PDF

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.), dated the 21st November, 1994

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (b) and (c) of sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.), dated the 21st November, 1994. [F. No.554/11/2012-LC(VOL-V)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240898.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for Scheduled employment

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 3 read with sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 hereby notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for Scheduled employment. [MWA-2019/CR.53/LAB-7]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/106dec.pdf

MOLE issues Press Release for Data on Migrant Workers in the E-Shram Portal

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues Press Release for Policy for Data on Migrant Workers in the E-Shram Portal.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881764

RBI notifies Change in Bank Rate

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Change in Bank Rate. This circular is applicable to all the banks. [RBI/2022-23/148]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/BANKRATE9C90C98C4E704C09A8B7266004493E99.PDF

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Information Technology and Power Line Communication Systems

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./452/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240862.pdf

MEITY issues press release for Cybercrime Against Women

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Cybercrime Against Women.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881404

MORTH issues Press Release for Use of Standard Battery in EV

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways issues Press Release for Use of Standard Battery in EV. It has been advised to all States and Union Territories that vehicles without batteries can be sold and registered based on the type of approval certificate issued by the Test Agency. It was further clarified that as per Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR) 1989, there is no need to specify the Make/Type or any other details of the Battery for the purpose of Registration.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881406

Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Second Amendment Act, 2022

The Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Second Amendment Act, 2022. [21780/Legn-1/2022/Leg]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/99dec.pdf

DOT notifies Checklist for surrender of ISP Authorization under Unified License

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Checklist for surrender of ISP Authorization under Unified License.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3XZAihr

IRDAI issues Circular for Upload of Motor Third Party data in IIBI’s portal

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Upload of Motor Third Party data in IIBI’s portal. This circular is issued under section 14 (2) (e) of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999. [IRDAI/ACTL/CIR/MISC/234/12/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/97dec.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Actuarial Report and Abstract for Life Insurance Business) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (g), (y), (z) and (za) of subsection (2) of Section 114A read with sections 13, 64V and 64VA of the Insurance Act, 1938 and section 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 hereby makes the following regulations to amend Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Actuarial Report and Abstract for Life Insurance Business) Regulations, 2016 namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Actuarial Report and Abstract for Life Insurance Business) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./447/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240851.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Regulatory Sandbox) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (zd) of sub-section 2 of section 114A of Insurance Act,1938, section 14(2)(e) and 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 hereby makes the following regulations to amend Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Regulatory Sandbox) Regulations, 2019 namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Regulatory Sandbox) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./444/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240850.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Other Forms of Capital) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6A (1) (i) and Section 114A (2) (db) of the Insurance Act, 1938, section 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 hereby makes the following regulations, namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Other Forms of Capital) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./449/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240863.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Insurance Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (vb) of sub-section 2 of section 114A read with Section 42D and 42E of the Insurance Act, 1938 and section 14 and 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 hereby makes the following regulations, namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Insurance Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./445/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240853.pdf

IRDAI notifies Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Assets, Liabilities and Solvency Margin of General Insurance Business) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (y), (z), (za) and (zab) of subsection (2) of Section 114A read with sections 64V and 64VA of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938) and section 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 hereby makes the following regulations to amend Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Assets, Liabilities and Solvency Margin of General Insurance Business) Regulations, 2016, namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Assets, Liabilities and Solvency Margin of General Insurance Business) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./448/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240852.pdf

Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Press Release for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme gets extended to Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Articles of Iron & Steel from 15.12.2022

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Press Release for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme gets extended to Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Articles of Iron & Steel from 15.12.2022
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1881602

DGFT notifies Inclusion of additional export items in Appendix 4R with effect from 15.12.2022

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 hereby notifies Inclusion of additional export items in Appendix 4R with effect from 15.12.2022. [47/2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/68ca6b63-5669-4d10-9f6c-54ef086eaaf5/Notification%2047.pdf

MPCB Issues Circular for Standardization of Membership Certificate to be issued by Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility in the state of Maharashtra

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular for Standardization of Membership Certificate to be issued by Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility in the state of Maharashtra.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/whats_new/2022-12/Circular_merged.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12705/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/88dec.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Penalty Structure & Disciplinary Action for non-compliance w.r.t to publishing of Investor Grievance Escalation Matrix on website

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Penalty Structure & Disciplinary Action for non-compliance w.r.t to publishing of Investor Grievance Escalation Matrix on website. Members are requested to take note of the contents of the circular and ensure compliance in this regard. [MCX/ISD/704/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circualr-704-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=6d97fa91_0

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221207-32]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221207-32

BSE issues notice for Empanelment of Back-office Vendors – Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Empanelment of Back-office Vendors – Update. All Trading Members are advised to take note of the above and ensure compliance to the requirements. [20221207-48]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221207-48

BSE issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files – Currency Derivatives Segment - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files – Currency Derivatives Segment – Update. Exchange shall start downloading Contract Master, Spread Contract Master, Bhav Copy and End-of-day Trade files with ISO tags from end-of-day of 02nd January 2023. [20221207-40]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221207-40

NSE issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Display of Brokerage, Statutory & Regulatory Levies. Members are advised to take note of the above and implement the provisions of the circular by December 31, 2022. [90/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP54746.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter "Encumbrance" as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter "Encumbrance" as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [801/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/82dec.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies. [2022-2023/1321]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR13218942F9C511C74B259FE7AB36EE2A06C3.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release for Monetary Policy Statement, 2022-23 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) December 5-7, 2022

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Monetary Policy Statement, 2022-23 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) December 5-7, 2022. [2022-2023/1320]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1320C7BEA8E64E4D4BD6AC45A1A9E2C05391.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release for rate of interest on Government of India Floating Rate Bond 2031

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for rate of interest on Government of India Floating Rate Bond 2031. [2022-2023/1311]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR13111CB4CE04E13049219AD39918137EE46A.PDF

RBI notifies FAQ on International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees (INR)

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ on International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees (INR)
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=151

RBI notifies Standing Liquidity Facility for Primary Dealers

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Standing Liquidity Facility for Primary Dealers. The Standing Liquidity Facility provided to Primary Dealers (PDs) (collateralised liquidity support) from the Reserve Bank would be available at the revised repo rate of 6.25 per cent with immediate effect. [RBI/2022-23/149]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI149A83E7926D0774378ABEC096BC6BB002D.PDF

RBI notifies Liquidity Adjustment Facility- Change in rates

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Liquidity Adjustment Facility- Change in rates. [RBI/2022-23/147]
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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT147F0B2F926CA0E4D7E9943B65F01E1E249.PDF

ESIC notifies Change of domain name of ESIC websites from www.esic.nic.in and www.esic.in to www.esic.gov.in and availing of ESI Services

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Change of domain name of ESIC websites from www.esic.nic.in and www.esic.in to www.esic.gov.in and availing of ESI Services.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/73dec.pdf

ESIC notifies User Manual - Claim Request Submission for Maternity Benefit_MB - IP Portal

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies User Manual - Claim Request Submission for Maternity Benefit_MB - IP Portal. The insured woman can claim maternity benefit by uploading the maternity certificate issued to them from authorized dispensary/medical institution on the IP portal. [R-14013/13/2022-Bft.II]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/72dec.pdf

ESIC notifies Edit/update of Insured Persons particulars through employer portal

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Edit/update of Insured Persons particulars through employer portal.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/71dec.pdf

RBI notifies FAQs on Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQs on Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=152

CERSAI notifies New version of the SI Registration API

The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India notifies New version of the SI Registration API will be deployed in the production environment on 09th Dec 2022. Entities are requested to complete the same by 09-Dec-2022.
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Source : https://www.cersai.org.in/CERSAI/notifications.prg

IRDAI issues Circular for Extension of timelines for filing of Health Quarterly Returns to the Authority

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Extension of timelines for filing of Health Quarterly Returns to the Authority. These norms are applicable with immediate effect and are applicable to all returns to be filed for 3rd Quarter- Financial Year 2022-23 and onwards. [IRDAI/HLT/CIR/MISC/235/12/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/68dec.pdf

TRAI notifies direction regarding the submission of periodical reports on revenue and usage and also revised the Formats for submitting the report on revenue and usage

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under section 13, read with sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 11, of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 hereby notifies direction regarding the submission of periodical reports on revenue and usage and also revised the Formats for submitting the report on revenue and usage. [RP-5/6/(1)/2022-FEA-I]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/Direction_06122022_0.pdf

TRAI notifies Telecommunication Tariff (Sixty - Ninth Amendment) Order, 2022

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under sub- section (2) of section 11, read with sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of the said section, of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 hereby makes the following Order further to amend the Telecommunication Tariff Order, 1999, namely the Telecommunication Tariff (Sixty - Ninth Amendment) Order, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./451/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240841.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies Policy for setting up Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF) in Odisha

The Government of Odisha notifies Policy for setting up Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF) in Odisha. The Policy shall apply to All categories of vehicles and their last registered owners, automobile collection centers, automotive dismantling, scrapping & recycling facilities and recyclers of all types of automotive waste products. [10677?TRN-LC-MISC-0021/2021/T]
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Effective Date :


Source : http://odishatransport.gov.in/Application/uploadDocuments/Notification/Rules_1669977948.pdf

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies implementation of actions under Stage-III of revised GRAP in Delhi NCR

The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies implementation of actions under Stage-III of revised GRAP in Delhi NCR. f any BS-III, Petrol, and BS-IV, Diesel LMV (4-wheeler) is found plying on the roads will be prosecuted under section 194 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 which provides a fine of Rs. 20,000/-. [23(1506)/CAP/TPT/PCD/2018/ 1576/108415]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/65dec.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies e-KYC Setu System

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 11A of the Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002 hereby notifies that entities onboarded to perform authentication under the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 using the e-KYC setu system be permitted to do so, after being satisfied that the e-KYC setu system complies with the standards of privacy and security under the Aadhaar Act. [F. No. P-12011/11/2021-ES Cell-DOR]
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Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240840.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by section 11, subsection (2) of section 11A and section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with section 31 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./443/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240821.pdf

ESIC Odisha notifies Online registration through MCA Portal and inspection of the units

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Odisha notifies Online registration through MCA Portal and inspection of the units. [OR/REV/COVERAGE/MISC-REV-I]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.esic.nic.in/attachments/newseventfile/77c96589780ad2bb63c5810e3093d505.pdf

MEITY notifies Allowing CDAC to use Aadhar Authentication services on voluntarily basis for authentication/ekyc of residents availing govt services through e-pramaan sso

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology in pursuance of rule 5 of the Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020, hereby notifies that the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing is allowed to use Aadhaar authentication services, on voluntary basis, for authentication or eKYC of residents availing any government service through ‘e-Pramaan’ single sign on platform. [F. No. 9(6)/2022-ITEA]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240809.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2022

The Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2022. It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January, 2019. [15964/Legn.3/2022/Leg]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/60dec.pdf

Government of Goa notifies Goa Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Government of Goa in exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 hereby makes the following rules so as to further amend the Goa Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985, namely the Goa Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [34/10/2012-Mines(Part)/2370]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/59dec.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies prohibition to manufacture, stock, distribute, recycle, and cell or use of plastic carry bags in respective Jurisdiction

The Government of Punjab in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (XVI)(h) of section 30 and section 204 of the Puniab Panchayati Raj Act 1994 and the Punjab Plastic Carry Bags (Manufacture, Usage and Disposal) Control Act 2005 read with Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2021 hereby notifies complete prohibition on the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of following Single Use Plastic (SUP), including polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, commodities in the jurisdictions of Gram Panchayats of Punjab with effect from 1st July, 2022. [S.O-4164/P.A.9/1994/S30/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/58dec.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Mandating ‘Email id’ field in the Unique Client Code

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Mandating ‘Email id’ field in the Unique Client Code. All the members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NCDEX/MEMBERSHIP-034/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3P5bW1N

NCDEX issues Circular for Format of Report downloads – Exchange

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Format of Report downloads – Exchange. Market participants are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [NCDEX/TRADING-058/2022 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Format_of_Report_downloads%E2%80%93Exchange_05122022_1670245604.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this surveillance measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12690/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/55dec.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Information in respect of Mandatory Block Mechanism and Pay-in validations

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Information in respect of Mandatory Block Mechanism and Pay-in validations. Participants are requested to take note of the same and inform their TMs/CMs/Clients suitably. [NSDL/POLICY/2022/171]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-171-Policy-Information_in_respect_of_Mandatory_Block_Mechanism_and....pdf

RBI updates Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021. All lending institutions are advised to take necessary steps to ensure compliance with these directions. [RBI/DOR/2021-22/86 ]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/86MDLOANEXPOSURESC6B1DFB428C349D885619396317F04DE.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Securitisation of Standard Assets) Directions, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Securitisation of Standard Assets) Directions, 2021. All lending institutions are advised to take necessary steps to ensure compliance with these directions. [RBI/DOR/2021-22/85]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/85MDSTANDARDASSETSBE149B86CD3A4B368A5D24471DAD2300.PDF

Government of Assam notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Assam notifies the holiday list for the year 2023. [221561/1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/51dec.pdf

Government of Chhattisgarh notifies declaration of list of holidays FY 2023

The Government of Chhattisgarh notifies declaration of list of holidays FY 2023. [F 1-1/2022/1/ 5]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/50dec.pdf

Union Territory Of Andaman and Nicobar Island notifies declaration of public holidays FY 2023

The Union Territory Of Andaman and Nicobar Island notifies declaration of public holidays FY 2023. [111/2022/F.No.M-13/18/2022-ga-Section-Sectt]
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Andaman and Nicobar

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/49dec.pdf

Government of Tripura notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various employment

The Government of Tripura in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section-3 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 read with sub-section (2) of section-5 of the said act hereby notifies revision of minimum rate of wages for various employment. [.F.22(20)-LAB/ENF/MW/AGRI/2022/7503-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/48dec.pdf

MHA notifies Guidelines for consideration of proposals for acceptance of foreign hospitality under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010

The Ministry of Home Affairs notifies Guidelines for consideration of proposals for acceptance of foreign hospitality under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010. [II/21022/58(97)/2011-FCRA-I ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://fcraonline.nic.in/home/PDF_Doc/Guid-ForeignHospitality.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies One Time Settlement of arrear electricity duty and interest in respect of consumers who generate energy for their own use or consumption

The Government of Odisha notifies One Time Settlement (OTS) of arrear electricity duty and interest in respect of consumers who generate energy for their own use or consumption (Captive consumers) has been under consideration for some time. [11797/En.Bhubaneswar]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/47dec.pdf

Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2022

The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of the power conferred on it by section 181 (2) read with section 61 and 62 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations, laying down Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff namely the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2022. [PSERC/Secy/Regu.165]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/46dec.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies Odisha Renewable Energy Policy, 2022

The Government of Odisha notifies Odisha Renewable Energy Policy, 2022. The Policy aims to accelerate adoption of clean energy alternatives and decarbonize the energy sector, harness the clean energy potential of the State and make best use of the available resources and facilitate R&D and promote new initiatives & emerging RE technologies in the State. [11757ENG-HYD-HYDRO-0009/2022/En]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/45dec.pdf

Government of Sikkim notifies amendment in the Notification No. 46/Home/2017 dated October 09, 2017

The Government of Sikkim notifies amendment in the Notification No. 46/Home/2017 dated October 09, 2017. [111 /Home/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/44dec.pdf

MHA notifies List of Agencies not treated as foreign source

The Ministry of Home Affairs notifies List of agencies of the United Nations, and other international agencies and organisations notified by the Central Government to be not covered by the definition of 'foreign source', under section 2(1)(j)(ii) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010.
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Source : https://fcraonline.nic.in/home/PDF_Doc/FCRA-exemptedAgenciesUN.pdf

DOT notifies Request for removing export requirements and extension in timelines for registering IMEIs of locally manufactured phones

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Request for removing export requirements and extension in timelines for registering IMEIs of locally manufactured phones. [13-15/2021-UDS]
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Source : https://bit.ly/3UuwWQj

MoEFCC notifies Procedure for clearance of Permissible Activities as per the CRZ Notification, 2019/ICRZ Notification 2019

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change notifies Procedure for clearance of Permissible Activities as per the CRZ Notification, 2019/ICRZ Notification 2019.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IA3-12-1-2022-IAIII-dated-29-11-2022_compressed.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for Voluntary Surrender of CoR by NBFCs (including HFCs) for cancellation – Application form and Indicative checklist

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Voluntary Surrender of CoR by NBFCs (including HFCs) for cancellation – Application form and Indicative checklist. The NBFC/HFC needs to continue adhering to the guidelines/instructions issued by the RBI/NHB/other competent authority etc., and also continue submitting requisite regulatory/supervisory returns etc., as applicable, until the CoR is cancelled and the decision is communicated by the Reserve Bank to the entity concerned. [2022-2023/1289]
Change Type :

Press release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR12898285D2DE3DA743B196EB87FA680B9409.PDF

NCCL issues Circular for Guidelines on Compliance Officers

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Guidelines on Compliance Officers. All the Clearing members are requested to take note of the same and comply with these guidelines. [NCCL/MEMBERSHIP-006/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Guidelines_Compliance_Officers_02122022_1669982397.pdf

BSE issues notice for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this surveillance measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221202-56]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221202-56

NSE issues Circular for Submission of VAPT report

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Submission of VAPT report. All Members are advised to take note of the contents of this Circular and comply. [89/2022]
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Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP54708.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Market Data Broadcasts Advisory and Member Guide

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Market Data Broadcasts Advisory and Member Guide . [36/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD54696.pdf

Government of Goa paid holiday on account of the General Election to Village Panchayat

The Government of Goa in terms of the provision of section 40A of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 hereby declared a paid holiday on account of the General Election to Village Panchayat Alorna, Casarvarnem, and Chandel-Hassapur in Pernem Taluka. The paid holiday will be on Friday, December 09, 2022, the "Polling Day" for the said elections. [2/1/2017-GAD-III 2522]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/34dec.pdf

Regional Office, Haryana, of Employees State Insurance Corporation notifies Direction To Employer Registered Through MCA Portal To Comply With The ESI Act

The Regional Office, Haryana, of Employees State Insurance Corporation issued the direction, instructing all employers, registered through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) Portal, to comply with various applicable provisions of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act), from the date of reaching the threshold limit of employees. [13/MC/Coord]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/33dec.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Maharashtra exercise of the powers of Central Government under section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 hereby declared list of public holidays for the year 2023. [PHD-1122/C.R.117/Desk-29]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/32dec.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Exemption From Section 52(1) Of The Factories Act, 1948, In Haryana, On Account Of Bye Election In Rajasthan

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 65 of the Factories Act, 1948, hereby exempt the workers, enrolled as voters in the State of Rajasthan, Churu district, from the operation of Section 52(1) of the Factories Act, 1948, for the week commencing from 4th December 2022, till 10th December 2022, on account of the Bye Election in 21-Sardarshahar Assembly Constituency of Churu District, Rajasthan to be held on December 05, 2022. Such workers shall not be required to work on election day. [FW/Election,2022/3301]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/31dec.pdf

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies Revision In Rate Of Labour Welfare Fund Contribution In Tamil Nadu

The Government of Tamil Nadu revised the rate of contribution, under the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972, to twenty rupees for employees and forty rupees for employers, effective from 2nd December 2022. [G.O.MS.No. 161]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/30dec.pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies State List Of Holidays, 2023

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Sec-31 of the Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act, 1988 hereby notifies list of public holidays for the year 2023. [C2/1859/2022]
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Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/29dec.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Quality Tolerance for Water for Textile Industry, Graphic Technology and Fine Ceramics

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018. hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./438/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240707.pdf

DOT notifies Generic testing procedure for implementation of Mobile Number Portability-Seventh Amendment- Regulations, 2018 (9 of 2018) for the new entrants

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Generic testing procedure for implementation of Mobile Number Portability-Seventh Amendment- Regulations, 2018 (9 of 2018) for the new entrants. This new test guide is generic in nature and it will allow pairing of the operators as per the choice of LSA. [800/12/2017-AS.II]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/new%20test%20guide_merged%20%281%29.pdf?download=1

DOT notifies Revision of EMF audit testing conducted by LSA field units of DoT

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Revision of EMF audit testing conducted by LSA field units of DoT. The LSA field units of DOT will now test annually up to 5% of the total BTS sites (new and existing sites), randomly at their discretion.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/letter%20dated%2003-11-2022.?download=1

IRDAI issues Circular for Clarification with respect to NDS-OM - Investments - Master Circular

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Clarification with respect to NDS-OM - Investments - Master Circular. It is hereby clarified that “All trades reported on NDS-OM platform shall be treated as compliance with the requirements of Para 4.11.3 of the Master Circular.” [IRDAI/F&I/CIR/INV/233/12/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.irdai.gov.in/ADMINCMS/cms/whatsNew_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo4869&flag=1

Government of West Bengal notifies holiday after the Christmas

The Government of West Bengal notifies holiday after 'Christmas' for the State Government Offices, Local Bodies, Statutory Bodies, Boards, Corporations, and Undertakings controlled or owned by the State Government, Educational Institutions, other offices/institutions under the control of Government of West Bengal with the exception of the offices of Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata and Collector of Stamp Revenue, Kolkata. [4796-F(P2)]
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West Bengal

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/11dec.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240700.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of Finance Act, 2002 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240700.pdf

MPCB notifies Amendment in Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Notification, 2018 dated. 23rd March, 2018

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Maharashtra Non-biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 2006 hereby amends the Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products (Manufacture, Uses, Sale, Transport, Handling and Storage) Notification, 2018 dated 23rd March, 2018. [Plastic-2022/C.R.104/TC-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/whats_new/2022-12/plastic_info.pdf

RBI notifies Operations of subsidiaries and branches of Indian banks and All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) in foreign jurisdictions and in International Financial Services Centers (IFSCs) - Compliance with statutory/regulatory norms

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Operations of subsidiaries and branches of Indian banks and All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) in foreign jurisdictions and in International Financial Services Centers (IFSCs) - Compliance with statutory/regulatory norms. These directions are applicable to all banks regulated by the Reserve Bank (excluding co-operative banks, Regional Rural Banks and Local Area Banks) and All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs). [RBI/2022-23/145]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/FINALCIRCULAR0112202244E4771D705648AA8B7985561A6EE055.PDF

SEBI issues Circular for Extension of timeline for implementation of Standardized Industry Classification by CRAs

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Extension of timeline for implementation of Standardized Industry Classification by CRAs. This circular is issued with the approval of competent authority, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 11 (1) of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with the provisions of Regulation 20 of SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999, to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD2/P/CIR/2022/168]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3AXTylx

SEBI issues Circular for Operational Circular for listing obligations and disclosure requirements for Non-convertible Securities, Securitized Debt Instruments and/or Commercial Paper

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Operational Circular for listing obligations and disclosure requirements for Non-convertible Securities, Securitized Debt Instruments and/or Commercial Paper. This circular shall come into force with effect from August 1, 2022. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div1/P/CIR/2022/0000000103]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3FkRGFZ

NSE issues Circular for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level. Members are requested to take note. [157/2022 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT54691.pdf

BSE issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files – Equity Segment - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for End of Day Files – Equity Segment – Update. Exchange shall start downloading Security Master, Bhav Copy and End-of-day Trade files with ISO tags from end-of-day of 02nd January 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221201-52

BSE issues notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. Members are requested to note that SEBI turnover fees including applicable GST will continue to be debited separately from the Member’s settlement account with appropriate narration against the entry. [20221130-3]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221130-3

NSDL issues Circular for Framework for deactivation of demat accounts in cases of inadequate KYCs

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Framework for deactivation of demat accounts in cases of inadequate KYCs. Participants are requested to take note and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2022/170]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-170-Policy-Framework_for_deactivation_of_demat_accounts_in_cases_of....pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL under Chapter 18.1 - Enhancement of penalty structure for Depository Participants

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL under Chapter 18.1 - Enhancement of penalty structure for Depository Participants. All Issuers / R&T Agents are requested to take note. [NSDL/CIR/II/42/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/42_Circular_for_Amendments_to_Business_Rules_of_NSDL.pdf

CDSL notifies Framework for freezing of client’s demat account on non-delivery of show cause notice (SCN)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Framework for freezing of client’s demat account on non-delivery of show cause notice (SCN). DPs are advised to take note and comply with the above guidelines. [CDSL/AI&C/DP/POLCY/2022/683]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/22dec.pdf

CDSL notifies Amendments to CDSL’s DP operating instructions

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendments to CDSL’s DP operating instructions. DPs are informed that amendments have been carried out in DP Operating Instructions Chapter 11, Annexure 11.1 with the addition in penalty head under existing penalty structure for DPs with respect to Surveillance Obligation. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2022/686]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/23dec.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e. Participants must ensure that all the instructions submitted by the Clients / Clearing Members (other than SPEED-e DIRECT) within the aforesaid deadline time are duly executed in the eDPM well before the NSDL deadline time. [NSDL/SPEED-e/POLICY/2022/020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-020-SPEED-e-Policy-Change_in_deadline_time_for_submission_of_pay-in....pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies the effective enforcement of Plastic Waste Management Rules (Single Use of Plastic)

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 hereby notifies the enforcement of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 as amended from time to time including ban on the identified Single Use Plastics (SUP).
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Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/8dec.pdf

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-first Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by section 110 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty-first Amendment) Rules, 2022. [No. RT-11028/02/2022-MVL]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240667.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution notifies Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1)read with clauses (j) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, namely the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. WM-10/22/2021]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/240670.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Review of timelines for listing of securities issued on a private placement basis

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Review of timelines for listing of securities issued on a private placement basis. The Circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 55 of the SEBI (Issue and Listing of Non-convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021, Regulations 48 of SEBI SDI Regulations, 2008and Regulation 29 of SEBI (Issue and Listing of Municipal Debt Securities) Regulations, 2015, to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div1/P/CIR/2022/167]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3XPht04

SEBI issues Circular for Net Settlement of Cash segment and Futures & Options (F&O) segment upon expiry of stock derivatives

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Net Settlement of Cash segment and Futures & Options (F&O) segment upon expiry of stock derivatives. This circular is being issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, read with Section 10 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD2_DCAP/P/CIR/2022/165]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3gWCbdQ

SEBI issues Circular for Inclusion of Equity Exchange Traded Funds as list of eligible securities under Margin Trading Facility

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Inclusion of Equity Exchange Traded Funds as list of eligible securities under Margin Trading Facility. This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2022/166]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/nov-2022/inclusion-of-equity-exchange-traded-funds-as-list-of-eligible-securities-under-margin-trading-facility_65683.html

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [783/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Dec2022/Dec2022/4dec.pdf

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221130-45]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221130-45

NSDL issues Circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL under Chapter 18.1 - Enhancement of penalty structure for Depository Participants

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL under Chapter 18.1 - Enhancement of penalty structure for Depository Participants. Participants are requested to take note that the aforesaid amendment is effective from December 01, 2022. [NSDL/POLICY/2022/167]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2022-167-Policy-Amendments_to_Business_Rules_of_NSDL_under_Chapter_18.1%20....pdf